USD $305
Campaign funds will be received by Aubrey Haznar
On March 26, 2019 the front door of my Quincy, Massachusetts was kicked down and I was violently ripped out from my home by three Quincy Police officers, two of them were still drunk from their alcoholic binges hours before. Even as I write this, I can still smell their boozy-body odor stenches that oozed from these drunks as all three forcibly held me down in my own home. These kidnappers with badges lacked any kind of warrant nor any laws to justify their horrid violations of my rights; their actions clearly fit the definition of kidnapping based on my knowledge of the laws gained from a two-decades long career as an investigative journalist. Two hours prior to this violent silencing, I just filed a criminal complaint against a sitting state judge heard on court audio horribly berating my elderly mother to tears and removing her rights to enable a $2 million embezzlement. Quincy was never notified of these judicial crimes so I knew I had struck a nerve with the gang of corrupt public officials that run Massachusetts because in this filing, I also outed a now removed FBI agent who took an oath to uphold the Constitution, but didn't. Never did I realize how many morally bankrupt souls would repopulate the Boston FBI office; my filing that got me sectioned had outed a bent FBI agent who swore he investigated the state judge heard abusing my mother. Instead he extorted the judge. He and others who have all mysteriously "retired" mark the fifth generation of corrupt FBI agents in Boston.
I was ripped from my house without warrants nor laws and “sectioned” or locked up in a mental ward for filing a criminal complaint with irrefutable evidence against a now "flipped" state judge who is heard on audio of an illegally closed and locked to the public court hearing, berating an 86-year old until she is heard crying, forcing her to commit multiple frauds on the court, frauds all secured by the elder’s caregivers with cash payments to the judge and facilitating clerk magistrate, the latter a member of a local South Coast crime family. When doctors at Quincy Medical's psych ward saw police sectioned a victim who just reported crimes of a judge, they quickly released me but refused to file any complaints on my behalf or my elderly mother, despite mandated reporting laws.
As I was leaving the now ejected from the state Steward Health Care's now closed Quincy Medical Center, I started interviewing nurses, doctors, other "sectioned" patients even members of the local ambulance company. I found out a majority of the hospital's ED revenues were derived from what cops call "Crazy Train Rides" where this gang would scoop up homeless; lying and saying these innocent drug addicts and drunks threatened to harm themselves, all to engage in a huge Medicaid fraud scheme that to my estimation went on for five years and illegally sectioned hundreds of innocent souls. The level of corruption of who knew of this legalized kidnapping squad was far beyond my wildest expectations. I went directly to Quincy Police requesting an Internal Affairs investigation. Instead, I was threatened with arrest.
The next three days I lived in my home's closet, fearful these thugs would kick down my door again. About a week later, a legal maneuver I performed and severe personal sacrifices I endured and still endure forced the federal government, a section which oversees the US DOJ, to launch the largest RICO probe against the entire government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This "legal magic bullet" I provided through this maneuver allows the feds to overcome Article Six or state's rights.
Since April 8, 2019 launch, an anti-corruption task force has been using RICO because I empowered them to do so through this legal maneuver. But, here's the horrible part of this huge investigation, this "magic bullet" allowing the feds to treat every public official in the Commonwealth as Tony Soprano only works if I remain homeless until the investigation concludes. It has been a horrible existence since the launch of this first of its kind probe. I knowingly allowed the federal government to take possession of my home, all my worldly goods and remove my rights such as my right to legal representation, healthcare even seeing a psychiatrist to deal with these flashbacks of these thugs with badges holding me down--all these options have been prevented, all in the name of some secret federal investigation. What is most heart breaking is being segregated from every friend, professional contact or anyone who offers to help me such as housing--they are all threatened with interfering with a federal investigation and the silence has caused me to question my personal patriotism that our government will do the right thing. The almost five year long probe has resulted in tremendous results so far such as the closure of most of Quincy's 24 massage parlors (they had extortion cameras) along with the exit of Steward and flipping many involved to catch bigger fish, but the DOJ won't reveal indictments until after the November 5 elections. Its their policy.
I physically can not wait until then and would like to at least raise funds to eat this week and perhaps replace my broken cell phone. Being forced to live inside a taxi cab has atrophied my muscles and I can barely produce any income. I have repeatedly tried to relaunch my once successful marketing communications company, but each client who initially welcomes re-signing my company's services, are all threatened with interfering with the ongoing federal investigation.
Again, I knowingly allowed the feds to remove my rights and allow my mom to be abused by her embezzling caregivers for years all hopeful the federal government will extricate corruption from our state government--but enough is enough. At anytime, I could easily file a motion with US District Court. Perhaps soon I will. In the meantime, any help you can give would be most welcome. Also, any attorneys who have a passion helping victims of FBI malfeasance and not intimidated by a federal task force threatening you if you help this victim, please contact me.
Thank you
Aubrey Haznar
It's not much but I hope it helps.
Keep on fighting !
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