USD $7,777
USD $2,839
Campaign funds will be received by Breanna Haspert
Hello, friends and supporters,
I know I haven't been online much since Halloween, and some of you already know why but many do not... I decided to break free from my chains and file for a divorce. It's something I should have done years ago to save my kids from unnecessary trauma, but hindsight is always 2020.
That being said, I know I have turned down a way to support me over the past four years but now I humbly make this givesendgo to help me finalize my freedom. I know I'll have to fork out over $5K to retain an attorney as soon as he is served because he will fight me for everything just to spite me. I simply just don't have that kind of money nor support from my family. For those who are thinking "why not try counseling or saving your marriage" here'a a bit of a "reason" as to why I decided to make it final, just a few RECENT happenings:
While I was staying at a friends house someone *ahem* slashed my tire in my 2008 Escalade the night before I was to fly to Florida to my dad's house. That was $600 I couldn't afford and neither could he because of his "habits" even though I work two jobs.... He has burned all of my clothing & favorite belongings since 2020 and continues to up to this day. My entire wardrobe fits into ONE carry on suitcase. #NoJoke as that is what I carry to and fro from my home. He controlled my ability to do anything by not giving me access to the checking account, drugged me with his prescription meds (I am off of them now), physical abuse like slapping me when I was on a live Stereo, severe ambient abuse, had an affair with his best friend's wife, ruining my friendships by borrowing money from MY friends and not paying them back, nightly berating me and when I wouldn't respond to him he'd wake up the kids for an audience, telling me my family hates me and me believing it, and so much more that I'm too embarrassed to write out.
On my birthday, the 20th of January, my Escalade started having a "rod knock," so I had to find a reliable vehicle to fit my family of 5. To my delight there was a 2018 Lincoln Navigator that was recently traded in with only 60,000 miles on it. I was afraid to look at how much it was, but when I pulled the deal jacket and went to my sales manager he gave me a great price: $32,000!
With that being said, over the past 4 years my soon to be ex husband had maxed out my credit cards and didn't make payments on them. I didn't have access to a checking account during those years nor did I have my cards to even attempt to pay on them. Needless to say my credit score is about as tall as I am and I did get approved for my own loan but at 26% with $4500 down. That's $800 a month but I will do this for a year. Fix my credit and refinance. I had asked my dad to cosign so my payments could be $550 but he doesn't support me leaving my abusive marriage so he said no... My mom is putting $1000 towards it but can't co-sign because she's in the process of buying a home.
My father (who is well to do and has a great credit score) thinks I'm a horrible person for divorcing someone who has abused me for far too long. He thinks it's "normal" and "okay" the things I have endured during the last 9 years of my marriage.
I feel so embarrassed to ask for help like this, but here I am humbly reaching out to you during one of the most challenging times in my life.
I'm humbly asking for your help to gather enough for a down payment on a new, dependable vehicle. This would not only provide us with the transportation we desperately need but also offer some peace of mind during these tough times.
ND's women's domestic abuse program is laughable....
Thank you for considering supporting our journey towards stability and independence. Your kindness and generosity mean the world to us.
Please share this campaign with anyone who might be willing to help. Together, we are unstoppable. As soon as I put the pieces back together I'll be unbreakable. Nobody will ever have the power over me to break my soul the way mines been broken. Ever again.
**Pray Button** If you can't donate, your prayers are equally appreciated. Click the 'Pray' button to let us know you're supporting us in spirit.
Thank you for your continued love & support,
I appreciate you all; God Bless!
- Breanna Huizenga-Haspert
AKA The Unapologetic Christian
Be strong and wait for the Lord - forgot the verse, somewhere in the middle of the book!
Hope yiu get many many more small and bigger donations!
Via Sabrina
Best wishes on your new start.
Its not a lot but I have much love for the Psinergy community and hope this helps. I hope god makes your path clear and stable.
Be strong and courageously free ✨️ You got this 💪
Praying for the Creator to bless your family with an abundance of love and support!
Prayers for you and your family.
Prayers for you sis and your family. You made the right decision. Adultery coms in Many forms besides sex even. When a man puts HIS OWN NEEDS above and beyond his family and wife ,He has already committed adultery in his heart before what he did to you in the physical. Narcissists are always their own God's and he's made himself idol to himself. I pray that God opens abundant doors.Love u much !
Breanna praying for you and glad you chose to breathe. I've been where you are it's a struggle right now but your life will soon be amazing. I hope this helps I'm sorry it cant be more
Sending prayers for you and your family.
Sending prayers for you and your family.
Breanna, I pray for you and your family and ask God to protect you all blessing you with peace and grace. I Thank you, Breanna, you are truly an amazing woman. I appreciate you tremendously. God blesss.
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