Toasty's Rare Complicated Surgery


Β USD $3,000


Β USD $2,145

Campaign created byΒ Faith Kwiecinski

Campaign funds will be received by Faith Kwiecinski

Toasty's Rare Complicated Surgery

Last Tuesday night, Toasty, my 16yo daughters cat, started coughing. I didn't know she was coughing, I thought she was gagging. My daughter was at a sleepover, so my 12yo son and I brought Toasty to the Emergency Vet. I thought maybe she'd eaten something and couldn't throw it up. After X-rays, we were told Toasty's chest cavity was full of fluid, and she couldn't breathe because the fluid was squeezing around her lungs. The vet said the x-ray wasn't clear enough to tell if she had cancer or heart disease. Well, as it turned out, she has neither. 

I took Toasty to another vet. After extensive testing, I was told she has Chylothorax. Apparently this is a rare thing that can happen to cats. The vet said he's only seen it once before in 12 years. It causes lymphatic fluid to drain into her chest cavity, so, Toasty is essentially drowning in her own fluid. The vet then told me that it's treatable, with surgery, by a specialist, who will have to break open her chest, and the surgery will cost $3000. 

Toasty is 7 years old. We adopted her, and her sister Marmalade, as part of a rescue. At the time my daughters were 10 and 12, and these were their babies to raise, nurture, and learn compassion for God's smaller creatures. All 3 of my children are very attached to the kitties, as are my husband and I. At that time we made sure to have the cats spade, got them all their shots, and have given them sheltered lives indoors.

Marmalade has also been adversely affected. She is keenly aware that her sister is dying. Marmalade has stopped eating and is depressed and lethargic. The entire situation is breaking our hearts, many tears have been shed.

The vet we went to is reluctant to euthanize Toasty seeing as she is so young,. He says her condition is treatable, with a likely good outcome, and that she could easily live a long life. Because of this, he does not feel euthanasia is ethical in this case. 

My husband and I are professional musicians. 30 years ago we dedicated our time and talents to God. We play music exclusively in church. As you may imagine, this does not leave us much financially for $3000 emergency surgery for our Toasty.

We have asked God for help. We have prevailed upon St. Francis for help. Now, we are turning to you for help. We pray God's Will be done. 

Thank you

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
2 days ago

God bless you & Toasty Faith! Romans 15:13πŸ’Œ

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thanks to God's grace we're full of HOPE and JOY! We feel the prayers and love everyone is sending! May God bless you, and continue to bless youπŸ’–" By Faith Kwiecinski

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
6 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
10 days ago

$ 50.00 USD
10 days ago

Good Luck Toasty and much love and blessings to you all!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thanks Mia! Here's a big hug for you from us and Toasty! Catch! 😺 Please give your parents big hugs from all of us too. We love you πŸ’•" By Faith Kwiecinski

The Lyman Family
$ 500.00 USD
12 days ago

Hello Faith, During our time at St. Peter’s Parish, your incredible talents and singing voice were always a highlight during our worship. 3 years ago we lost our own beloved cat Nutmeg to a very similar ailment, and she too was very young at 12. We hope that this donation will get Toasty closer to being able to live a healthy and fulfilling life post-surgery! -The Lymans, Rich, Fran, Em, and Jay

Response from Campaign Owner:

"I remember you all, and I remember your own service to our Parish. Thank you, so much, your generous gift to us is beyond words. God bless youπŸ™" By Faith Kwiecinski

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
12 days ago

You sang wonderfully at my cousin's funeral, but refused any payment. So paying Toasty instead.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Anonymous, you are in the prayers of our family. Your cousin was blessed to have someone like you in life. Thank you for this selfless gift πŸ™ ❀️😒" By Faith Kwiecinski

Meg and Beth
$ 150.00 USD
12 days ago

We hope that Toasty feels better soon.πŸˆπŸ’•

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Toasty and Marmalade are very blessed to have two generous kitty friends such as yourselves! Toasty says thank you for thinking of her 😺" By Faith Kwiecinski

Anastasia Hayes
$ 5.00 USD
13 days ago

I hope this helps Toasty, God Bless

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Oh, Anastasia ! It helps more than you can imagine! Thank you for your kindness towards our kitty! I will keep everyone posted on her progress" By Faith Kwiecinski

Ellen and Bob Withall
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

Danielle brown
$ 25.00 USD
13 days ago

I’m loving memory of my kitty who was also named Toasty. YourToasty is in my prayers.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Oh, Danielle! Thank you for this! We will keep you and your Toasty in our prayers. May God bless your generosity and compassion! " By Faith Kwiecinski

$ 25.00 USD
13 days ago

$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

Hope this helps Toasty! You are a lucky cat to be so loved by a special family!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"This will absolutely help Toasty! Thank you, Chris... I know a family that is so lucky to have YOU πŸ€— and we are so lucky to have a friend like you" By Faith Kwiecinski

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
14 days ago

You got this, Toasty!!!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you for you friendship and compassion towards us and our kitty" By Faith Kwiecinski

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
14 days ago

$ 50.00 USD
14 days ago

Praying for a full recovery for Toasty.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Oh, Carmela! You are so good! I cannot thank you enough for you concern and kindness towards us ! πŸ’– I will keep everyone posted on Toasty's surgery" By Faith Kwiecinski

Isabelle Devlin
$ 30.00 USD
14 days ago

Get well soon Toasty! Wishing him a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you Isabelle! You are so kind and compassionate to help us and our girl Toasty. I will write updates to let everyone know how she's doing" By Faith Kwiecinski

Foster mom Linda
$ 100.00 USD
14 days ago


Update #10

February 1st, 2025

Hi Team Toasty πŸ’œ 

Toasty is still hanging in there. Her breathing has yet to become labored. She and Marmalade are both eating. There has been a lot of cuteness, and Toasty has been very vocal. I never realized how much I talk to this cat! The best conversations are when she tells me what a genius I am, and I say, "Oh no, I'm not.", and then she tells me I'm so humble. I'm really going to miss all of that 😒. But, for now, she's still with us, and I must be optimistic!

Thanks again for Team Toasty, and for everyone who donated to this little kitty. You were all so kind and generous. Thank you also to all of the Anonymous donors. We want to make sure you all know we see you and love you.....even if you're Anonymous πŸ’“ 

Thanks, most of all, for not giving up on Toasty. We know your prayers are helping to sustain her. 

St. Francis, may God's Will be done, but if you could please ask The Father, Son, Holy Spirit to help all of the people on GiveSendGo, it would be greatly appreciated. Amen.

Update #9

January 29th, 2025

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Update #8

January 29th, 2025

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Update #7

January 29th, 2025

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Update #6

January 29th, 2025

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Update #5

January 29th, 2025

Hi everyone,

So, yesterday we brought Toasty to a special animal hospital in Latham, NY. We were super hopeful. We left Toasty overnight for tests. Last night the Dr. called. She has taken fluid from Toasty's chest, and she was doing great. I went to sleep, knowing that she would have her surgery in the morning. The Dr. called again, early this morning. They had run an EKG on Toasty's heart, the local vet had also done this, so I knew my girl's heart was healthy. The Dr. then said they had run the test hoping Toast actually did have heart disease, because that would be treatable. (I know, just keep reading). She said Chylothorax can be caused by 3 things: heart disease, cancer, and Idiopathic Chylothorax (which means they don't know how, or why it happens). She said they wouldn't recommend treatment if Toast had cancer, because the treatments would take away her quality of life.Then she said they wouldn't recommend treatment for Idiopathic Chylothorax for the same reasons. The surgery would be too stressful for her little body. The surgery would also cost more than anybody could even dream. Last, but not least, she said to try to fix it would be like trying to fix every hole in a sieve, even if you got every hole, there would be the possibility of weak spots.....

At that point I just, kind of, shut down.

Toasty's condition is too complex. So, we brought her home today. The ironic thing is, because they took fluid off her chest, she feels great! Unfortunately, we may have somewhere near a week of time with our girl. I still have hope, however.

I know my prayers were answered when I asked for help from all of you, and there is still something that I read about and would like to try called Rutin. Of course, I will continue to ask Jesus for help, also St. Francis and St. Jude. 

Thank you all for your help, love, and friendship. I wish I had better news to give.

When I figure out how to, I will post photos of the vet bills. Just be careful if you look at them, I'm afraid they may cause heart attacks and temporary blindness. That's what happened to me when I saw them.

I love you guys ! Thanks for giving me Team Toasty...the best darn team I've ever gotten to be part of πŸ’œ πŸ™ 😒 

Update #4

January 27th, 2025

Hi Everybody!

It is 2:30 pm, on Monday the 27th of January.  Toasty's mom and I are going up to the Veterinary Hospital in Latham, NY. Hopefully her surgery will take place tomorrow morning.  🀞 ❀️ πŸ™ THANK YOU ALL!!!!!

Update #3

January 27th, 2025

Today, Toasty is coughing again. I have called the vet, and am trying to have her operated on ASAP. The vet is supposed to call me with the name of a specialist.

Thank you, to everyone who has donated so far. The huge blessing you are giving us is not only a chance of many more years with our beloved Toasty, but also seeing, first-hand, the love and generosity of our friends and neighbors. I cannot put into words what it means to us. Please know, we are praying for YOU ALL daily, and we love you!

Update #2

January 26th, 2025

Hello Everyone! Wow! It is the end of our first day of raising money for Toast, and we were able to collect 1/3 of what she needs. That is just INCREDIBLE! Thank you to everyone who has participated so far. We are now able to give the go ahead to the surgeon, and make plans for Toasty's operation. What a thrilling day! You guys are the best!

P.S. Marmalade ate tonight, and the sisters are snuggled up and purring.

Update #1

January 25th, 2025

Our family cannot express the gratitude we feel for everyone's generosity so far! I keep telling Toast to hang in there, and that she has so many friends, more than she could ever realize! And SO MUCH love being poured out for her....

Thank you, thank you, thank you πŸ™ 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.