Supporting an NC Mountaineer


 EUR €170

Campaign created by lorene rose rodriguez

Supporting an NC Mountaineer

Robby is an extraordinarily kind soul who has graciously given financially to many individuals and families out of the goodness of his heart. He has, in fact, helped support an entire family which has helped them survive for decades. Because of his extravagant generosity, Robbie is now in a position in which he does not have funds nor medical insurance available for his own pressing needs. 

On January 6th, my brother suffered a stroke on his right frontal lobe which has left him with varying degrees of mental and physical challenges. The stroke led to further examination in which various tumors were discovered that are needing to be diagnosed and treated. The costs of testing and treatments continue to mount.

Despite being a hard worker with a caring nature, both of which were celebrated at his former job, he is unable to work and finds himself homeless, though he has much ambition to get better and return to the job he loves as soon as he can. However, considering his financial and physical state, he is unable to keep up with meeting the expansive medical expenses his condition now requires, nor is the family he spent decades supporting able to contribute to his care. 

Robby’s family a 72 year old step-dad, 70 year old aunt and myself (his sister who is presently living overseas),  aren’t able to help him financially at this moment either, which is why we’re asking you to consider helping Robby. 

Aside from the obvious help your financial gift would be in receiving treatment, any and all contributions would double in encouraging and giving light to Robbie in the midst of being in, as he says it, “a very dark hole.”

We don’t know where this journey will take him, but we are hoping and praying for better days ahead. We are truly grateful. Thank you. 

Recent Donations
€ 20.00 EUR
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
€ 150.00 EUR
1 month ago

Dear Robby, please know that there are many people out there who praying for your whole healing and financial recovery. The Lord is with you always and will provide for your needs. Rosi has always spoken very highly of you. What a blessing you have been to so many! God bless you! Lifting you up continually!


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