God's Goodness Podcast


 USD $10,000


 USD $835

Campaign created by Michelle Hankins

Campaign funds will be received by Michelle Hankins

God's Goodness Podcast

Anyone who knows me knows I love to talk and what better way to share my "gift" with the world than to talk with people about the God of the Bible still working in people's lives today! God planted the seed of me starting a podcast with my husband in July of '23 and we released the first episode September that year. The podcast's mission is to encourage and highlight God's goodness and modern-day miracles happening all around us! We are hoping others would be inspired to help us keep this mission going. If everyone we knew gave $5, we'd be more than set! God bless you!

Recent Donations
Steve Newman
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Praise God I finally found your card I had misplaced. I have been so blessed and ministered to with your pod cast. There is such an anointing on your ministry. Thank you for your obedience and faithfulness. God bless you! ❤️🤟

Deborah Belback
$ 50.00 USD
11 months ago

Bill Groomes in appreciation of God's Goodness interview of Ian Reith entitled "Choose Whom you will
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

First time I heard God's Goodness podcast by Shelly and Josh Hankins which was transformational interviewing Ian Reith's testimony.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Briggs Electric
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

I wish you the best on this new journey.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

God told me to give this to you!


Update #10

October 7th, 2024

God blessed us with a new rental with an in-house studio! I just posted a picture of our cozy studio in social media 10/5/24. God continues to bring things together for us! Prayers for donations and against spiritual warfare are greatly appreciated. I feel big things are on the horizon that are still to unfold. 

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Update #9

December 22nd, 2023

Donations go towards things like the audio editing & paying off the microphones. We also need to get an EIN established & will be putting donations towards legal consultation so everything gets set up correctly without issue. After that, we'll be working on saving up for trademarking the podcast logo. #goals

Update #8

October 14th, 2023

We finally got a location to use when we can't record the episode in someone else's home! What a blessing! I kept scheduling the podcast recordings, knowing that God would work out the how! So glad I did! We have SEVEN episode recordings on the books with one in editing for next week's debut. It sure would be nice to see income from this adventure come in soon! The startup expenses added up and the audio editing is an ongoing expense. I know God's got this though so he'll work it out!

Update #7

September 22nd, 2023

Our initial financial goal was met & allowed us to get 3 podcasting microphones along with headsets, cords, microphone stands, & pop filters just in time for interviews! It felt like Christmas opening up the box today! God is so good!

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Update #6

September 19th, 2023

I've decided to focus on getting the audio sounding great and interviews scheduled before worrying about cameras. However, I have a big vision! Wanting cameras will lead to wanting so much more that goes with them, including a studio for it all! #babysteps #bigvision 

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Update #5

September 18th, 2023

We reached our initial fundraising goal and can now get some of our own microphones & better headsets! The next goal is to get a couple cameras to add the visual element to bring these to YouTube. I'm still researching which camera will be best and I'm praying someone can help with this part of the vision as well! Still finalizing location details for when we interview people. (Our house will be too noisy with our dogs & visitors.)

Update #4

September 9th, 2023

I found someone to edit our podcast audio and they're excellent! That part of production did not bring me joy.🤭 This week I also had a professional graphic designer help us with the podcast artwork. The 1st episode launches September 9th, 2023! They get better, I promise! We still need some more microphones and a cord but it's coming along!

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Update #3

August 26th, 2023

We had a training session for editing the audio this week. I've learned that there's so much I don't know, and I want to find someone that this editing part brings them joy. I just want to be able to upload my audio file and schedule it for publishing. I have no idea how to open up files in Pro Tools let alone make my audio recordings sound good. When I look up tutorials, I'm lost. Most tell how to record, yet I already have the recordings. I've posted a video in hopes someone knows someone they can refer. Prayers and financial help are appreciated!

Update #2

August 15th, 2023

Saturday, we recorded the 1st 3 episodes and the dogs didn't bark once! Hallelujah! I also claimed the God's Goodness Podcast name tonight on the podcast hosting site! I'm also working on getting together with the right people to help me with the editing. I'm also working on the social media posts for the launch date and future episodes in the meantime. 

Update #1

July 24th, 2023

Thanks for checking in! We have the logo created and Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, & Facebook accounts set up! We still need an audio interface, at a minimum, to be able to start recording. That's approximately $150. 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.