USD $50,000
USD $10,672
Campaign funds will be received by Felipe Martinez
Jan 6th Defense for a disciple of Christ
On my ARREST WARRANT it says, United States of America v. FELIPE ANTONIO "TONY" MARTINEZ. It was extremely difficult to get past this page because my heart was broken. I love my Lord Jesus Christ, my family, and my country, my United States of America. I love our history, our Founding Fathers and their intent for government.
My family and I have been caught up in the January 6th "insurrection". The United States of America is punishing us for being a witness and for helping those in need because of the violence that occurred. I've never been a criminal. I've been a disciple of Christ since 2005 and before the throne of my God, I state that I did not enter the Capital building, I did not cause any damage or vandalize any or part in or outside and around the Capital. I was NOT a part of any plan, nor did I hear of any plans or conspiracies to take over the Capital. I did not cause any harm or act violently towards any policing authority. I'm completely innocent of all charges that are held against me, so help me God.
October 2023, I had to travel to DC to try and prove my innocence. I was treated like I was already guilty. What happened to innocence until proven guilty? I was found guilty of crimes I did not commit. In April 2024, I was sentenced and incarcerated for 21 months for felonies, which the Supreme Court overturned in June 2024, and 12 months for misdemeanor trespassing. To this day, the 21 months for the felonies have not been removed and I’m still serving that time because the evil DOJ wants to punish me for as long as possible.
I am a political prisoner! HELP!!
We need your help to continue my fight against the corruption of the Department of Justice in the US Court of Appeals and other civil suits arising. The DOJ has also voiced their intensions to charge me with new felonies since my initial felonies will be removed, eventually. I am a political prisoner because I love the country the Founding Fathers fought and bled for. This country was and is meant to be governed by “We the People”; not they the government.
My family needs your help. I am unable to provide for my family and find myself in a position where my family must take care of my costs in prison as well as themselves. It breaks my heart that they are struggling to do so, and I pray for their relief. Every dollar is critical and greatly appreciated. We welcome your prayers as well if that is all you have to give.
Thank you for your consideration and may God bless you,
Tony Martinez
God bless
Welcome home patriot! God bless you!
God bless and be with the Martinez family. Justice must be done.
God bless you and your family.
Praying all the captives will be released come January.
This breaks my heart. I pray DJT pardons everyone on day 1. The world is waiting for this moment. Hoping you are sleeping in your own bed Jan 21, 2025. The greatest stain on in America's history. God bless.
God bless you and all the January 6ers-especially those who have been unjustly imprisoned. 🙏🙏🙏 The Ian Scott Cullison Impossible Dream fund
I wish I could give more.
I am praying you will all be released.
Presidential Pardon coming my fellow J6'er, your Patriotism on J6, the Fedsurrection, will never be forgotten. Merica !!!
May God bless you and your family and keep you strong in faith!
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