USD $3,603
Campaign funds will be received by Robert Wilson
The oppressive, international system of thought control has stolen computers, cameras, equipment and anything of value from Bacon on at least 3 separate occasions in the last year. Bacon has not recovered over $20,000 of equipment, gear, cash and tools, much of which has gone missing or undocumented.
Regimes of at least 3 nations conspired to kidnap Bacon to face accusations that were schizophrenicaly misinterpreted by wrong-think enforcers. They pre-convicted Bacon in the courts of public opinion prior to charges being levied. The tools and weapons of an occupied regime decided that Bacon may have committed some sort of blasphemy against an unofficial holy book.
They then reverse-engineered articles of law to try to criminalize lawful behavior by someone whom they did not like. The article of law they used to punish Bacon was never used in this type of manner previously.
In the EU, Bacon was kidnapped for 3months with the assumption of guilt hung around his neck until the process was too lengthy. The kidnappers had to show some semblance of “justice” due to his pre-trial detention exceeding any other comparable example of punishment for “wrong-think” in the history of the Netherlands.
Bacon was kidnapped traveling to his father's funeral which he missed along with his daughter’s 3rd birthday.
The kidnapping campaign has placed great financial hardships and the burden of legal fees from 4 attorneys in 3 countries. Additional financial hardships occurred from lost opportunity cost and inability to provide for his family for over 3 months.
Bacon’s fleeting finances are no match for the forces of parasitical capital and the cartel of regime’s unlimited resources to cripple independent thinkers.
Bacon was committed to exposing societal and global double standards with cutting edge content and social experiments.
Please help with what you can to enable him to continue his work. Bacon has been completely self-funded to this point and has never asked for donations nor peddled any product.
Help Bacon Keep up the fight and god bless!
IOU Lawyer Fee's & Fines for Poland
Merry Christmas Bacon
God bless brother
Keep up the good fight against the insanity of wrongthink persecution. I wish you and your family well.
Thanks for all you've done for your people AB
saw you on HT recently. thank you for your advocacy. good luck from here on out. Beauty family, happy future.
Gott mit uns
Godspeed bro! Redbeard
carry on brother
Pray the psalms in hard times, we're thinking about you
Prayers to you and your family and I am really sorry to about your Dad.
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