USD $2,741
Campaign funds will be received by Kayla Dale
Josh was arrested for the events at the US Capitol on Jan 6th 2020 , he was there peacefully and had no idea it would forever change his life for the worst, He was on pre trial release on an ankle Monitor fighting his case, but due too his probation officer giving him such a hard time he eventually just decided to plea guilty and he was thrown in prison.
The results of this has been devastating for his family as he was the provider for his family. Josh had a very successful tile and lawn care business in Tennessee and also just bought his dream truck two weeks before they arrested him, which was unfortunately repossessed when he got arrested. He has lost everything including both his businesses now.
Josh is a father and a husband that has worked sun up to sun down to give his family a home. Josh and family will have to completely start their lives over from scratch as many other j6 families.
At this time his family has been financially and emotionally destroyed. Any help is desperately needed and appreciated to get him started in life again!
Thank you to all of those fighting this fight with us. This too shall pass!
May God bless you!
Love you brother GOD IS FOR US
Welcome home brother!! God bless you!!
Praying for y’all!!
Welcome home.
Praying Jesus will multiple and restore all you had. Praying for healing.
GOD be with you and keep you and yours safe. I am so sorry they did this to you.
God Bless you all!!
WISHING YOU GOD SPEED and a great future.
Stay strong and encouraged in the Lord! Psalm 27:14
You can do it! Best of luck from Pine View, TN!
Love you guys
Love you!
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