USD $45,000
USD $7,400
Please help support Lauren and Devin Wikstrom and family with the birth and care of their micro preemie born at 26 weeks. Amelia Mae was born on January 26 and is 1 lb. 15 oz. at UAMS in Little Rock Arkansas. She is expected to remain in the NICU for several months as her lungs and organs develop. We praise God for a healthy baby and mom, but we know that ultimately he is in charge And he can perform a miracle with this little baby. Lauren was admitted on January 5 when her water broke prematurely at 23 weeks. She was placed on constant monitoring and bedrest as a doctors worked to help the babies lungs and organs to develop. It will be a long and difficult time for Lauren and Devin and their children. Travel expenses to Northwest Arkansas as well as lodging for Lauren and the kids in Little Rock will compound their struggle. There really isn’t any way to estimate the hospital expenses, not covered by insurance.
Please pray for God’s intervention and prayerfully consider donating to help offset some of these expenses for this amazing family.
With love and continued prayer from a family in your GLBC family.
Praying for continued progress and healing for this little blessing
Though we don’t know you, we are praying for you all.
We’re praying for you guys! Congratulations on your precious new little one! -Garret and Susan
You are loved with an everlasting love! Praying for God to supply all Your needs! He has the resources of the universe at His disposal and you can trust Him!
Praying for Amelia!
We love you all. Praying for Amelia's strength and energy to increase and for a speedy and complete recovery for Mommy. May God give peace to each one in your family. We are so grateful for the doctors and nurses caring for Amelia around the clock. May God grant them wisdom as they take care of her needs.
We love you all and we’re praying for you during this time.
We are praying for your whole family! Congratulations on your newest member. We are holding hope she will grow into a strong, healthy, and happy woman.
Praise God in all of his goodness! He is able to grow this little girl into a remarkable young lady!
Love and praying for you guys!
January 31st, 2025
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