USD $10,000
USD $890
Campaign funds will be received by Paul Curtis
My name is Paul Kevin Curtis and I am the subject of the recently released documentary "Kings of Tupelo" on Netflix.
On April 17 2013, My life changed forever. My home in Mississippi was raided by dozens of Federal investigators, CIA, FBI, Secret Service agent's, Homeland Security and Capitol Police. I was falsely arrested for an unthinkable crime: Sending letters to government officials, including President Barack Obama, a Senator and a federal judge that were laced with deadly ricin, a lethal poison.
Watch my new docu-series "The Kings Of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Story" to fully understand why and how I became a person of interest to the Feds, law enforcement, funeral home owners and morticians.
The three-part series follows my life, an Elvis Presley impersonator in Tupelo. A bit of background, I began a successful commercial cleaning business in Tupelo, Mississippi in 1992 and landed a contract with the North Mississippi Medical Center hospital in 1998.
I was put in charge of over 150,000 square feet of tile floor which covered the entire ground floor, the emergency room and morgue.
One night I was asked by a new supervisor to perform a special cleanup procedure underneath the autopsy table in the morgue. Multiple other employees were asked to do the job before me but they all turned it down and said they did not want to go into the morgue because there were dead bodies in there. A few hours into the job, I got thirsty and overheated and decided to open up the door to a refrigerator thinking I would find something to drink but instead I discovered dozens upon dozens of severed body parts as well as the severed head of a man I had actually seen in the emergency room a few days before alive yet was now wrapped in plastic with a barcode.
I immediately began to question people in radiology as well as a physician and brought a few people to the morgue to see the shocking discovery. I had no idea my entire life and destiny would be changed by one question..."what do you all do with all the body parts in the refrigerator of the morgue"?
The hospital said it was standard procedure, but what I saw left me with PTSD to this day as I was fired and banned for life from the hospital and all of its affiliates throughout Northeast Mississippi after I refused to sign a false statement saying I was in an area of the hospital that I was not authorized to be in which was 100% false.
I began an unrelenting pursuit of the organ trafficking and the black market organ and tissue industry in search for the truth. My documentary highlights the devastating impact all this had on my life.
I lost my business, my family, friends and at some points, some of my children in the pursuit of justice. My house burned down and my car exploded. My two dogs were killed in the night. Attorneys messed up my case against the government with the statute of limitations running out as they sat on my case and it never went to trial.
My name was never cleared and I had to come up with an alias stage name in order to make a living and support my children.
Now that my life story has been released, it has caused a whole new level of issues. Thousands of people have reached out in support, but the multiple threats continue.
Right after the documentary was released, my landlord gave me 30 days notice to move out of the house I've been living in since moving out of the tiny RV camper I had lived in for the past 4 years with my rescue cats and dogs far out in the country until the roof dry-rotted and caved in.
My property was vandalized, my tires slashed, car window busted out, my cat poisoned, and the list goes on. I am humbly asking for your assistance in helping me rebuild my life and get back on my feet far away from Mississippi. I also want to seek some therapy and council to help reconcile all I have been through. As a result of the never-ending mental and physical torture of being falsely arrested so many times, the body parts and the Ricin case, I have severe PTSD and have a hard time sleeping at night. When you watch the documentary, you will better understand my plea and how my life has been threatened multiple times. Your donations will help relocate me and my rescue animals to a safe location to start a new life so I can be the father and entertainer I was meant to be.
I'm sure many think I was compensated well for this documentary, but I was not. It was more important to me that this documentary was made than receiving compensation. The little money received has already gone to medical bills, attorney fees and household needs. I have severe physical limitations having degenerative discs in lower spine and Focal cervical spinal stenosis, caused by a terrible motorcycle accident when I was 17.
On top of that, 2 years ago, I had to have my gallbladder removed, three kidney stones and when the anesthesiologist put me to sleep for the gallbladder removal, they ruptured my vocal cords with the breathing apparatus tube causing permanent scar tissue on my vocal cords for the rest of my life which set forth 2 years of trips to Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee for voice therapy and exercises monthly.
My partner has rheumatoid arthritis and has underwent two serious hip surgeries in the last 2 years making her life and role as a new mother difficult. She was unable to lift baby or get on the floor and play with him his 1st year of life and she cried almost every night.
It took 3 years to film the Netflix docu series and a lot of trauma to relive. I have come to realize my family can never move forward toward healing until I can raise enough money to leave this state and start over somewhere less corrupt and where I am not constantly targeted.
I am primary daytime caretaker for our 23 month old whom I supervise at all times because of the threats on my life and my family's lives. I have been unable to go online and even post where I will be performing if I even got a booking for a live show which is something I never thought would happen in my life.
Since the documentary, and for some time before it, I have been cut off from most of my family, and have no where to turn. Even though the documentary aired, living in a small town, many people still treat me like I am guilty of the crimes portrayed in the documentary and I have little to no opportunity to support my family here.
I used to perform 3 to 5 shows a week but that stopped.
I was reluctant to do this fundraiser, but so many people encouraged me to do it so that I would have the means to move my family to a more secure, safe location and cannot do that without your prayers and financial help.
Someone killed another rescue cat a few weeks ago the day after the trailer for my life story on Netflix dropped and I can't handle any more death.
Any amount is extremely appreciated, and if you cannot offer financial help, please consider offering prayers for our family and share this on your social media.
Thank you so much in advance.
Kevin Curtis aka Paul Kevin Curtis
I am KC, the 1st Elvis Presley impersonator ever framed in a presidential assassination plot and I approve this message.
For my friend, Paul Kevin.
You got this
Happy to Help KC ❤️
Happy to Help you KC ❤️❤️❤️
Happy to help in anyway I can ALWAYS 🥰❤️
Hang in there!
Good luck KC. Your life was thrown upside down and I hope you can find some peace brother.
I would give more if I could.🫶
I hope this small donation helps because I feel for you after watching the Netflix documentary. Love and hugs from the U.K
Good luck KC! You can visit me and my family in Illinois if you want.
God Bless and Best Wishes to you KC
Best to you & your family!
Stay strong!
Praying for you all. Love from Denmark
Thinking of you and i truly hope you get all the money you need
C’mon people this lad needs a break
Best of luck and this is the best thing for you and your family
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