USD $14,130
Campaign funds will be received by Audrey Tetlow
On January 20th, our dear friends, the Tetlow Family (Kevin & Audrey, and their sons Ellis, Henry and Noah and their unborn baby boy) lost control of their vehicle on the icy roads and were in a high speed head on collision on the Glenn Highway.
Audrey, Kevin and Henry have suffered severe injuries:
Audrey, who is 4 months pregnant, severely broke her left leg, left arm & hand, and pelvis in two places. Miraculously baby boy is doing well! She’s already undergone emergency surgery on her shattered leg and ankle, and is anticipating several more surgeries in the coming weeks. She will be bedridden for the remainder of her pregnancy (3 months or more), and will likely remain in the care of the hospital or other facility until they welcome baby Abraham.
Kevin has suffered a broken neck, a broken arm, and broken ribs. He is not expecting surgery but is facing a long road of recovery.
Henry, who turned 8 years old on January 18th suffered a severely broken neck and has undergone intensive surgery - doctors say his is lucky to be alive!! The surgery was a success, he is expected to recover but will have a very long road of recovery as well, as his neck is now held in place with a titanium plate and rods.
Their eldest and youngest sons were banged up, but overall ok.
We are asking for prayers for this family, please lift them up for healing in body, mind and spirit - the physical, mental and emotional trauma will take time to heal but they are faithful and are praising God every day they all made it out alive!!
We are also asking for any donations you can give to this family - they are a one income family of 5 (soon to be 6), and Kevin will be unable to work for at least 6 weeks. We pray he will be able to return to his job that he loves and enjoys, but until then they have no income, and their only family vehicle has been totaled. If you feel called to give, no amount is too big or small. We hope to cover their monthly expenses, at the very least. They have a long road of recovery and healing ahead, and hope to do whatever we can do to help alleviate their financial burden.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear. (Psalm 46:1)
"Heal me, O Yahuah, so that I am healed. Save me, so that I am saved, for You are my praise." Jeremiah 17:14
Good luck hope this helps
January 31st, 2025
Update on Kevin Tetlow!
Kevin has just been told that he does indeed need surgery on his upper right arm. Although the break was relatively clean there is too big of a gap between the bones therefore the doctor wants to pull the bones together secure them with a plate and a few screws.
Surgery is (miraculously, due to a cancellation and schedule) set for tomorrow morning at 6:30 a.m. he will be having surgery out in the valley at the regional hospital. It is supposed to be a relatively quick surgery considering but we are asking for all the prayers of protection and guidance for the doctors etc as well as quick healing for Kevin after the surgery.
A week and a half later and he has still not heard back regarding his neck and if that's going to need surgery, he doesn't have an appointment until next Monday to find out about the neck so prayers that that injury can heal without surgery!
After the surgery Kevin will be in a brace for 8 weeks. Which pushes the amount of time out that he will be in pain and that he will not be able to work. And again depending on what happens with the neck that could be yet another extension to those things. So continued prayers and continued support are very much appreciated!
January 31st, 2025
And my boy (Henry) is discharged!
This is a very exciting event especially for him but it's also a bit nerve-racking with everything that has gone on and then with everything that he's going to have to keep up with at home, all the restrictions etc.
He still needs 24-hour care.
Aunty has been absolutely beautiful and amazing and wonderful in this entire situation and she will be right there by his side throughout this transition for which I am incredibly grateful!
Please pray that as all of these different changes continue to commence everyone is able to handle the pressures of the limitations and the pains and confined spaces etc. That Brothers will understand why Henry can't do the things that he normally does and so forth. Just a lot of prayers for Henry and Kevin and the boys as well as Elizabeth and my mom as they are going to be at home trudging through these deep Waters.
I'm also really going to miss seeing my sister everyday and seeing Henry roughly every other day. But I'm a big girl and I can handle being alone. After all I'm not really alone, I never would have thought that being in hospital would mean I'm literally busiest I've ever been in my entire life. Between doctors and nurses and occupational therapy and physical therapy and techs and interns and OB's never mind phone calls and text messages and emails etc. 😅
January 31st, 2025
Surgery update!
It's been somewhat of a crazy day so this is a bit belated but surgery went well, praise Yahuah!
They were able to do the knee and the tibia as planned!
Having to do multiple surgeries instead of one has its pros and cons but the pros are that now these will get to start healing while we wait for the swelling and the ankle to go down the rest of the way. And that means the ankle surgery will be a much shorter duration which is also a big plus under any circumstances but especially when the individual in question having to lay on that hard surgical bed has a broken tailbone, broken pelvic bone and, bonus I found out today that I actually have a couple of fractures in lumbar's spine! I somehow missed that in all of the excitement over the past 9 days but that would explain the severe lower back pain that I have been experiencing along with all of the other pain. 😅
Irregardless Yah is as always a good good Father and I'm so grateful to have made it through another surgery!
After said surgery I took a nice nap and then got fitted for a splint for my left pinky finger (does not sound that involved but it was an hour and a half process). This finger is broken however the break was so clean that opting out of surgery seemed like the wisest plan for everyone involved so she came in and made me this really neat customa splint which I get to where 24/7 now for a long while but I'm really thankful because now that means I can use the rest of my hand without worrying about damaging that finger both the break and the tendon that had a little fix up during my first surgery.
And I also found out something else new today which I did not know. Since the accident I've had a goose egg on the top of my head and every day I feel it I think gosh this thing isn't going down, it doesn't hurt the way it used to but it's still gigantic well my sweet new nurse was going over the list of things that was wrong with me so that she could get familiar with my case, hence the "hey you also have a broken back", said it is a hematoma!
So there are all of my updates for the day. Continued prayers appreciated of course for all of the things because there's also things like me not being able to go to the bathroom, number one or number two so the catheter is back in but I would absolutely appreciate prayers that my bowels would start working again because I've had one small bowel movement since the accident 9 days ago and it is not a fun place to be! I really need to be able to defecate so that I can eat properly to keep this baby full of the right nutrition never mind myself!
*Editing to add I have been doing everything to try to make my bowels move. Milk of magnesia, magnesium citrate, they're giving me a laxative pill here in the hospital, I'm taking smooth move as well as a secondary marshmallow root tea that is supposed to be a laxative. They have been administering suppositories and enemas. Y'all we have literally been doing everything! And I catered my diet down to fruits vegetables and protein, tons and tons of hydration!*
And again Praise Yahuah that baby Abraham is well, they checked him right after surgery and his heart rate was strong and stable! 🙌🏻
Enough about me, prayers for Henry as he is starting to get to that point where he's kind of done with the situation and there's a little resistance for certain things. Continued prayers for his appetite and his ability to eat properly because if his food consumption slows at all he will likely have to get the feeding tube which of course we simply do not want to have to happen. Some other small things still going on with him, his eyes still need prayer as he is still having double vision and that one eye muscles is still quite loose. Time will very likely heal these eye issues but continued prayers for His eyes, neck and lungs.
Kevin is also still in need of a lot of prayer as he is still in a lot of pain and is unable to do nearly anything on his own!
His eye is also still bothering him though the black spot has dissipated vision has diminished in that eye. Likewise the eye doctor said if it's what he thinks it is it is temporary and it will eventually right itself but Kevin does have an appointment with a specialist in a few weeks to have that I looked at and hopefully find out what is going on. Again irregardless prayers for him are much appreciated! Also his tongue is still in a lot of pain, few of you were privy to that but I think we've determined that he bit his tongue really badly and the accident and then has since been kind of grinding his teeth making it worse so there's maybe open muscle or something that is going on and it's very painful.
And lastly but certainly not least I would appreciate if everyone would lift up my sister Elizabeth as well as my mother Angela and my father Aaron as they may not be going through the physical effects of this accident but they are walking side by side us, night and day 24 hours a day doing everything that we cannot do! My sister came as soon as she got the phone call and she has not left the hospital one time since then, she has been by Henry's side every single step of the way being his surrogate mother in this situation and I cannot express how much I appreciate the fact that she has been there for my baby when I cannot be!
Likewise my mother has been staying at my house with Kevin and Noah and Ellis 24/7 cooking and cleaning and being nurse made to Kevin, getting very little rest yet she as my sister are doing this out of the graciousness of their own hearts, there's no compensation and there's no breaks and no one even asked them to do it they're just doing it because they love us and if any one has ever showed the true love of Messiah it is them and my daddy in this situation. As my father has been having to go back and forth between his house and my house, he's been having to deal with all of his daily life and appointments for my siblings still at home, keep a wood stove burning 24/7 and take Kevin to all of his appointments and make sure that everything is taken care of now in two homes which is not an easy feat for a young man who is in shape and does not live in constant pain but my daddy is not a young man and he is not in shape and he does live in constant pain. The sacrifices that they are making for me and for my family will never ever be forgotten! I love you all so very much and I appreciate what you are doing for us in ways that I cannot express in words. ❤️❤️❤️
January 31st, 2025
Unexpected update.
I'm now on the schedule for surgery tomorrow morning!
It is a tentative scheduling and still may be canceled and rescheduled depending on a few things but if I am to have surgery tomorrow morning I would appreciate all the prayers!
The surgery would be on my left knee and left ankle. Roughly 6 hours long if everything goes well.
They have to do quite a bit with the ankle, a lot of puzzle work and reconstruction and then the knee isn't as hard but there is a slight depression so there's going to be some extra components because of that.
Baby is not to viability yet so they will not monitor him so extra prayers for him during the surgery that he is safe!
The orthopedic surgeon is named Dr Elliot, he did my emergency surgery last Monday but prayers for him and his team as well that father would guide their hands and give them wisdom.
If I do have the surgery tomorrow versus in a week or two the good news is that's a week or two sooner that's I can start recovering.
I will update if anything changes but all in all prayers appreciated!
January 31st, 2025
Had a surgeon come in and check my foot/leg this morning and confirm that it will be a minimum of another week before they can do surgery, possibly 2 weeks yet.
Today I am 21 weeks pregnant, after 22 weeks pregnant baby is "viable" and they will monitor baby throughout the procedure.
It's going to be a long procedure regardless with the ankle being in so many pieces and they're being so much work that needs to be done between the ankle and the knee. With that I would feel more comfortable knowing that baby was being monitored so my prayer is that the surgery does not commence until after baby hits 22 weeks next sunday.
Obviously the sooner I can get the surgery the sooner I can start healing from it but Abraham is my top priority right now.
So continue prayers that the swelling would continue to go down at a nice even rate, that pain would be manageable in the process and that when the time comes surgery will be successful and baby will be well taken care of.
January 31st, 2025
I'll start with Noah and Ellis. Noah was incredibly blessed to make it out of this accident with nothing but some scrapes and bruises. Ellis did have a concussion, pretty good goose egg on his forehead, mild side effects some vomiting etc but he is recovering well from that.
They have both been home since Tuesday afternoon.
They both seem to be handling the situation pretty well considering, but there's a lot of feelings that are unresolved right now and I would definitely appreciate prayers for their emotional and mental well-being during this situation.
Kevin was discharged yesterday regardless of protests on our part as we did not think he was ready. However his first night home went pretty well. I'm so incredibly thankful that my mother is with him and the boys to help during this time.
Kevin does have a broken neck, he has two clean brakes in his upper right arm and he has a broken rib on his left side. He is in a neck brace for the next 6+ weeks as well as an arm brace for the upper right arm for the next 6+ weeks. He is in a lot of pain so continue prayers for his pain management and healing.
Henry is still in the hospital. He did have a successful neck surgery. The surgery was a very serious one. The surgeon came in and spoke to me prior to surgery and told me that 50% of all people who experience this type of injury die on scene, that many more are paralyzed from the neck down because of it and that even with the surgery Henry had a small possibility of being paralyzed from the neck down.
But Praise The Most High Father for his protection and mercy and Grace that the surgery was a success and the doctor expects him to make a full recovery! They placed a titanium plate at the bases neck and two titanium rods down both sides of his neck as the neck itself did not just break but the tendons also severed and more or less his neck was just hanging on by a thread so this is what will keep his neck in place for the rest of his life, without healing from Yahuah, but there will be limited range of motion in the neck. He's not yet aware of most of these facts so this is going to be a long long journey for him.
Praise Father that the MRI they did yesterday came back normal, all of his insides are functioning properly and nothing is broken. He has, what they described as, the worst seat belt injury they've seen in a child. He is in a lot of pain surrounding that injury as well. But that was a huge huge relief having that MRI come back normal!
We're not yet sure how long he's going to be in hospital. He has not been able to hold down any food since the accident. I believe it's related to the pain medication. They are not too worried as of now with the IV in he's plenty hydrated and he's been able to keep down a bit of juice here and there but prayers that he would be able to eat in the near future as well.
So continued prayers for my baby as he's going to need every single one of them!
As for myself the upper extremity surgeon does not believe I'm going to need a second surgery on my left hand. There will be an X-Ray to confirm this one way or the other in the near future but there is hope there that I will not need further surgery on that hand.
My pelvic bone is broken, it broke clean through both sides of the circle as it were and my tailbone is broken and multiple places. There's nothing to be done about the tailbone regardless, if I were not pregnant they would fix the pelvic bone but as it were these two things are going to have to resolve themselves with time so I would appreciate prayers that they would heal quickly and in a healthy manner so that I do not have to get further surgery after the birth of Abraham to rectify the pelvic bone.
I am going to have to have more surgery on both my left knee and left ankle. The knee broke clean through with the impact so he said that break is about as good as it could be under the circumstances. My ankle however was shattered and it is about as bad as it can be under the circumstances. He said that the surgery / surgeries to come will be once the swelling is down, possibly as early as next Monday/Tuesday but it could be as long as 3 weeks from now, it all depends on the swelling and how soon it goes down.
The ankle will take a lot of time and work, a very in-depth surgery of putting a lot of teeny tiny pieces back in place, lots of recovery time.
Praise Yah my right side is more or less unscathed.
I would appreciate prayers that my bowels would start working as they are not and it's been 4 days. Also that when the time comes I'm not an extreme pain with all of the broken bones that I'm going to be required to sit on in order to use the bathroom. I otherwise have a catheter which is wonderful I might add. Ha
We have had so much support, so much love, so many people reach out, come visit, offer help and so on that it is overwhelming in the best possible way. Every single one of you are appreciated beyond words!
But I have to thank my sister Elizabeth specifically as she has been here since this happened, never leaving the hospital staying with Henry 24/7 when Kevin and I are not able to be with him. She has been his surrogate mommy in this and a constant love and support for me and I'm so thankful for her!
Into my parents and my niece, my brother for helping out. Y'all are so so loved!
I'll be trying to do some more updates as things happen.
I believe there are some different venues of help being orchestrated in regards to meal trains and donations etc I'm not 100% sure on those things yet but if I find out for sure I can share if anybody is interested.
All in all it's a good day to be alive! Yahuah is a good God and he is faithful and merciful and full of good gifts!
In all of this regardless of how terrible of a situation it is I've never felt his grace and his Mercy so fully as I have being in such a horrific accident yet having all of my precious family alive and "well"!
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