 USD $4,000
 USD $400
In 2024 our family, pushed by our daughter, decided to dive headfirst into mission work. HaylieJo came to Tiffany and I and said, " I want to do something with my Spanish (she is basically fluent) after I graduate and I think mission work is something that would interest me. I spoke with a couple close friends at our congregation in Parker and decided to go on a Medical Mission Trip to Chimbote, Peru in June. Long story short, it changed our life. HaylieJo worked as an interpreter and she blew me away. She connected with young and old people alike. If you know me you know exactly what I did. I walked around and tried to make people smile even though I didn't know their language. Comedy if challenging when you don't know the language. Ha! I knew the moment the trip was over that we were going back in 2025. HaylieJo and I made connections with people across the globe that will last a lifetime. When we got home Tiffany and I spoke about the possibilities and it was ultimately our goal to send me back to Peru with our three oldest children. As 2024 has come to an end, we recognize now that financially it isn't a real possibility for us to send four of us. We have decided that once again HaylieJo and I will travel to Peru to work with the same group of people in a different part of the country. HaylieJo is a senior this year. We don't know what every summer after this will look like, so we think it is important to take her at least one more time.
Even for just the two of us to go, the trip is going to cost us over $5000. There were a lot of people that helped HaylieJo and I financially last year, and we are one again reaching out for support this year. The work in Peru is plentiful, the people are beautiful, and our bodies and minds are capable. If you are unable to support us financially, please keep us in your prayers. Tiffany and I want to make mission work something that we are involved with each year. Please pray that we can work to make it a priority in 2025.
Love you guys and your heart for mission work! What a blessing you’ll be!
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