USD $7,500
USD $5,749
Campaign funds will be received by Gail Ross
Please help me and my Autistic son move to Arkansas. We need to move from Sedona AZ. It is not only very expensive to live here, but it is also very dangerous. My only income is Social Security and I am the caregiver of my Autistic son. I desperately need your help to move to Arkansas where it is much cheaper to live and get the proper treatment for my Autistic son. I am disabled and unable to work. Please donate. Anything helps.
I do 3 or 4 interview podcasts each week to help people with information, but I make no money doing it. I am known as "gailofgaia". Sedona is first on the list to become a smart city. I am 72 years old and we cannot be here when that happens. I have a pickup to move with but it needs new tires. The cost will be approximately $800 to $1,000 It will take $315 in gas alone. It will take 16 driving hours to get there. I can only drive for 4 hours a day. My eyes just can't take any more than that. My Autistic son can't drive. That means My Autistic son and I will have to stay in a motel for probably 5 nights to rest. I hope we can get a motel for as little as $80 a night. That will be around $400.
We can rent a small house in Arkansas for around $1,500 a month with first & last and deposit will be $500 for a total of $3,500 to move in with no appliances or furniture. We will have to stay in a motel, which will costly too, until we find such a house. We will be safe there and still plan on doing podcasts to help people. My Autistic son can get the help he needs in Ft. Smith, AR at the Autistic Medical Clinics which is usually free to needy families.
We will be traveling with only our clothes and necessities. We cannot take any furniture with us which means we are going to have to buy used appliances and furniture when we get there. We thank you in advance for your donations. God Bless you, I love you and again, thank you.
As challenging things are right now, trust and believe that God has supplied all of your needs thru his riches and glory. Keep your mind fixed on visualizing that your financial needs have been met and they will be met.
We love you Gail
Please be safe and well and happy Gail
Sending love and prayers.
Love and blessings Gail we will pray for you!
We are praying for you Gail!
Good Luck!!!!!
stay strong...sending love
Best wishes for full recovery
"Whatsoever ye desire, when ye pray, Believe that you have received it and you shall have it".....Matthew 11:24
Be well and good life!
Chief said Gail needs help and Chief gets what he wants
Wish you all the best Gail!
Best wishes💖
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