Support a Courageous Voice That Took a Real Stand

Monthly Goal:

 USD $2,350

Total Raised:

 USD $633

Raised this month:

 USD $0

Campaign created by Leslie Freeby Khan

Campaign funds will be received by Leslie Freeby Khan

Support a Courageous Voice That Took a Real Stand


Omar Khan took up the cudgel against COVID fascism and the unconstitutional abridgment of civil liberties while in Sri Lanka, where he and his wife had founded a consulting firm, Sensei Lanka since 1995. He wrote a column in the business press each week for almost two years from early 2020 on this topic, almost 2,500 words a week challenging the orthodoxy and mania. His was virtually the sole voice in that region. He also wrote for The Daily Sceptic, doing the original "Postcard from Sri Lanka" and numerous other columns that were linked to, including on the globally acknowledged site, Uncommon Wisdom where, in addition to columns that brought appreciative accolades, there were powerful podcasts with Dr. Peter McCullough, Professor Harvey Risch, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Shankara Chetty, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Nick Hudson, Steve Kirsch, Tess Lawrie and more.

Omar's work had him on TNT weekly for well over a year returning due to acclaim and interest in his role as informed provocateur. He also did global podcasts and published articles far and wide. Here are two testimonial letters from Dr. McCullough and Professor Risch.

Omar brought leading thought leaders into interaction with the Sri Lanka medical authorities and helped stem the tide of intemperate lockdowns, "vaccination" so-called and helped debunk there the globally instigated hysteria, helping to create the basis for home treatment and ending "quarantine camps." One of the European Ambassadors there opined, "This was a relentless campaign, and you were the only informed yet passionate voice."

A civil case relating to a wine and foods business Omar was involved with and was villainized regarding the collapse of in the tabloid press was converted into criminal charges unknown to Omar and Leslie until much later because this lay dormant until it was revived due to political pressure.

While Omar and Leslie were devastated by that business failing and deeply regret its fallout on investors, there was an enormous over-reaction by the tabloid press and a suspension of international norms that Omar was subjected to, when for years he offered to negotiate with the authorities and sought to offer a repayment plan as well as attempted mediation through a renowned international mediator. While begrudging no one their right to react and respond as they wish, this story will be told in its fullness at another time. It is peripheral to what they are now facing and asking for help with. That pertains only to Omar's work in battling for international sanity, balance and civil liberty.

Omar is currently in the midst of a 24-month federal sentence which senior legal officials have suggested would not have come to pass but for politics. Regardless, Omar and Leslie look to the future and returning to the contribution for which they are best known. His family is in crisis, as is he.

Omar has deep insight into the three pillars of the corrupt nation-state, the military-industrial complex which, while living between Asia and the Middle East, he saw firsthand during the Iraq war; the pharmaceutical industrial complex which he battled with some of the world's most courageous and insightful thought leaders during the madness of COVID hysteria; and the US penal industrial complex which he is now experiencing and which produces some of the worst recidivism results in the developed world, and wastes so much human potential. Here too he has emerged with powerful insights for reform through the contradictions that abound and are demonstrably self-defeating.

Please help Omar and his wife through this period, to survive, to mount the appeals they need to get him from where he has been wrongly placed for this period due to a bureaucratic blunder, allegedly, and where he is at risk, and where he cannot be the conduit of care through his wife for his 92-year-old mother (in a care facility in Pakistan where she had to be evacuated to, he is the only son and sole caretaker) because he is isolated from his wife and unable to be in contact. He was designated to a Federal Camp, and due to a medical misclassification, moved far away from family and forced to be amidst all classifications. They need help to get him safely to where he was supposed to be, or to the home confinement he is eligible for now or very shortly.

Omar's work needs to resurface. He also has a manuscript written years back with his mentor of old, M. Scott Peck, the groundbreaking best-selling author of The Road Less Traveled. This book, based on a "Tuesdays with Morrie" type relationship the two of them had in the years preceding Dr. Peck's death, is called "The Nobler Alternative." It has been awaiting the right moment, and that is now. The book was given to Omar to publish at the right time, and is based on extensive dialogues with Dr. Peck to address the question, "Why, when there is so much talent in the world, is there such poor leadership?" It is, as Dr. Peck wanted, "A terrifyingly succinct book" with no fluff, but the paradigm change it offers is potentially transformational.

Omar also has much to write about these three contagions mentioned above, so many learnings from the COVID period, what he has gone through and is going through--he has much to say and is eager to once again collaborate with his many thought leader friends as we seek to get all of us to step into leadership, to take accountability and decide how we, as a human family, can constructively and sanely move forward.

Omar and Leslie literally need help to survive, to get past this period, and return to contributing at a time when such voices are needed more than ever. His manuscript is awaiting the right moment, and needs to appear. Please help! Please support!

Learn more about Omar:


I wanted to write a letter to share with you my experience of Omar S. Khan during the years I’ve known and interacted with him.

Over the past four years that I have known Omar Khan I have been an active participant alongside him at a number of conferences on various aspects of public health research, communication and management. In my experience, I have seen that Omar excels in connecting highly respected professionals in various branches of medicine as well as all areas of public health, assimilating high-quality data and research and facilitating the communication of these findings between a number of very highly knowledgeable professions globally in the interest of education and dissemination of information and finding a path forward for much-needed initiatives. In my experience, Omar Khan’s style and skill in communication is very conducive to these efforts.

Given that public health has been a cornerstone of my professional training and interest, I have found that Omar’s strong sense of duty and self-initiative, where he sees a need that his talents will benefit, to be very effective and personally edifying for me. Omar’s mental clarity and strong mediation and communication skills enhance the ability of everyone present to be able to interact, share and assimilate all the data and research at a very high level.

I’ve seen that Omar has the ability to simplify, clarify and synergize the information for those attendees who may benefit by this allowing for the alignment and accessibility of the ongoing public health efforts to be as inclusive and broadly available to all those who are engaged with its research, dissemination and practice. What I’ve seen of Omar’s skill and engagement level has shown me that he has a great deal of care for others and for progress to be made which will help those in need as well as the willingness to direct his own initiative, time and efforts towards helping others individually and collectively.

From what I’ve seen, throughout Omar’s career he has been involved in many communication initiatives in many countries globally and his ability to synthesize data, research and learnings from a number of disciplines has been very valuable and progressive to many individuals and groups around the world.

Over the time that Omar has been immersed in his legal situation, I know that he has been under tremendous stress, strain and serious medical issues, and his innate skills and initiative that I have described above have been very tangibly missed by many of those who previously benefited from his care and kindness in facilitating and directing all the initiatives which he previous spearheaded and carried out with such generosity.

In my opinion Omar’s spirit and abilities are very valuable assets to all the people who benefited by them. I do hope that Omar will be able to return to serving where his abilities can do the most good.

Leading Medical Doctor and Globally Acknowledged Thought Leader in this area

2:  Having worked with many performance coaches, I am struck by the distinctiveness and effectiveness Omar brings. Making voices heard by inviting all to a safe zone where participants, from different cultures, mindsets and seniority find it engaging to participate, to speak up and take ownership. The intimate platform he creates makes him relatable which in turn, generates high message stickiness, mental registry, and self-commitment. He is sharp, on point and a great interventionist. Omar also strikes an effective balance between light heartedness, high energy with clarity of feedback, with a levelled and common understanding for a collective buy-in.

I strongly recommend his approach especially given that working through cultural nuances and sensitivities are increasingly the linchpin separating the average and an exceptional, elevated team’s performance.”

Chairperson of global FMCG Company (name withheld for privacy)

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

Good Luck, Omar. Hang in there. We are doing what we can to help you, and get you out ASAP.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 72.00 USD
3 months ago

Thank You For your tireless work. Omar, you helped wake up so many people and I have no doubt that your work spared many thousands from suffering and their loved one's dying. How? ; By facilitating the dialogue of Heroic and uncompromised Doctors between themselves, Politicians & Critical Thinkers looking for information other than what was Main-Stream-Media-Spoon-Fed "medicine" from Big Pharma.

Anonymous Giver
$ 36.00 USD
3 months ago



December 1st, 2024

Thank you very much to our initial donors! Everything matters right now, as the situation has been desperate for some time, and we continue reaching out, and seeking to offer inputs, and perspectives, and facts, and prepare the ground to rejoin the 'crusade' fully in 2025.

We so appreciate any and all support, including these initial amounts, and the wonderful sentiment shared by Ben for which we are certainly grateful.

If Omar can help you with any of your efforts, or offer a perspective based on everything he's experienced and is experiencing, please just let us know. We'd be very happy to help however we can.

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