Greg Case Bilateral Lung Transplant


 USD $100,000

Campaign created by Karen Perry

Campaign funds will be received by Greg Case

Greg Case Bilateral Lung Transplant


How to begin... Greg Case like many infants, unfortunately, have heart murmurs early in life, but most resolve themselves. Then there are those like Greg, born in 1983, who defy the odds. In 1985 he was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, but there weren't any treatment options offered at that time. He was too young, and the medical field wasn't up to speed yet. In 1986 Greg was referred to Texas Children's Medical Center in Houston by Dr. Charles Mullins. His team had been experimenting on dogs with pulmonary hypertension using stents to open the pulmonary arteries.

At this time, Greg's parents were asked if they could use Greg's case files to get the procedure on humans approved, to which they granted permission. While being studied, he received a heart catheterization along with a battery of other tests. His parents were told the team would contact them when it was approved. Meantime, they routinely kept follow-up appointments and were amazed at how well Greg was doing given his condition. 

Roughly 3 years later, in March of 1991, the medical center contacted them to perform an experimental stent placement in both his left and right pulmonary arteries. It was a success and relieved much of the pressures in his heart.

During this time, they also learned that every vein, vessel, and artery leading to and from his heart was abnormally small which caused his heart to work harder than it would normally. Regardless, it was far better than it was before the stents were placed. However, these same stents would eventually collapse as he aged. Greg was advised to avoid contact sports such as football but was able to play the game of baseball which he so loves to this day, watching and coaching his three sons over the years.

In 1997, they repeated the heart cath to check the condition of the stents and found they were still functioning well for him. Visits to a cardiologist each year until the age of 16 were held. However, his prognosis for living a full life was limited to about age 17. Despite this, the Lord granted him the ability to compete in baseball and powerlifting during high school. His parents were told, "he wouldn't be the fastest kid on the field but would make it around the bases." 

Into adulthood, Greg was able to work physically demanding jobs in the oil field industry until he was laid off when the industry slowed tremendously. Having to accept a less taxing role to provide for his family for several years, he was later offered another position in the oil industry. Except this time, he couldn't pass the lung functioning test. 

It was in 2017 that he learned his lung function began deteriorating and after a long period of testing, it was determined he needed a bilateral lung transplant. He began seeing a team of specialists in New Orleans on a regular basis. They began a medication regimen which seemed to help, and in 2021 he was offered a non-physical supervisory role in the oil industry once again. 

During his testing, they described him as basically breathing with the capacity of half of a lung. His body adjusted to his new norm for some time. 

But, in October of 2023, Greg became ill, went to the hospital ER to be checked, and learned he was not only in lung failure, but heart failure, too. Shortly after, he was airlifted to the team of doctors in NOLA and learned they would not be able to treat him for both. He had to find another team and hospital that would accept his now even more complicated case, one that would include both lungs and heart needing transplants. 

As time progressed, his liver was adversely affected to the point of cirrhosis due to the lungs and heart failures. As of this moment, the team of doctors believes it could heal on its own once the transplanted healthy organs are in place, alleviating a need for a liver transplant as well.

As one could imagine, he could no longer work; however, he did have short-term and long-term disability plans with his employer that could help with his family's finances, but it wouldn't touch what a household of five needs would involve adding the expense of back-and-forth travel to the Houston medical center who finally accepted his case.

Currently, Greg's diagnoses include right ventricular failure, supra valvular aortic stenosis, pulmonary HTN, hypertension, and lung failure. His O2 levels are 88 on 2.5/3 liters of oxygen sitting and when up walking, they drop into the low 70's and upper 60's. He is now on oxygen almost 24 hours a day. His lung transplants have been approved, and he is awaiting the determination on whether his heart will be done at the same time if needed.

When first diagnosed in 2017, Greg's wife stopped work seeing the need to be present for Greg's care, and he was able to receive Social Security Disability benefits and Medicare. With three growing boys, all active in sports and excelling in school, they were able to make it work with donations early on. 

Once Greg was able to return to work on a trial basis with his SS Disability, their finances changed once again, and the boys were able to participate in sports like most kids with the equipment required. Now, with two of their sons in high school, one a senior soon to graduate, and a sophomore, the demands on finances have risen along with inflation and teenage boy appetites.

Due to Greg needing his insurance through his employer, his family does not qualify for any other governmental subsidies or support, and they find themselves in a quandary. This is where YOUR support comes in. 

To replace the lost earnings potential for a year, costs of fuel and housing in Houston, the goal has been minimally set at $100,000. Once he is officially placed on the transplant list, he is required to be living in Houston, Texas no more than 15 miles away from the hospital. And, once the transplants take place, he is required to live there for follow-ups and for any other challenges that could arise, for a minimum of 4 months to a year, given both transplants would be done simultaneously, is the understanding. 

There is an IMMEDIATE need for financial support. His family's church has supported them all along in various ways, but being a small community of believers, not much more can be done. The boys' school and booster club has been so very helpful with fundraisers, too. But more is needed. 

Their family is still in need of financial support in a greater way now. Once he was released from his last employer, he lost his health insurance and was required by the hospital to acquire a new secondary plan with his Medicare. The only way he and a member of his family can travel to the next appointment is if they get the funds they desperately need soon. Greg and his family are not currently eligible for any government assistance welfare programs, so every bit helps. 

YOUR prayerful support for this family who have served faithfully in their church and community is a way to give back to the kingdom of God.

Greg's story can be followed on their personal blog page titled “Team Case” Other ways to give outside of this platform are as follows:

CASH APP:$BaxterCase

(Baxter is their dog :))



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Praying you get that call very soon !

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Anonymous Giver
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Greg's MRI set for 05/08/2024 may need to be reset due to the cost of travel.

May 7th, 2024

Greg is scheduled for an MRI on 05/08/2024 to determine the current need to replace his heart along with his lungs. But, due to the cost of travel to Houston, he may have to reschedule. His short-term disability coverage has now expired. Their financial need is becoming more critical day by day as his ability to breathe decreases, as well. 

Your prayerful consideration to move on behalf of him and his family to support them financially at this time is GREATLY APPRECIATED! We covet your prayers, too! May the Lord bless you and yours, especially for your obedience in helping them. 

Prayer Requests

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