USD $70,000
USD $27,625
Campaign funds will be received by Gary Hill
Dear GiveSendGo Friends,
It has been a while since I updated. We are praying and working hard for a miracle. In the beginning of our journey we were told Gary had stage 3 cancer, and at first we had provisions for treatment. We had medical insurance and income and we were highly encouraged as he had some successes. However, he faced complications in several areas, which extended his treatments and he was placed on short term disability...then long term disability. Once that occurred, he was terminated from his job, lost his medical insurance, and his life insurance. This placed him in jeopardy and placed him at risk from being able to get the best care he needed.
His income was cut by 40%. We applied for social security, but have been denied multiple times. We have applied for medicaid, but have been denied. We were told SS should kick in within a few months from the time of application. That did not happen. If we were accepted I could have applied for caregiver support from the state, but since we were denied I have been unable to receive that support. We have contacted an attorney for help to see if we can address this.
It is very sad that this has been the outcome for him and our family, after all these years of him traveling away for work to try and provide the best for us. He has a big heart and many dreams and I want to see him have the opportunity to fulfill them. We have a wedding in a few weeks, and we want to turn things around so he can walk our daughter down the aisle and officiate her wedding. We want him around for our son's future weddings and we want him to meet our future grandchildren. I want to grow old with him. I don't want to be a widow. I want to see the light come back into his eyes again. I want to see him laugh and smile again.
The conventional doctors have told us they can only try to prolong his life. This has been very difficult to hear and process. We have listened to and read about many people who have turned stage 4 around miraculously, and are still cancer free today. We are believing that for Gary too. Nothing is impossible with God. We could use help raising the funds to get the treatments he needs though, and to help us pay for bills we have accumulated. I believe if Gary can be relieved of the concerns financially he can turn his focus onto healing and resting. To recovering and overcoming. To feeling hope again, by feeling relief of that stress. We need all the prayers as well, and I know he appreciates words of encouragement. We all do.
We are grateful for everyone who has been praying for him and our family, for all the encouraging words, and for the support you have given whether emotionally or financially. If you would please help us spread the word whether through your social media, local shops, church congregations, small groups, friends, families, co-workers, and team members. We need all the help we can get.
It is our prayer that God blesses you beyond measure in return. That if you need healing or a loved one needs healing, He brings you peace, rest, and healing too. If you have a financial need we pray God blesses you abundantly. If you need a miracle we pray He surprises you in amazing ways---In Jesus's Name."
(Ephesians 3:20, Psalm 107:20, Psalm 103:1-5, Exodus 14:14)
(That photo we have posted is older. He has lost a lot of weight. He is down to 128 lbs. His normal weight is 170-180lbs.)
With Sincere Gratitude,
The Hill Family
God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Love you guys!
Praying for God's blessing, guidance and provision for you. Love you guys!
Continuing to pray that God guides you through this season. Love you guys always!
Keep on trusting...God is good! Love you guys!
The Chamberlain family sends their deepest condolences and heartfelt love to your family. We will continue to lift you all up in prayer and know that God’s faithfulness, love, and comfort will cover your hearts as you walk through this very difficult time.
May God comfort you at this time and give you strength and courage....'The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heat trusts, and I am helped.' Love you guys!
Thinking about & praying for your family during this time. May Jesus flood your hearts and your homes with peace and comfort as you navigate this season of life. #blueforgary
Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; He is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield in whom I take refuge.... Keep on fighting....Love you guys!
Love you guys always!!
What God Can Not Do Does Not Exist. ”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”“ Joshua 1:9 We Love You Gary, Natalie, and Family.
Keep fighting the fight! Love you guys!
Prayin and believin.....Love you guys!
Standing on His promises with you! He is faithful!
I know what it’s like to watch your dad fight cancer. The Genesis Center in , Ga was a great resource for my family. We believe my dad would still be alive today if we started treatment with them earlier. We serve a big God, stay strong.
October 5th, 2023
It has been a crossroad right now. Gary's doctor believes he should try and go to Hope 4 Cancer, because of the advancements they have in treatments from all over the world in one place. The challenge is we were quoted $60,000 for the treatment. I take a deep breath. We are trying for grants and if required we will have to get a loan to go to this center. That is more cash to come up with monthly to pay it off, and we are stretched thin with the monthly we are paying for the medical debts. We are overwhelmed. We also have the continued concerns of long term disability's assertion to tell us they can pull their funds if we don't do what they think is the right treatment plan. This has been intrusive to me. It is stressful and burdening. Cancer patients try many things to defeat cancer including experimental drugs, so I do not understand this ongoing comment to us. They are not paying our medical bills. They should not be in our medical details. I have listened to Hope 4 Cancer testimonies and have spoken to several patients who have encouraged me that is was the best decision they made, and they are thriving. This encourages me. I truly desire a medical support team around us that is attentive and can provide both Gary and I the support we need. We appreciate prayers and the help of sharing this need. We will be trying for grants as well, so please pray we can receive support that will lift our burdens. I know God is faithful. I know He cares about the details. I am praying God will protect us, keep providing, and direct our steps. Thank you for your prayers and support. Ultimately, I want a miracle healing. -Natalie
September 28th, 2023
Dear family and friends. It was an all nighter. Very difficult. I am still processing that God gave Gary the strength and endurance to walk our daughter down the aisle and gave him the supernatural power to courageously officiate her wedding. I know how hard that was for him and how he feared he would not be able to do it. The days and weeks leading up to the wedding day were stressful. I told him will be able to do it because the Lord will empower him to be able to. He was concerned and so was I, but I told him Cancer is not going to rob him or our daughter of that day, or the moments and memories we wanted to give. I knew it was a dream of his to be alive for her wedding day, but also to be able to walk her down the aisle and dance with her on that special day. To be able to officiate the wedding and put his name on her marriage certificate was a pretty powerful thing. I told Makenna, most girls do not get to have that as a keepsake, to have their daddy marry them, bless their marriage, and then sign his name on the dotted line. We both cried. I am praying for more miracles. I am thanking God for each one we experience, but I am praying our boys will get to have their father present for their future weddings too, when they come, and I am praying Gary will get to meet and hold all of his grandkids--then as they grow... play with them and chase after them.
Gary had a vision of being in his 70s and he was encouraging others to have faith in their own stories. Then I had a vision almost two years later of him walking with Jesus in a field of wheat. Jesus was turned to him and was talking to him like a close friend. He pointed at us and told Gary he is not finished yet. Then, He said something quiet to him and in that moment Gary completely transformed from being in the poor shape he was into a healthy, vibrant body! He lit up with joy and began leaping and running. He was so happy he had strength back in his legs again! When I had this vision I was listening to the song, "His Name is Jesus." Now, every time I hear that song I have that vision in my head. I don't know if it was to encourage me so I will resist moments of despair, but a pastor came by and prayed with Gary and he had a vision of Gary running and getting stronger and stronger. I never shared my vision with him, so that encouraged us so much. After he left, Gary and I were alone in the house. About 20 minutes passed or so, and suddenly we heard our guitar strum. It was a message to us from Heaven to not give up, to not despair, but keep going.
It has been hard. We have major decisions to make for Gary. We are currently talking with several doctors locally as well as are speaking with Hope 4 Cancer. I have listened to many testimonies of stories where cancer had spread and people were told there was nothing else to do, but they didn't give up and they got treatment not offered here. They gave us a protocol plan, but it is a lot of money and my heart just sinks from the overwhelm of unending costs. We need major miracles.
I hope somehow our story will bless those who are watching and listening, and pray that God will touch you in your own stories; that our story will be an encouragement to you to stay strong and don't give up. He cares about each and every one of us.
Thank you for all your prayers, love, and encouragement.
August 25th, 2023
As I shared, please see the campaign story for the full update. One of the things I did not mention in the story is Gary's long term disability has a clause in it that if he does not follow the treatment they think he should follow-- they can remove their support. His physician has told him that option will not save his life. It will only potentially prolong it---with the risks of added complications, compiling the ones he has, and secondary cancer like leukemia. She also said his body may not be able to tolerate it. If you had that choice or the choice to take what God provided to you, to do all you could to save your life.....which would you choose? If you had people fighting for you and sharing what is available to you to overcome all odds, what path would you take?
This has escalated Gary's stress levels, which only deteriorates how he feels and burdens his immune system to be able to fight. So that coming at us and a deadline approaching of a decision to make, in addition to trying to maintain monthly debt payments and keep creditors from threatening lawsuits and liens; then trying to come up with funds to pay for current needs has been overwhelming. They are covering our household right now while I am trying to come up with every way to replace Gary's income and pay for the medical.
I don't want him losing hope or heart. I don't want him feeling burdened or feeling like a burden, and I don't want him giving up. I don't want him losing energy worrying about these burdens. I want him to be able to focus fully on his healing and what God can do that man says is impossible.
Thank you for your support, your prayers, and for passing this on to those around you. We appreciate all one time gifts and monthly givings, as trust the Lord through this. It is our hope we will be able to give back somehow in the days up ahead. We have such compassion for those who have been through this or are going through it. Our heart goes out to every family in this situation. I pray the Lord comforts you, ministers to you, and breathes new life into you and your loved one. That you will feel His love. For those who have lost a loved one from cancer or any illness, We pray the Lord comforts your broken heart and pours out His grace onto you and your loved ones, to show you His love. ----Natalie
August 25th, 2023
Please read the updated campaign story. Thank You!
February 21st, 2023
We appreciate all prayers as we continue to press through our journey with treatments. Gary has had some complications over the past year that have made things challenging and caused his treatments to extend beyond what was anticipated or hoped. This, in turn, has escalated our costs. Thank you for your prayers, thoughtful encouragement, and support. --Natalie
May 13th, 2022
We appreciate prayers as we prepare for more lab work to see where we are at. Days feel like seconds, weeks feel like a day, months feel like a week it seems. We try to have a sense of humor and surround ourselves with wonderful people who spread joy and laughter. It keeps our spirits up, and so do all the prayers! Thank you for standing alongside us! --May God bless you in ways you never imagined. May He lift you wherever you need it!
April 28th, 2022
Gary received encouraging news that he is responding positively to his treatments. We appreciate your prayers as we continue to walk by faith, and fight hard! There are many things we have to see progress in, but every positive and encouraging thing we see or learn- lifts our spirits. Thank you for being our cheering section! --Love the Hills
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