Help Me Answer The Call


 USD $10,000


 USD $3,606

Campaign created by Anna Banks

Campaign funds will be received by Anna Banks

Help Me Answer The Call

Hello friends and family!

We all are on a journey called life. In life, there are moments that call us to step out of our comfort zones, to explore the unknown, and to dedicate ourselves to a purpose greater than our own. Such is the calling I’ve felt — a beckoning towards a profound journey of faith, learning, and service. But, this narrative isn’t just mine; it’s an invitation to you, to become part of a mission that surpasses miles and cultures, and changes lives.

The Calling:

The stirring within my heart to serve and to live out God’s will has grown into an unquenchable flame that was sparked within me when I was 5 years old, and then again when I was 14, and even more fiercely now at 17. Over the years and through various trials, I have grown in my understanding of God’s love as the source of the calling on my life. This calling goes beyond mere curiosity; it's a deep-seated desire to immerse myself in God's presence, to live out His love, and to make a tangible difference in the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. This calling has led me to a pivotal moment in my life, a chance to join a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Whitsunday, in Cannonvale, Australia.

The Mission:

To know God and make him known.

DTS is a unique blend of spiritual immersion and practical service, structured into a six-month program. The initial three months, known as the lecture phase, are focused on deepening our understanding of God through teachings, worship, and community living. It's a time to absorb, reflect, and prepare our hearts for the work ahead. 

The subsequent three months are dedicated to an outreach mission, a direct application of the lessons learned in the lecture phase. This phase is about being God's hands and feet in the world, serving communities in need, and spreading His message of hope and salvation. It is an example of faith in action, reaching out to those who are waiting for a touch of love and a word of comfort.

The Vision:

Embarking on this mission is not just a personal aspiration; it's a step towards fostering understanding, compassion, and unity through Jesus across cultures. It's about being a small light in the darkness, a city on a hill, inspiring change and hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. This journey to Australia—and beyond—is not solely about personal growth; it’s a commitment to contribute, to make a difference, and to bring back stories and lessons that will hopefully inspire and mobilize others towards service and faith in action.

The Invitation:

However, the path to realizing this vision is steep, marked by logistical and financial challenges that cannot be overcome alone. The cost of tuition, travel, and living expenses for the six-month program is substantial. This is where your support becomes crucial. By joining hands with me, you become a vital part of this mission.

Your contribution will not only assist the logistical aspects of this journey but also empower the outreach efforts designed to uplift communities. Whether we provide education, health services, or spiritual support, your support makes a tangible difference.

The Impact:

By supporting this mission, you're not just aiding in my growth and learning; you're contributing to the communities I will get to serve, the lives I will get to touch, and the message of Jesus’ love which I aim to spread. Every dollar raised is an investment into winning souls for the Kingdom of God

How to Help:

You can support this mission by praying persistently, by contributing financially, and by sharing this campaign with friends, family, and anyone who believes in the power of the gospel. Updates, stories, and outcomes from this journey will be shared with all who join me in this mission, ensuring that you see the direct impact of your support.


This opportunity with YWAM Whitsunday represents a leap of faith—a step into the unknown with the belief that through God, impossible things are possible. It's a journey of not only deepening my own faith but also sharing that faith in a way that brings light to dark places.

Your support, prayers, and encouragement mean the world to me and to those whose lives I aim to touch. Together, we can make this mission a testament to the power of Jesus. Please join me in this journey of growth, service, and love.

Thank you for considering supporting me!


Read my testimony in the updates below!

Recent Donations
$ 150.00 USD
2 months ago

I love you, Anna! God will provide everything you need to follow him.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Challenge the vice of Vegimite! Enjoy your time in Oz and Kiwi... Exciting!

Justin and Lisa McKinney
$ 300.00 USD
4 months ago

Anna, We will be so excited to see how God shares Himself with you during this time, the things you will do and see, and where this will lead you next! Its going to be a wild ride! So proud of you! xoxoxo

$ 86.00 USD
5 months ago

I'm so excited for you! I hope you have a wonderful trip in which you get closer to Jesus and get to watch God do amazing things! Keep following Him with your whole heart!

Tracy Richardson
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

5 plates of spaghetti 🍝

Duane Westing
$ 150.00 USD
8 months ago

I pray this trip will not only help others but also help you understand your own goals for ministry. With prayers, Duane Westing and Linda Kell

Anna Cobb
$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
9 months ago

Stay safe and enjoy your time Downunder.

Dr Harmon
$ 50.00 USD
10 months ago

Be bold!!!

The Hughesies Fam
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Praying you experience so many different walks of life, different perspectives and different hearts, and reach them all for Jesus. We love you Anna Jane.

$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Love you

Anonymous Giver
$ 400.00 USD
10 months ago

The Lazy Youth are proud of you! May God bless you and may he be a blessing through you.

Don and Sandy
$ 300.00 USD
10 months ago

THANK YOU. I added a little extra

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
10 months ago

The spark of Christ is a feeling that gives pure Joy! Watching that spark and experiencing that spark jump from inside of you to another person is priceless! People need Jesus! Thank you for choosing to share Jesus with those in need! ❤️ have fun sweetie and burn 🔥 Christ's love! 💕 Love, Your Auntie💗

Ma ma
$ 200.00 USD
10 months ago

Love you! God is doing great thing through you and i love watching! Glorify Him Always!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

May the Lord protect you as you embrace the call and His blessings pour over you!


God Provides!

May 24th, 2024

I wanted to add an updated total funds raised, and thank everyone who has donated so far. I really appreciate it more than I can express. In addition to Give Send Go, I have received other donations totaling $2,220, which brings me up to $4,990. I have also been working part time for someone from my church and those earnings push me to just over $5,000! That is half way to my goal! I am overcome and so, so, so, so, grateful. God has been providing for my needs. 

In addition to monetary support, I want to thank my grandma for sharing every new update to her Facebook page, my parents for supporting me in all of this, and a myriad of friends and family who have been praying for me. Prayer is so powerful, I'll take all the prayer cover I can get. 

To continue supporting me, keep praying and share my story with others-- anybody who believes in the power of Holy Spirit. The more people that see it, the better. 

Dear Jesus, thank you for providing for all of my needs ever since I was young, but especially now. Lord, I pray that I don't see any of this money as mine, it is yours. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to go learn more about you and to serve you in a way I have never served before. God, I ask your blessing on my travels and on every person who has supported me thus far. Keep preparing my heart and the hearts of those I will come into contact with. I ask this in your name, and in your will, for your glory. Amen!


May 14th, 2024

This was written on Jan 8, 2024

 I went to a retreat this weekend with my youth group. It was awesome. We played games and ate good food, stayed up late and got to learn more about our creator and how we should respond to him. Particularly stepping up as young people in the faith.

 Our speaker, Steve Pigott, spoke in five sessions with the central theme of devoting yourself to Christ. One theme he kept repeating was that if you were sold out for Jesus, others would see that, and soon one person devoted to Christ would become two, and two would become four, and so on. All it took was one dedicated young person to create a camaraderie of people sold out for Christ.

 What is a camaraderie? A camaraderie is a mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. A close group of friends who love and encourage each other. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” This verse is echoing what is stated in the second paragraph! (Almost like it was based on this verse or something) Two is better than one, but three is better than two. If three is better than two then how much more is four better than three?

Romans 12:4-8 compliments that verse and says, “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” These verses show us that different people are good at different things. The upside to having a group of people doing life together is that you can help each other where you are weak. One person is not supposed to be able to do it all. We are meant to live in a community with each other and with God to build each other up when one of us is weak.

All of this sounds great! But how do you build a godly community? First, choose your friends wisely. 1 Corinthians 15:33 KJV says, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” Steve Pigott used this verse to highlight the importance of good friends. Now, of course we must be friendly to all people. We must love them and show them Jesus. But not all people will make good friends.

Look at the first three words of that verse, “be not deceived. “ Do you know what those words mean? The fact the command of, “be not deceived,” is there implies you can, in fact, be deceived. A friend who acts like a friend till you decide to not listen to their stupid ideas is not a friend at all. Choose your friends carefully because a good friend is someone who won’t make you do things you feel uncomfortable doing. A good friend is someone who will push you toward Christlikeness and away from sin. 

The second thing you have to do is to choose your friends from among those who want to be godly. I think that makes perfect sense. If you are trying to be godly but have no godly friends, the ultimate struggle will be to grow. And when trials and temptations come, you will have nobody to encourage you in your faith. 1 Thessalonians 5:10 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” As christians we are supposed to encourage one another to build each other up when we’ve been knocked down, to remind each other the joy we have in our salvation, and to give testimony to build hope in a waiting season. If you have no godly friends, who is going to build you up?

Lastly, be the godly friend who sets the example. Somebody has to start the fire and live differently. Like I stated above, when one young person decides to be sold out and devoted to Christ, other people will notice. They will notice when you have joy in the valleys and light in the darkness and pretty soon someone will join you in your pursuit of Christlikeness. Then two will become four and so on. Now you have a camaraderie of young people devoted to Christ and that is where revival starts.

Three of my good friends and I decided to start our own camaraderie that weekend. We want to pursue Christlikeness together. We told each other our goals and our struggles, excited to encourage and pray for each other. While we were talking it became apparent that we all wanted the same thing — a camaraderie — and God was answering our prayers at that moment. 

 Now my prayer is that revival can come because of our camaraderie. That millions can be reached because of our mutual love for Jesus, our love for people, and our love for each other. That seems like a huge thing, millions finding Jesus because four high school girls decided to follow Jesus together. But it won’t be the first time our God has done something that seemed impossible, go read the bible if you don’t believe me. 

So many verses point to a camaraderie being a good idea. In addition to what we looked at above there is; Hebrews 3:13, 2 Corinthians 13:11, Hebrews 10:25, and so many more. As you begin to build a camaraderie, a fellowship, a brotherhood, a sisterhood, a comradeship, whatever you want to call it, begin to pray for revival. I am certain that if camaraderies all over the country and world are praying for revival, it will come. 

A camaraderie, it’s biblical, It’s sound, it’s fun, it’s life changing, and I would definitely recommend it.

Much of this writing is directly inspired by the teaching of Steve Pigott at Faith Bible Fellowship’s Youth Retreat in January, 2024.

Answered Prayers

May 7th, 2024

I think we should always write down what we are praying for. That way we can look back and see answered prayers. I’ve had “rest and strength to finish the school year strong,” and, “a good home for my dog Daisy will be found,” listed as prayer requests. Those prayers are answered now! PTL!

Today, I took my last test of the year— the AP Chemistry exam. It was a gnarly test, but I finished it, and now I am done! I am done with high school a whole year early! All but one of my final grades have been posted, and I have all A’s so far. I definitely consider that a strong finish to the semester. 

Daisy has been re-homed to a wonderful family. They have two kids and another dog (one of Daisy’s half sisters). Her new family loves her so much, and she fits right into their family system.

If I had not written down these prayer requests, I might not have realized they had been answered! Thank you all for praying for me. Please keep praying for me! I am now asking for prayer for this summer. I am helping out with my church’s VBS, visiting family in Nebraska, and volunteering as a camp counselor at North Star Bible Camp for three weeks. I am also praying for my DTS. I am praying that God will prepare my heart, and the hearts of all the people I will get to come into contact with while I am away. 

Write down your prayers, then praise the Lord when you see them answered. And keep praying even if a prayer doesn’t get answered right away. God is still working, and his plan is ALWAYS better than ours. 

Thank you God for answering prayers! 

Gods Plan is Sooo Good

May 3rd, 2024

I am graduating this year, a whole year early. I made the decision to graduate with two months left in the school year, and picked up two online classes on top of my four college and AP classes. I worked really hard and on Monday, I will take my last test. Looking back, I can see how God set this in motion before graduation was a thought in my head.

In the MatSu school district, Civics is a freshman level course. I did not take civics freshman year. Instead I was put into a different social studies class. Civics was one of the online classes I took this semester. If I had taken this class freshman year like everyone else, it would have meant that I would have had to take a way more labor intensive class to be able to graduate early. God was putting things in place for me to graduate early three years ago!

This semester, I enrolled with Mat Su Middle College School. It is a school with which you are dually enrolled in college classes. I took three classes. I almost took only two classes. At my advising appointment, my advisor pushed me to take a third college class. At the time, I did not care very much, so I added a class. If I did not take three classes, I would not have been able to graduate early. 

Even at the beginning of this semester. I was not planning on graduating this year. In March, I realized that I did not have very many requirements left, so I took on the challenge to graduate early. I was only able to graduate because God was working it out, even three years ago when graduation was not a thought in my mind.

I know God's plan is good, but sometimes it is hard to remember. It is super cool when I get to see how He was working things out for my good before I even knew what He was doing. I am reminded of Jeremiah 29:11 “'For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” I know this to be true and I hope this testimony can encourage you. God is working all things out for your good.

But God.

April 24th, 2024

But God.

This is the shortest poem I ever wrote, and it may be the most profound. 

I got a paper cut, but God gave me skin that can heal.

I burnt dinner, but God provides and we can eat pizza tonight instead.

I got stuck in traffic, but God used those extra minutes to remind me of his love.

My daddy died when I was seven, but God gave me a new dad. For every hardship in my life, I can say, “but God.” But God pulled me out, but God gave me strength, but God was made known, but God sent Jesus, ect. And I can find joy in the deepest, darkest valleys because Jesus saved my soul!

Update But God. Image
Living Life On Mission

April 14th, 2024

Christians need to live a life on mission. What mission? The mission of loving others like Christ loved us. I am about to go to a DTS, then I will go on a mission trip. I am ecstatic to see what God will do during that time. I even hope to someday participate in medical missions as a nurse.

 What I am learning, however, is that I don’t have to go to some other country to be a missionary. I am a missionary. And, if you believe in Jesus for your salvation, you are a missionary too. 

 That means at the grocery store, at a restaurant, at the park, at work, or in your own home, we are to show people how much Jesus loves them. Did you know that your waiter or waitress has to talk to you? And if they don’t like that you are telling them Jesus loves them, they will have someone else cover your table. Now you can tell someone else Jesus loves them.

 I am not saying to be pushy or rude. That is not loving. But we should be telling every person we see that Jesus loves them so much that he died for them. We don’t know God's plan. Maybe a simple “Jesus loves you” is what brings a person to their knees in surrender. Maybe that “Jesus loves you” is the first seed planted in their hearts. We don’t know, but God does and He will use it.

 Esther 4:14 says, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish.  And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” If you don’t act, God will use somebody else. But, why would you want God to use somebody else? The fruit that can come from our obedience is fruit for us as much as it is for other people. We grow in our faith when we walk in obedience. 

 It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. Like I said, a simple “Jesus loves you” may be all you need to say. Other times, you might pray for someone, or tell them the whole story of the Bible, or smile. Every interaction will be different, and not everybody will like it or receive it. John 15:18 says, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.” But when the gospel is received the reward is great. It makes the effort totally worth it. 

 I want to point out that a lot of the time, we share Jesus without words. The way we live our life is a testimony to the power of Jesus. When we live for God, we are a light and people notice when we live differently.

 Living differently is important, and maybe it is your first step to living life on mission. But, I think that that is where a lot of people stop. “Oh, I don’t curse, or drink, or do all those other things.” Maybe not, and that is good, but have you told anybody why you don’t do all those things? We’ve lost the urgency that Christ is coming soon! 

What is also super important in this process is learning to listen to the Spirit. I previously said we need to tell every person about what God has done for them. And that is true, but we are not all meant to be street evangelists. We are not all able to speak to every person we see, but we must be willing.

 I am learning what this looks like in my life. I am learning how to live a life on mission. Right now it looks like a lot of prayer. Prayer for boldness, love, and urgency. Prayer for people I love, and prayer to feel and to listen to the nudges of the Holy Spirit. It also looks like a lot of bible reading. Through prayer and reading my bible, I grow closer to God. The more familiar I am with God, the better equipped I will be to spread the gospel.

 This is an update about what I have been learning lately and it is also a challenge. The challenge is to live life on mission. Pray, read your bible, and tell someone how amazing Jesus is — bonus points if it is a stranger. And, let's all pray for boldness in our lives to share the gospel. 

 Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us and for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. It is the best news in the history of everything. God, I ask for boldness. Boldness for me, and for whoever is reading these words. Give us boldness to share the best news ever with people who need to hear it. God, prepare the hearts of the people we will come in contact with so when we meet them, your love will be clearly seen, and felt, and received. Thank you that we have the freedom to live for you and share your story with the world.  Amen!

1:17 am

April 5th, 2024

This is a poem I wrote last night because I couldn't fall asleep. It's called 1:17 am.

1:17 am

It’s 1:17 am. My eyes are heavy begging for sleeps invigorating embrace.

It’s 1:20 am. My mind keeps spinning, thinking about everything I need to do this month.

It’s 1:22 am. Again I say, “God clear my mind, I give it to you.”

It’s late at night or is it early morning? I’m not sure anymore, I wish I was snoring.

Oh the bliss sleep brings! A break from the assignments. Still water amid these rapid torrents.

It’s 1:32 am. A breeze from the fan chills my skin. Breathe out breathe in.  Again! Breathe out, breathe in. 

Calm your heart, clear your mind. Easier said than done. New thoughts are all I seen to find.

Let’s count sheep! One… Two… Three… What’s written on the fence? It looks my to do list: text that person back, do that assignment, email that teacher… I did it again!

It’s 1:42 am. Here I will lay with all these thoughts, feelings, and sensations until sleep comes. And when I awake seemingly an instant later I’ll start thinking again.

Signing off at 1:47 am

I hope you enjoy this poem as much as I now do. When I wrote it at 1:00 am I was quite exasperated with it. This month, I am working to finish my classes to be able to graduate early. Sleep is paramountly important to my being able to function and finish well. Will you all please pray that I can get good rest to be able to do a good job in my classes and finish well.

In all the rush, I have to rely heavily on God to be able to not misplace my assignments and keep my head on straight. In order to do this, I need to remember to prioritize time with God because only through that  will I be able to share in His rest and in His power. 

How do you prioritize time with God in the business of life?

My Testimony

March 27th, 2024

Thank you to all who have donated! I just wanted to share my testimony because that was not included in the campaign story. 

Finding Joy

Since I was young, I have known what loss feels like. When I was seven years old, my daddy died from cancer. My mom remarried when I was eight. I had a new dad! He adopted my brother and me, and my parents had my little sister when I was nine. We moved to Alaska when I was ten. 

Life was going well. But not for long. In 2021 my dad got sick. He visited doctor after doctor and did test after test but to no avail. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong. In December of 2022, he almost died. His heart was beating too fast, and the doctors had to stop and then restart it to stabilize him. 

 My brother and I were flown to Michigan to live with my aunt and uncle while my dad was flown to a hospital in Washington. In the midst of the uncertainty regarding my dad, I was struck with the grief remembered from my daddy passing. I was scared I was going to lose another dad to illness. 

 In Michigan, I only knew my family with whom I was staying. I went to school, and even though I was surrounded by people, I felt lonely and misunderstood. I am a person who craves deep relationships, and being removed from the relationships I had created back home was something that dragged heavily on my soul. 

 During that time, I had to learn to lean upon my Creator and my Savior. I had possessed a relationship with God for several years by the time I had gone to Michigan. Even though I had been removed from nearly all the people with whom I had deep relationships, nothing could separate me from my relationship with God. Because He was the only person I had, our relationship deepened and I learned more about His character. 

 In Michigan, I read through the Bible in 90 days. I saw that the stories in the Bible are rich with God's love for His people. Examples like giving the Isrealites manna in the wilderness, making time stand still for Joshua, and — the ultimate example — giving His only Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for the sins of the world helped me to better understand how deeply and infinitely God loves me.

 Looking back at my experience in Michigan, coupled with losing my first dad, I am eternally grateful for what I have learned. I have come to the understanding that people and circumstances cannot be what brings a person joy. It is true that people and circumstances may bring happiness. But happiness fades. Joy — if grounded in God’s word — is an eternal gladness, not based on people or circumstances. 

 With my understanding of joy, I want to inspire it in others. I aspire to be so joyful that people will notice. Then, when they ask me how I am so joyful, I can tell them Jesus saved my soul and has always provided for my needs, physically and emotionally. 

 It’s true, I’ve seen hardship in my life, but I do not see that fact as bad. Because of hardship, I have seen God move in my life in mysterious ways. I have learned of His love and His provision, and I have learned to make Him the source of my joy so that it may never fade. I know life will not always be easy, but “I [also] know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, … whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength,” (Philippians 4:12-13 NIV).

Update My Testimony Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • That God will provide for all of my needs and that I will continue to trust in him
  • That God will prepare my heart and the hearts of all will come in contact with during my DTS