Help Amber make memories
Amber is a single mom taking care of her 2 beautiful daughters, 10 months and 4 years old. Amber has been bravely battling brain cancer for 8 years and has now been given a year to live after the discovery of a new tumour. Amber provides amazingly well for her daughters despite her chronic pain and is constantly trying to be a better mom for her kids. The love they share is obvious!
Amber shared with me a few bucket list item of hers: to go to Stanley Park one more time, to see Kane Brown live, and to sit in a hot tub while looking at the mountains. Her dreams could come true with your help!
Kane Brown is performing in Edmonton March 30th and all it takes is some money to buy those tickets, help her get to Vancouver Stanley Park, and a nice AirBnB with a hot tub to to make memories with her daughters.
If you can help in any way, please share and donate!