USD $24,686
Campaign funds will be received by Mark Armentrout
On Saturday July the 6th Harper Owens the 13 year old daughter of Dwayne and Amy Owens was involved in a 4 wheeler accident. Harper sustained severe spinal cord damage along with a broken nose.
Immediately following the accident she was airlifted to a hospital in Johnston City TN. After evaluation she was immediately airlifted to a hospital in Knoxville TN. It was determined that the surgery she needed would be extensive and better handled at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Harper was airlifted to Vanderbilt where surgery was performed and they successfully fused her vertebra. The MRI afterwards showed that her spinal cord had suffered some damage.
Harper is to be transported to a pediatric rehabilitation facility in Atlanta GA to begin rehabilitation.
Dwayne and his wife Amy are great parents to their two daughters and will be facing some challenging times in the coming weeks, months. Please help this wonderful family.
Praying for you all!
God blessings! Always remember God has you always.
Continued Prayers!
Prayers for sweet Harper and her family!
Continued prayers for Harper, her family & friends and her caregivers.
We are continuing to pray!! Love you guys!
Praying for you & your recovery!
Keeping your family in our prayers and wishing a speedy recovery. God bless.
August 27th, 2024
As we near the 2 month post accident mark, Harper‘s list of progression continues to grow…she is permanently out of her neck brace and has been trying out a manual wheelchair. This is a significant improvement, as she will be self propelling once she switches over. It also means, however, that she has to work even harder to build up her upper body strength and arms. She has picked out and ordered her very own (custom color) manual wheelchair. She continues to give it her all in therapy- she has come so far.
She still has a long road ahead of her, but we have faith that there is life after injury and our God is not finished with her yet.
We are in the process of remodeling The Owens family’s first level of their home into a handicap accessible floor, with an elevator, for Harper to come home to upon her release from Shepherds Center. We are striving to make sure Harper continues to move forward with her life as a normal, happy and healthy teenage girl.
A handicap accessible van will also be needed in the near future for transportation for Harper. We are asking for your help… any little bit makes a HUGE difference. Any money donated will be used towards medical expenses and bills, home remodeling and a handicap accessible van.
Keep an eye out for any upcoming fundraiser opportunities to help with, or kindly donate to our main donation page here, set up by Sheriff, Mark Armentrout.
Please follow her on TickTock @Hope4Harper31
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.