Michael St Pierre J6 Relief


 USD $4,800


 USD $500

Campaign created by Michael St Pierre

Campaign funds will be received by Michael St Pierre

Michael St Pierre J6 Relief

Michael St. Pierre J6 Relief for Rent

As a business owner who has lost everything twice, I’m now facing the most challenging time of my life. The first loss came right after J6, when I had to close my discount grocery store, Family Foods Grocery Outlet, in Fall River, MA. Determined to rebuild, I used what little funds I had left to open a smaller discount snack store, Fall River Snack Factory. After 9 months of progress, I was arrested on July 27, 2023, for J6.

I wasn’t mentally or emotionally able to keep the business afloat while facing charges that carry up to 5 years in prison—charges I believe are disproportionate to my actions and would typically result in probation or a fine at most.

This is the first time in my life I’ve truly felt defeated, and as much as it pains me to ask for help, I know the alternative is losing the home I’ve rented for 15 years. I’m now nearly 3 months behind on rent, with an eviction notice looming. At $1,600 per month, the thought of losing my home is overwhelming, but I have to stop dwelling on it and take action.

I’ve always been the one in my family who was financially stable, and I wouldn’t burden my retired mother, who already provides me with emotional support. Asking for help isn’t easy for me, and accepting it will be even harder. But it’s something I’ll never forget.

Thank you to everyone who supports us J6’ers, whether through prayers, words of encouragement, or financial help. You are truly angels for us in these difficult times. God bless you.

—Mike St. Pierre

Recent Donations
Stacy Ayers
$ 100.00 USD
17 days ago

God bless you

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
18 days ago

Best wishes in surviving the Democrat witch hunt

Sheila Koth
$ 15.00 USD
18 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
18 days ago

Wish we could give more. Hang in there!

$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago

Hang in there. Trust God. I'm praying for you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
19 days ago

Laurie Waldron
$ 50.00 USD
19 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
20 days ago

Many blessings!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
20 days ago

$ 20.00 USD
20 days ago

God bless and keep you

$ 50.00 USD
20 days ago

Hi. I am a former democrat voter hoping the world may forgive each other and heal. I hate how J6 was politicized, and the more I looked into it, the more I noticed the DOJ went way beyond the presumption of innocence and destroyed peoples’ lives. Friends and family have helped me in hard times, so happy to pay it forward. Hope your able to get back on your feet.


Update #1

January 25th, 2025

Update Update #1 Image

Prayer Requests

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