USD $37,150
USD $6,676
Campaign funds will be received by Sean Hurst
God bless you! I hope you are able to take care of your dental work.
I pray the Lord to multiply what has been given, in Jesus Name.
Even as the Lord multiplied the fish and the loaves, He would multiply your finances, your strength and your joy in Him.
February 6th, 2025
Happy February to everyone!
Thanks to everyone who donated in January to help the Hursts purchase a new vehicle! Please continue to give if you can as we are still quite short of our target. You can check the campaign goal to see how close we are to raising the amount needed. And if nothing else, please continue praying for the Hursts. Thank you again!
January 5th, 2025
Happy New Year! I hope you are all well! It’s been a little while since our last update! In this case no news has been good news as they say. The Hursts have been in a more stable situation the last few months. And they were able to get there in large part because of your generosity. Things have continued to be tight but they’ve been able to get by. Having said that, their car recently broke down and they could use your help to purchase another. We’re not sure how much will be needed but any help is appreciated. I will update the campaign goal as we get a better idea of how much they will need. Also, know that we will keep this campaign going as long as we can. As I said their situation has improved (and continues to improve in general), but in many ways it also continues to be a struggle. So I will keep this campaign open for the time being so that people can continue to have an opportunity to give as they are able and are felt led. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for the Hursts!!
April 4th, 2024
Hello everyone! I cannot thank you enough for continuing to stick with the Hursts. Your faithfulness has been a blessing and has significantly impacted this family. We were hoping that their need would be less than what it is for this month but the good news is that it is still less that what it has been for a while! For April the Hursts are needing about $400! We hope can help, but if nothing else your prayers are appreciated. Please check the campaign goal to see how much more is needed to meet this month’s goal.
As you can hopefully see, things seem to be moving in a good direction for the Hurst. We are praying that this continues. Thank you again! I hope you all have a blessed April!
March 3rd, 2024
Happy March, everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Thank you so much to those who gave in February. As always, we met the monthly goal. Your continued generosity has been amazing. It’s been a long haul but I think we may have some good news to report very soon. In the mean the Hurst could still use your help in March. They are needing about $800 to cover the gap. As always you can check the campaign goal to see how much more is needed this month. Thank you once again!
February 8th, 2024
Hello Everyone! Thanks to everyone who has given this month. Just a little update. The Hurst could use about $200-$400 more to get through the rest of the month. Any amount is appreciated. Again, you can check the campaign goal to see how much left is needed to meet this month’s need. Thank you!
February 3rd, 2024
Hello everyone!
I hope the beginning of your 2024 has been great! Once again I want to express my sincerest gratitude for the generosity you have continued to show to the Hursts. We may actually have some good news to share with you all soon! We don’t want to share too much until we are more certain but do keep praying for the Hursts. In the mean time the Hursts are still gojng to need help in February. Because of the higher cost of meds for Sean, they are needing about $1200 this month. As per usually please continually check the campaign goal to see how much more is needed to meet this month’s need. Thank you again!
January 9th, 2024
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for the donations so far! We’re about 2/3 of the way to meeting January’s goal with about $450 left needed as of the writing of this update. This last bit is going to be important to receive as soon as possible as Sean cannot refill his medication until then. As per usual check the campaign goal to see how much left is needed. Again thank you to those who have already donated this month!
January 3rd, 2024
Happy New Year! I hope your 2024 has started out well. As we enter this new year I just want to thank you all for your generous support for the Hurst throughout this campaign and a special thanks to those who gave throughout 2023. We know not everyone was necessarily been able to regularly give but just know that even if you only donated once, it made a difference.
For the month of January, the Hursts are going to need about $1300. This is due in part to Sean needing to refill his medication. As per usually you can check this month’s progress by looking at the campaign goal.
We do think things are looking up for the Hurst in 2024. We’ll let you know as certain plans become more firm but in the mean time we ask that you bear with us a little longer if you can. More than anything else pray.
Thank you once again to everyone. You have truly been a blessing!
December 3rd, 2023
Happy December to everyone!
As always, thanks to all who gave to the Hursts last month. It was truly a blessing. Lord willing, they may be in a more financially stable place soon. So please continue to pray for them as certain things are in motion to hopefully reach that end.
In the mean time they are still going to need help this month. Their need for December is going to be about $800. Be sure to check to campaign goal to see the progress on meeting this month’s need. Thank you!
November 7th, 2023
Hey Everyone!
Bit of an urgent request. As of the of typing this update the Hursts have not received any donations for the month of November. If any one is able to give any amount that they are able to that would be great. Also prayers and sharing the campaign link is much appreciated. They do need this quite soon and any donations given do take a few days to process before it finally reaches their account. Please check the campaign goal to see how close we are to meeting this month’s need. Thank you!
November 1st, 2023
Happy November to everyone!
I can’t thank you all enough for your continued generosity to the Hursts! Last month we came pretty close to needing to ask for a little more, but thankfully they made it through.
For November they will need about $800 to cover the gap. As per usual, please check the campaign goal to see how much more is needed to meet this month’s need.
Thank you once again!
October 6th, 2023
Hey Everyone!
I know it hasn’t been that long since the last update, but unfortunately we’ve only received one donation so far this month (thank you to the one who donated, btw!), and the Hurst have some important bills due soon. So, I just wanted to put another call out to give if any of you can. Please check the campaign goal to see this month’s progress. Thank you so much!
October 2nd, 2023
Happy October to everyone!
Thank you to all those who gave to the Hursts last month. The need was higher in September due to a number of expected and unexpected circumstances but you all still came through!
Lord willing, the amount needed this month should only be $700. It’s not a small amount but, thankfully, less than they needed in September. Of course, if circumstances change then I will let you know.
As per usual, please check the campaign goal to see the progress in meeting this month’s need.
Thank you all again!
September 22nd, 2023
Hey Everyone!
Thanks to everyone for their amazing generosity this month. We were able exceed the Hurst’s expected need for the month! Unfortunately there were a couple of illnesses which incurred unexpected expenses. Fortunately everyone is okay now, health-wise, but the Hursts need about $200 to make it through the rest of September. Please give what you can, share the campaign and pray. Check the campaign goal to see how much more they need to meet this month’s need. Thank you for your continued faithfulness.
September 7th, 2023
Thank you so much to those who have already given this month. We’ve been able to raise a good amount in a short amount of time. As of the typing of this update we need just over $150 to reach our goal for the month. This last bit is pretty crucial as Sean can’t order his medication without it. Please help us reach our goal with any amount you can give. Even $5.00 can help us to reach our goal. Check the campaign goal to see how much more we need to reach our monthly minimum. And if you’re able to help us exceed this month’s goal that’s even better. Thanks again everyone.
September 4th, 2023
Happy September, everyone. For those of you in the US I hope you have a relaxing Labor Day.
Thanks to all those who gave last month! Because of you their fridge was stocked all month!
This month we need to raise about $1,250. This is due in part to Sean needing to refill his medication.
Please help out how ever you can. Give, share the campaign, and most of all pray.
Thank you all. Your faithfulness has made a huge impact to this family. God bless you all!
August 9th, 2023
Thank you to everyone who has given so far this month! As usual it was much needed help. We now need a little over $700 to me the need for August. Please check the campaign goal to keep up to date how much is need left for the month. Thank you!
August 2nd, 2023
Happy August, everyone!
Thanks to everyone who gave last month. Things were a little tight but I think raised enough to allow the Hurst yo meet their basic needs. It can’t be understated how important your continued generosity has been!
This month we’re trying to raise $1,000. You can check the campaign goal to see how much more needs to be raise to meet this month’s need.
Thank you again for your continued generosity.
July 10th, 2023
Hello everyone!
Thanks to those who donated this month. We’re raise about 50% of this month’s goal! We need to raise about another $800 to meet it, but at least $300 to meet their very basic needs. But raising the full remaining amount will allow Sean to meet the expenses of some medical needs. Please give if you can, but do pray and share the campaigns. Check the campaign goal to see how much more is needed. I will update that based on each month’s needs. Thank you again!
July 10th, 2023
Hello everyone!
Thanks to those who donated this month. We’re raise about 50% of this month’s goal! We need to raise about another $800 to meet it, but at least $300 to meet their very basic needs. But raising the full remaining amount will allow Sean to meet the expenses of some medical needs. Please give if you can, but do pray and share the campaigns. Check the campaign goal to see how much more is needed. I will update that based on each month’s needs. Thank you again!
July 4th, 2023
Hey everyone!
Hope you’re having a good July so far and to those is the US I hope you have a blessed 4th of July holiday!
Thanks to everyone who gave last month. It was a little tight but they made it through, thanks in large part to you.
This month the need is going to be greater than it has been recently due to additional medical expenses. I can’t get into all the details but do be praying.
But this month we’re trying to raise $1600. Any amount helps as it all adds up. Even if you can’t give please share the campaign and pray as always.
Thank you again for your generosity. It never ceases to amaze me how you’ve stood by the Hursts.
July 4th, 2023
Hey everyone!
Hope you’re having a good July so far and to those is the US I hope you have a blessed 4th of July holiday!
Thanks to everyone who gave last month. It was a little tight but they made it through, thanks in large part to you.
This month the need is going to be greater than it has been recently due to additional medical expenses. I can’t get into all the details but do be praying.
But this month we’re trying to raise $1600. Any amount helps as it all adds up. Even if you can’t give please share the campaign and pray as always.
Thank you again for your generosity. It never ceases to amaze me how you’ve stood by the Hursts.
July 4th, 2023
Hey everyone!
Hope you’re having a good July so far and to those is the US I hope you have a blessed 4th of July holiday!
Thanks to everyone who gave last month. It was a little tight but they made it through, thanks in large part to you.
This month the need is going to be greater than it has been recently due to additional medical expenses. I can’t get into all the details but do be praying.
But this month we’re trying to raise $1600. Any amount helps as it all adds up. Even if you can’t give please share the campaign and pray as always.
Thank you again for your generosity. It never ceases to amaze me how you’ve stood by the Hursts.
June 3rd, 2023
Hello Everyone!
Happy June. I hope you’re having a good summer. Firstly, thank you to those who step up to Hursts need last month, particularly as we had to ask for more due to Sean needing to refill his medication. Good news is we were able to cover those expenses.
This month won’t be as much as Sean is good on medication for a while, but they will still need about $1000. If you can give we’re grateful as always. We can’t thank you enough for sticking with the Hursts this long. If you are unable to give, we ask that you still pray and share the fundraisers. Thank you so much.
May 6th, 2023
Hi Everyone!
Thank you so much for MAYBE helping us reach our goal this month. It seems there may be an issue with one or two of the donations. If you gave this month could you check to make sure everything is good with your payment methods. In the mean time this does mean we’re short $350 until and if the payments clear. If anyone is still able to give that would be very helpful. Sean won’t be able to get his meds unless they are able to receive that remaining amount. Thank you all so much.
May 3rd, 2023
Hello everyone. Sorry to send another update so soon. We’ve already had a couple of generous donations, which is great. But the need for the meds is urgent. Overall, we need to raise about $1200 for the rest of the month but we need about $600 as soon as possible so Sean can order the meds to arrive in good time. Please give what you can, share the campaign and pray.
If you want to see how much more is needed you may reference the campaign goal which will be adjusted each month to represent the Hursts’ minimum needs at that time. Thank you all again for you have journeyed with the Hurst. It has truly been a blessing.
May 1st, 2023
April 5th, 2023
Hello Everyone,
A bit of an urgent request. The Hursts are going to need about $1100 this month, but $220 as soon as possible as their are currently overdrawn. Even more really as $220 would get them to up $0. Even if you can’t give, please share the campaign and most of all pray.
And thank you all again for your continued generosity. This has been a long road for the Hursts and I’m blessed to see how you all have rallied around them.
April 5th, 2023
Hello Everyone,
A bit of an urgent request. The Hursts are going to need about $1100 this month, but $220 as soon as possible as their are currently overdrawn. Even more really as $220 would get them to up $0. Even if you can’t give, please share the campaign and most of all pray.
And thank you all again for your continued generosity. This has been a long road for the Hursts and I’m blessed to see how you all have rallied around them.
March 25th, 2023
Hey everyone!
Thank you so much for the generous donations this month you really stepped up a big way. Unfortunately there’s been some unexpected medical expenses that have popped up and the Hursts are about $200 short of where they need to be. Thankfully more in donations were received this month than initially requested so that gap is not as high as it could have been. Please give whatever you’re able, preferably by the 29th or March (next Wednesday) but even if after please still give if you’re able. Thank you so much.
March 7th, 2023
Hello Everyone,
The Hursts are going to need little more help this month. They currently don’t have much left in the bank and there’s about $600 worth of bills coming up just next week. It would help a lot if we could raise $700 for them this month, but again they’ll need about $600 by next week.
Thank you all again for those who have given, prayed and share the campaign! Let us all continue to do what we can for the Hurst!
February 20th, 2023
Thank you to everyone who has given! I think the Hursts should have just enough to make it to March now! Please do still consider giving as things will still be tight and sudden unexpected expenses can occur. But thank you, thank you, thank you again!
February 20th, 2023
Hello Everyone!
Thanks to those who have given since the update less than a week ago. The Hursts still need about $300 it’s become rather urgent. They pretty much have no money left in the bank until next month apart from what we can raise for them. So please give what you can, share the campaigns and pray. Thank you so much!
February 14th, 2023
Hello everyone! Things are looking much better this month. We were hoping that the Hurst would be able to begin to get by on their own and it almost seemed as of February 2023 was going to be the start of that. Unfortunately, the Hurst household is still operating at a deficit this month. The good news is that they are only short by about $500 which is no small amount but thankfully significantly less than they’ve need in many of the prior months. Please help us to raise at least $500 this month. Pray, give and share the campaigns. And thank you so much for your continued love and generosity.
January 10th, 2023
Hey guys! Kind of urgent request! Sean is pretty much at the end of his medication. He needs about $700 to refill, but it will cover about two and half months. Please give if you can and share the campaign. Thanks!
January 10th, 2023
Hey guys! Kind of urgent request! Sean is pretty much at the end of his medication. He needs about $700 to refill, but it will cover about two and half months. Please give if you can and share the campaign. Thanks!
January 5th, 2023
Happy New Year! Thank you to everyone who has given and been praying for the Hurst. They are in a much better more sustainable financial footing this year and God willing their situation may improve even more in a couple of months. So please continue to pray. However, last month we didn’t quite raise as much as we were hoping. We need to raise about $1,000 to get them caught up to where they need to be. The is particularly important this month as Sean needs to refill his medication. We’re hoping that if we can raised the needed funds this month, the Hurst will be more or less self sustaining and you’ll probably hearing from me less often.
Even if we’re able to raise the needed funds this month, please note that the campaign will still be left open indefinitely. This is because even though the Hursts should be in a sustainable place things will still be tight and we want to leave people the opportunity to give to the Hursts as they feel led and in case of emergencies.
Thank you for ensuring with the Hursts this long. I hope you know what an incredible blessing you have all been. I hope you all have a blessed January and 2023!
December 3rd, 2022
Hey guys!
Hope you had a great November! As this year comes to a close I wanted to thank ALL of you for rallying around the Hursts this difficult year. You have truly made a difference. Your generosity has been essential to keeping this family of 8 fed and sheltered.
For this month the Hursts probably need at least $2,000. They could probably use more even as one of their children developed some dental issues in November, some of which still needs to be taken care of.
It is the hope and expectation that the Hursts will be able to get by without any donations in 2023. Regular expenses have already decreased and their income will increase in January. The campaigns will be left open indefinitely in case of emergency and for those who just want give to this family occasionally. Things will still be tight but barring any unexpected circumstances we hope that starting sometime next year they will be able to start building up savings.
Let’s see if we can help the Hursts finish the year as strong as they can!
November 9th, 2022
Hello Everyone!
Thank you to those who gave after the last update. Good news. A huge expense has been taken care of and it seems pretty certain that their income should increase. Not sure what the status in the help that was suppose to come starting in October, but it looks like, starting next year, that shouldn’t be crucial. In the mean time, money will still be short for November and December. Between $1500-$2500 per month would be very helpful. $1500 may not cover everything but I think it may be enough for groceries and to pay some bills. Thank you so much for sticking with the Hursts through this year. If any of you can stick with them just a little longer I think we can get them to a place where they’ll be able to get by on their own.
October 31st, 2022
Hello Everyone!
Thank you to everyone who have since our last update! I think we met the minimum need for the last part of October. November is upon us tomorrow which means that certain monthly expenses will be due. I think the bare minimum the Hursts will need this month is $2000 which is probably won’t even cover every expense unfortunately. But I think that will probably at least cover groceries plus any payments they can’t afford to delay. I think $3000-$4000 will put them in a better spot. Again part of the struggle is they don’t always if they will have enough money to pay for groceries the following week if they pay for certain expenses this week. And since feeding their family of 8 has to be the priority they can’t risk making certain payments if they know it may come out of their grocery fund. So raising more and as early as possible is extremely helpful. So any amount you can give now or in the next few days will be extremely helpful even if you have to give later we still deeply appreciated that.
I want to say thanks again, especially those who have given generously to meet the immediate needs. There have been times we we needed $1000 that week and 1 person stepped up and gave $1000. I am serious in awe of the generosity. But also thank you to those who give as little as $5. Trust me when I say even those amount are not insignificant. Every single cent given has been needed. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for the Hursts.
October 24th, 2022
Thank you to all you have responded to the Hursts’ needs for this month. We’ve raised just $1000 so far. They need at least $1K to somewhat reasonably get by for the rest of this month, but also remember that many expenses are deducted on the 1st of the month. I think it’s probably more realistic to say they need about $2000 between now and the end of the month. But I think $1000 would at allow them to cover groceries and some other expenses for the rest of October.
Also, I know it difficult and unlikely but we’re still hoping that we might raise about $10K in a short amount of time so they can pay of their car. This would reduce long term and monthly costs. If nothing else we thank you for your prayers!
October 3rd, 2022
As usual, thank you to everyone who has given, share the campaigns and prayed!
Some updates.
1. We’re still hoping that the Hursts will get more help from another source to reduce or even eliminate the need for donations. But that has been delayed and maybe further delayed due to Hurricane Ian.
2. I suspect they will still need an additional $1500-$2000 at a bare minimum. But I wanted to propose a bolder goal. $10,000 as soon as possible to cover the expenses for the rest of the year. I know it’s a big ask, but if it’s possible to raise that in short amount of time it will make your donation go further. One key thing this would allow them to do is pay off their car. This will mean incurring less expenses in the long the long run due to interest. This would also reduce their monthly expenses by several hundred dollars. Also having that total amount now would me they could safely pay off the car without the risk of cutting into funds they might need for food in the next couple of days or weeks. That’s been the struggle. They may have had enough to pay that month’s due, but if they did pay it they might not have enough money for groceries if no more donations came in. I know it’s going to be difficult to try and raise $10,000 this month, but if you can and are will to give please do. Also share the campaigns. And most of all pray. Thank you all so much for sticking with the Hurst for so long! Whether you’ve given $5 or $1000 you made sure that the Hursts have been sheltered and fed. And with 6 kids you’ve done no small thing for them! Thank you!
September 3rd, 2022
Hello Everyone,
Sorry to bombard with the frequent updates. Of the $1500-$2000 goal for this month we only raised about $200, which is also the amount they have left in the bank. On top of that Sean may need to pay as much as $825 for new medication which would put our goal closer now to $2325-$2825. If anyone can give even a small amount that would be appreciated. At the very least let’s try and make sure they have money for groceries. They’re utility bills are also about $630 for last month which I think were due at the beginning of the month. I’m not sure how long they can withhold payment before before their water and/or electricity would have to be cut off.
Thank you again to those who have given even once and especially to those who have given several time and in generous amounts. I am amazed gratified at your generosity. If you can’t give please do pray and share the campaign. Thank you!
August 29th, 2022
Thanks to everyone who has donated this month. As always every penny was needed. We’re thinking that circumstances may be changing a little in October. We don’t want to get our hopes up too high but we’re praying that the need for donations will be significantly reduced.
As for September we’re estimating they will need between $1500-$2000 again. Sean does get paid on the first of the month, but a lot of that goes towards bills right away. So any amount you can give in the next week would be helpful in making sure they are able to get groceries. Please do share the campaigns if possible. The different giving options can be found in this Tweet: https://twitter.com/nate3po/status/1537887479792947200?s=21&t=_eabF5oXrCoOtM0yqH3XKw
Thank you so much for sticking with the Hursts this long. You have kept this wonderful family fed and sheltered and that’s no small thing!
August 21st, 2022
I know I say this every time, but thank you so much for your generosity. Last update we set a goal which was exceeded by about $200. Turns out that extra was needed as they had some unexpected medical expenses. They only have about $120 left for the month, but praise God there is food currently in the fridge.
We’re cautious optimistic that the next couple of months will begin to see their need lessened. I think it would be helpful if we could get them about $500-$1000 before the end of the month. They have held off on paying some bills to make sure they have enough for essentials like groceries. I think raising $2000-$3000 between now and the second week of September may be closer to ideal but we know it’s a lot to ask. Any amount is appreciated. And if you can’t give then sharing the campaigns and and praying is also appreciated. Please also refer to this tweet for other ways to give if you know people who would prefer to give through other platforms. https://twitter.com/nate3po/status/1537887479792947200?s=21&t=0OFDqEMTlZVHCBoeSTg-xg
There’s also a Cash App link in the tweet that will allow you to give with no fees taken out. Thank you all so much for how much you’ve given. It truly has been a blessing and made a huge difference to this family. It really warms my heart to see how you’ve rallied around this Hursts. This is how we should take care of our veterans! God bless you all!
August 8th, 2022
Quick update. We’ve raised about $188 of the $1500-2000 needed for the month. Thank you to those who gave! Please keep sharing the campaigns and give if you can. Sean needs $800 for meds pretty much last week. Please also pray for them. They are dealing with things in addition to the financial struggles. Even though finances have continued to be a challenge, just know that you’ve all helped to lessen that burden. Thank you!
August 6th, 2022
I just want to first say you guys are amazing! After the last update we received more then expected and it allowed to the Hurst to have a buffer for a while. Unfortunately, new month means new bills, of which a good chunk are charged on the 1st. The goal this month is to raise between $1500-2000, which includes important medications for Sean. And as of now they only have about $50 and they will be needing more for groceries pretty soon. As always, if you can give that will be greatly appreciated. You’ve all been so generous, and some of you have given way more than we could have ever imagined or asked for from any one person or family. I hope you all have some idea of the difference you have made for this family! If you can’t give we understand. We ask that you continue to pray for the Hursts and share the campaigns wherever you can. Remember to also share the campaigns link in this tweet as people may prefer to pay via different methods https://twitter.com/nate3po/status/1537887479792947200.
We think they are close to reaching the light at the end of the tunnel. The current hope is that August or September will be the last months they will need any substantial help for their monthly needs. Lord willing, they won’t need any help by October. Thank you once again!
July 25th, 2022
Thank you so much to you beautiful, wonderful, generous people! We set out for the month of July with the hope of raising $2500, which was to cover the estimated bare minimum. In some ways this was less than the bare minimum as some monthly payments had to be delayed in favor of buying groceries. Well we have been able to raise a net of about $1700. And we’ll need to raise around $800 more to meet this monthly goal, but any amount you can give will be helpful. Last I heard they had a little less than $150 for the rest of the month. I know it’s been a long road and so many of you and stuck with the Hursts longer than we could have expected. I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up but circumstances may be changing around September so that the Hursts will require less, if any, donations, through this campaign. Please hang in with us if you can. Please also see this tweet for other giving options. https://twitter.com/nate3po/status/1537887479792947200?s=21&t=eW4C8pWM4C1YZpIEXpnooA
Thank you! And please remember to continue praying for the Hursts!
July 17th, 2022
Thanks to all you wonderful people who have been so generous! It continually warms my heart how you all keep coming through for the Hursts! We almost reached our mid month goal to raise $1000. In order to reach our monthly goal of $2500 we’ll need a little over $1500. They only have about $10 in the bank but there was a donation of $40 that should reach them soon and Sean said they should be okay for the next few days. Please note that raising anymore than $1500 needed would be helpful to paying some bills on which they are behind. There’s also their car payment for which there is about $4700 left to payoff. I know this is a long shot but I think if we could raise about $8000-$10000 before the end of the month that should should cover enough of this and next months expenses that they could feel reasonable safe enough to spend the rest paying off the car. That’s less money they would have to spend on interest in the long run and less money they were need per month. Thank you all again for your immense and continued generosity. Please also see the tweet below for methods of giving, including one that takes no fees so everything you donate goes directly to the hursts.
July 6th, 2022
Thanks to those who have given since my update about three days ago. Turns out they currently only have $75 on hand. They are waiting on a couple of payments that should be coming this month, but they are going to need about $2450 in addition to those expected payments.
Please note that there are links here (https://twitter.com/nate3po/status/1537887479792947200) to alternative giving options, including one where no fees are deducted.
Thanks again for everyone’s generosity. Every penny has been needed!
July 3rd, 2022
Thank you so much to everyone who gave last month. The Hursts ended up getting their June needs met with I think a little left to carry over into July. Unfortunately, many of their monthly bills are due on the first and things like groceries, water, electricity are costing more than expected.
We’re estimating we’ll need to raise about $2500 this month to meet their needs with the $1000 needed within the first half of the month. Any amount you could give would be helpful. And also share the campaigns. Please check my tweet for alternative giving methods. https://twitter.com/nate3po/status/1537887479792947200?s=21&t=9nVyO5wlvuEiHyXG0xvdOQ There’s an option that will take no fees, but I think it’s only available to those in the US.
Thanks again for your generosity. Literally every penny has counted!
June 17th, 2022
Hello all!
Thank you to everyone who had given since the last update. We’re a little closer to getting Sean his meds. Unfortunately he’s almost running out and he needs about $530 more to pay for new meds. On top of that they need about $1,000 for Erika’s dental care. She’s been enduring an increasingly painful toothache for a while now. Please help out if you can. Sharing the campaigns also help. All the giving options are here https://twitter.com/nate3po/status/1537887479792947200?s=21&t=T1mG2LsMsdqHbVPz3h-NKg
Thank you!
June 12th, 2022
Happy Sunday to y’all (or Monday for our Aussie and etc friends).
Quick update. As of right now there still a need of about $800 for Sean’s meds (two months supply) and about $1000 for Erika’s needed dental work. Please share the campaigns. Please check out my recent post on Twitter for more giving options https://twitter.com/nate3po/status/1533930093403414528?s=21&t=kKzh_GdmzsicZgt-ZRNy5w. Also retweet if you have an account.
Truthfully $3000-$4000 more would put them in a more stable place. But $1800 would at least cover some immediate needs. Please also pray that they may be able to find a way to be more self sustaining. Thank you!
June 2nd, 2022
Once again thanks to all who have given, shared the campaigns and prayed. In case you didn’t see the last update, the Hursts are slowly getting to a place where they should be self sustaining. Right now they still need about $3,000, hopefully, by mid June to get to that place of self sustainability. But it would be better if we could raise closer to $4,000 because Erika’s has been dealing with a toothache due to needing a root canal (and a filling that isn’t causing pain yet). Please help us to get her out of pain as soon as possible. Please share the campaign wherever you can. Thank you!
May 26th, 2022
Hello Everyone,
I just want to reiterate how thankful we are to each and
every one of you that has given to the
We’re happy to say that circumstances seem to be slowly
improving. At this point we’re looking to raise about $5000 by mid-June. This
should cover their monthly bills, Erika’s dental costs, and other miscellaneous
expenses. While nothing is certain, we are hopeful that if we can raise this
amount, then the
May 24th, 2022
Thank you to everyone who has given to the Hursts, especially to those who gave this past week in response to their urgent need. At this point I believe their monthly expenses for May have been covered and the immediate concern now is Erika’s dental care. She is in pain and it will probably get worse the longer they have to wait. If you haven’t yet, please share the campaign everywhere you can. Please also check out my tweet here for alternative platforms through which to give. https://twitter.com/nate3po/status/1527798389403840512?s=21&t=5VcUr4p_5xHABBagsKff7Q
Thank you!
May 20th, 2022
Hello Everyone!
Thanks to everyone who has given to meet the Hurst’s need. Just an update at where we are at in the month of May.
They are still about $400 short to meet their monthly expenses, but as mentioned before Erika is also in need of urgent dental care. Please help us to raise as much as we can. Any amount given is welcome, but even sharing the campaign with your community can help too. Again thank you for everything you’ve done already.
May 6th, 2022
Urgent Update!
Since the last update, Sean informed me that their situation is more urgent than they realized. While it was believed they had enough funds to last the rest of the month, it turns out they're pretty much tapped out now. On top of this, Erika is in need of some urgent dental work. You have already shown great generosity, but we ask, if you are able, please give what you can as soon as you can. Even if you are unable to give, please share the campaigns where ever you can! And pray! Thank you!
May 2nd, 2022
Hello Everyone!
First off, thank you all for your generosity. Things were looking pretty bleak in March and you all came through in a very big way. As a result, the Hursts have managed to get by for the last two months. Unfortunately, due to a couple of unexpected medical expenses, the funds raised from the campaigns thus far will be depleted by the end of the month. Of course, if any of you feel led to give again, it will be most welcome. But you can also help out by sharing the campaign on your social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) as well as sharing the campaign directly with people you know (i.e. friends, family, church group, etc.) And keep praying! Thank you!
March 22nd, 2022
Thank you to all who have given! It has and will help more than you can know! We’re not out of the woods yet, but all of you who have donated (some multiple times!) have given the Hursts a fighting chance to survive these next couple of months.
But there is something else you can do for them! Share the campaign where you can! Post it on your social media platforms and e-mail it to family, friends and church groups that you think might want to help. Your generosity has made the situation a little less desperate, but they may eventually find themselves in that place again. So, please share the campaign where you can! Most of all continue to pray! Thank you again and God bless you all!
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.