Monthly Goal:
MXN $60,000
Total Raised:
MXN $4,500
Raised this month:
MXN $0
Campaign funds will be received by Luz Carmona Loza
I am posting this in both ENGLISH and SPANISH.
Luz Enedina Carmona Loza is my sister-in-law. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in July of this year (2024.) She has been receiving treatment ever since. Our entire family has been helping her since she ran out of money. My wife, my daughter, and I have sent all that we have been able to gather to help. We have all run out of money to send her. We have finally put our personal pride to the side and are reaching out to the wonderful and generous people of our two countries to help save our beloved Luz.
Luz is one of the most selfless, giving people you could ever meet. She has been the caregiver for my ailing father-in-law for several years. Before that, she cared for my mother-in-law before she was taken home to be with our Lord. She has always shared her home with other members of the family who were in need. Luz, who has no children, cares for and adores her nephews and nieces, and has provided them with a home on many occasions. To her, “Mi casa es tu casa,” is not just a familiar phrase, but at the core of her being.
To date, her medical bills, including doctors, treatments, and medications have surpassed MXN$100,000. Her treatment (chemo) will continue every 3 weeks for six months. After that, the doctors have discussed radiation therapy and other costly and painful treatments that may be necessary.
We, her family, love her so very much and are humbly asking the community for any help they can provide.
God bless you all, and we pray that God blesses our beloved Luz. She truly is a light (luz) in our family.
Thank You.
Luz Enedina Carmona Loza es mi cuñada. Fue diagnosticada con cáncer de mama en julio de este año (2024). Desde entonces ha estado recibiendo tratamiento. Toda nuestra familia la ha estado ayudando desde que se quedó sin dinero. Mi esposa, mi hija y yo hemos enviado a todos los que hemos podido reunir para ayudar. Todos nos hemos quedado sin dinero para enviarla. Finalmente hemos dejado a un lado nuestro orgullo personal y nos estamos acercando a la maravillosa y generosa gente de nuestros dos países para ayudar a salvar a nuestra querida Luz. Luz es una de las personas más desinteresadas y generosas que podrías conocer. Ella ha sido la cuidadora de mi suegro enfermo durante varios años. Antes de eso, ella cuidó de mi suegra antes de que subiera al cielo para estar con nuestro Padre Díos. Siempre ha compartido su casa con otros miembros de la familia que lo necesitaban. Luz, que no tiene hijos, cuida y adora a sus sobrinos y sobrinas, y les ha proporcionado un hogar en muchas ocasiones. Para ella, "Mi casa es tu casa" no es solo una frase familiar, sino que está en el centro de su ser.
Hasta la fecha, sus facturas médicas, incluyendo médicos, tratamientos y medicamentos han superado los MXN$100,000. Su tratamiento (quimioterapia) continuará cada 3 semanas durante seis meses. Después de eso, los médicos han hablado sobre la radioterapia y otros tratamientos costosos y dolorosos que pueden ser necesarios.
Nosotros, su familia, la queremos mucho y pedimos humildemente a la comunidad cualquier ayuda que puedan brindar.
Dios los bendiga a todos, y oramos para que Dios bendiga a nuestra querida Luz. Ella realmente es una luz en nuestra familia.
Muchas Gracias.
Con mucho amor de la familia Mejia Robles
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