USD $30,000
USD $505
Campaign funds will be received by Eric Cauffman
I started having some medical issues in the summer of 2023. I was having a hard time with my breathing, I had a headache for 9 straight days so my girlfriend ( Deanna) started researching what could cause the issues I was dealing with. We went to my doctor and Deanna said she wanted me checked for Lyme disease due to a tick bite I had. Test came back positive for Lyme so I was treated with antibiotics and basically said I was good. Forward a couple months and my breathing issues got much worse so we went back to the doctor and I had a pulmonary function test done and was told in September of 2023 that I had now gotten pulmonary fibrosis. At that point they told us my only option was a double lung transplant. Now December 2024 I ended up getting Covid and it has affected my breathing much more. I have 2 options at this point: do nothing or a double lung transplant. Doing nothing my progression is going to get much worse even on oxygen, a double lung transplant is so invasive, expensive and terrifying. So we decided to research possible treatments before we take the leap of a transplant. We stumble upon Stem Cell Therapy. The research shows so much promise. There is so many new ways with stem cells to treat our bodies. I am on disability so our ability to do this ourselves is not an option. We have decided to ask for donations to try and receive this therapy before we take the last step and option we have. Deanna and I have been together almost 12 years, between the 2 of us we have 7 grandchildren, I use to be able to ride my motorcycle, took fishing trips every year, I use to be able to work, mow my yard, take vacations. This has all been taken away and I want the option to get that all back, I want to watch our grandchildren grow up, I want to take a vacation with Deanna again. If anyone is able and would like to help us get to this point we would be more than humbled. We joined a local church over a year ago and they have been amazing for our sanity, our faith and just our overall well being. Our faith in our lord Jesus Christ has grown greatly over the last year and we feel this is his path for us at this time. This is our chance to grow old together, be in the life of our children and grandchildren and continue our journey with Jesus Christ. We want to thank everyone who feels compelled to contribute and donate or just share this with others. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Be strong ! ~ We are lifting You UP !
I don’t know you for long man but you are a great guy and I know how much this would mean to you. You are so young, you deserve to cut ties with the tank. Good luck man talk more on Xbox ; )
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