Supporting Homeless Family Due to HOA


 USD $3,500


 USD $430

Campaign created by Manny S.

Campaign funds will be received by Michael Combs

Supporting Homeless Family Due to HOA

My family and I are currently homeless due to our HOA stealing our home using extortion and fraud. We worked hard to pay off our mortgage back in 2021, commencing our journey of living a debt free life. No car payments, student loans, or mortgage. We were on the road of building generational wealth.

This took a drastic turn when the HOA in our neighborhood started doing land grabs; where they begin to work with a compromised judge in the courts, create baseless law suits to steal the homes, and no matter how hard you fight and present evidence, the judge always rules in favor of the HOA, known as extortion, fraud, and conspiracy.

In our case, we were never properly served and we presented mounds of evidence to show the case was baseless, that we paid our HOA fees and that the amount of money we are being force to pay is not found anywhere in the contract. The judge ignored all evidence presented, ruled in favor of the HOA, sold our home (to someone associated with the HOA), and ordered sheriffs (nearly 20 sheriffs) to remove us from our home that we lawfully own, which has left us homeless.

Due to this legal battle, we had to make the tough decision to shut down our small business and we have spent our life savings so that we could survive. 

We won a counter suit against the HOA and the law firm involved for damages and are currently awating settlement checks to arrive; however, we need help to be able to survive while we work through the higher courts to have our case overturned in our favor and to have our home rightfully returned to us. 

All donations will go towards shelter, food, and legal fees.

We appreciate any and all donations from anyone who has a heart to give.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
25 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Stay Strong! Hope 2025 will be a year of hope, happiness, and well being for you and your family.

Charles Kowalski
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Asme Asghedom
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

You’ll been through the worst. Bright days ahead for sure. Praise to god.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Let’s get you started, bro!


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