USD $12,000
USD $2,135
Campaign funds will be received by Seth Caster
My Life
A little over a year ago, I came home from work to find my roommate deceased by suicide. This moment marked the beginning of my life falling apart. I was manipulated by my abusive family into moving in with my brother, which turned into a very abusive circumstance. He gradually schemed to deprive me of any control that I had over my life--attempting to coerce me into signing over power of attorney, tampering with my medications, bullying me, and acting as if my trauma concerning my roommate was a game. I made the hard but right to decision to flee before he escalated into physical violence; unfortunately, that entailed me having to leave almost all of my belongings behind, only to never be able to recover any of them and end-up homeless. On top of everything, I am diagnosed with autism, cerebral palsy, ADHD, and--most recently--PTSD (from the situation regarding my roommate, as well as the abuse that I endured throughout my childhood and from my brother). Upon leaving his house, my brother filed a frivolous ERPO case, and, since he worked for both the sherrifs department and child protective services and had frequent contact with the court system, it was granted, despite the order being founded upon frivolous lies.
Shortly after the traumatic incident, I found Orthodox Christianity and felt the calling to become a monk after much consideration and discussion with my priest. I have made the decision that this path is something that I deeply want to pursue and absolutely need to; however, the issue is that, with my disability and resulting inability to work a full time job, I am unable to pay off my financial debt. I barely scoot by, unable to afford any permanent housing because all of my money goes to monthly payments covering various debts.;After much praying and being informed that I need to visit a monastery, I met a fellow Orthodox Christian from California who was set on driving up and picking me up from Bend, Oregon to take me to the monastery and then drive me back home--not expecting anything in return financially.
After talking to my priest and praying, I took the chance and got in his truck at 11 o'clock at night and went to the monastery where, in the first time in my 24 years of life, I felt normal and like I fit in, falling head and heels in love with monasticism.
I spoke with the abbot and was told that I need to pay off my debt, and, if it is God's Will, it would happen after much praying and weighing decisions. To address my debt situation, the only thing I could come up with is to start a Give Send Go in order to to hopefully raise the needed funds.
All money raised will go towards paying my debt and pursuing a monastic vocation--and, if for some reason a monastic vocation is either not possible or not where I'm suppose to be (which I believe is highly unlikely), then the funds will go towards paying off my debt so I can secure stable housing and no longer be homeless.
I ask that if you cannot donate, please share and pray for me.
Please pray for me brother.
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord
Keep faith in Christ that He may find a place on earth for you to do His Will. Through the weakness of my heart I am still praying for you.
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