USD $20,000
USD $12,475
Campaign funds will be received by James127, Inc.
I've known my valiant friend Evelyn for eight years. She is a fantastic mother in a very grave and dangerous situation. She's fighting a battle for her custody rights, her child's welfare and safety, and--since this weekend--her freedom.
When her son's father violated their marriage covenant through abuse, abandoned their baby shortly after he was born, ceased all contact with her, and didn't respond to any of her faithful efforts to keep him updated on his child's welfare, she cared for her child alone, as a single mother.
Seeing no evidence of any interest in their child's welfare over time, she eventually assumed that she would never hear from the father again. She built a loving home for her son and gave him a safe and peaceful life. She began to put years of heartbreak behind her.
Recently, with no notice or warning, her child's father obtained legal custody through shocking misrepresentation to the court. Claiming that he had no way to contact Evelyn, he obtained a ruling while she was given no opportunity protect her child or to defend herself. Her child's father used this ruling to obtain government benefits, falsely claiming that he has had the child continually in his care for years. When he was discovered in this, he suddenly developed an interest in the child. Days ago, he filed criminal charges against Evelyn for parental kidnapping. My precious sister and friend is no longer free tonight. Her situation is very frightening and very grim.
She needs all our love and prayers. Her son is with someone he does not know, who had made no effort to see him, care for him, or provide for him since he was a tiny baby. Please have mercy on our beloved friend and on her beloved son. Evelyn has stacks of documentation and a strong case, but she desperately needs legal help both to regain her freedom and to protect her child from harm.
Please share this fundraiser. Put it in front of as many loving eyes as you possibly can. If you can donate, even if it's $5, please, please do. Please don't leave Evelyn alone. Come alongside her in whatever way you can. It would mean the world to her--and her boy.
Thank you!
"He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord." Psalm 33:5
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