USD $12,000
USD $8,390
Campaign funds will be received by Ancient Path Revivals
They have a business called “Healing the Nations Apothecary” making natural medicine, tinctures and glycerites, for Yah’s people, and they have been a big part of paving the way for Yahs people to not use pharmakia. But they lack the space needed to do what they need to. The father, Patrick, has been working hard making sure there is enough firewood for the feast days and keeping everyone warm in the community! They work very hard and don’t ask for handouts, so we are doing this for them.
There is a trailer house on the fellowship property that would be perfect for them, but some walls and floors were mold infested. We have already paid some brothers to gut all the mold and rotten flooring, now all we need is the funding to restore it back. Your donation wold go towards building materials to get the trailer house back into proper living condition.
The Kelley family has shown themselves to be selfless and patient. This would be a big blessing for them and in turn for the community as a whole.
It gives us joy to help true servants of Yah! Your presence and contributions at the Feast Days has been far more valuable than any monetary value. You all are truly part of our family! We love you very much! With Love, Your Utah Brothers and Sister
May Yahuah bless you and your family as you continue serving Him.
Yah please bless them!
The Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his countenance shine upon you and be gracious into your and give you peace
Shalom and blessings!
Yah bless the work of your hands.
Shalom and blessing to.this beautiful family 💓🙏
From one Kelly family to the other Kelley family. May YAH bless you brother.
Matthew 22:37-40 And Yahusha said to him(and us) You Shall Love your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind.’ “This is the first and great command. “And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’
May our Father Yah shine his light upon you all!
YHWH bless you.
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