Tony's Battle With Cancer


 CAD $50,000


 CAD $2,295

Campaign created by Laura Patrie

Campaign funds will be received by Kathleen (Kate) Napolitano

Tony's Battle With Cancer

Update: Tony has completed his 1st week of treatment (a double dose because of the aggressive, advanced nature of the cancer). He ended up with awful mouth and throat sores that were very painful BUT until 6 days ago, he had needed a transfusion every 3 days but has not needed any transfusion for the last 2 scheduled visits. Both his hemoglobin and platelets have been rising with each of his last 2 visits. The medical staff caring for him is perplexed as to the reason for his apparent incredible positive and quick reaction to treatment. Tony and his family are not, they credit it to God's response to the generous prayers being offered on their behalf. He is ever so grateful and his wife, Kathleen, asks us to please continue praying for him. She asked me, "how can I thank all these people for their prayers, well wishes and financial support?" I told her I would pass on her message to all of you. Please know they are humbled and ever grateful for your generosity.

Tony and his wife, Kathleen, are the parents of 10 beautiful children. We've known this incredible couple for over 25 years and theirs is an amazing family.

Tony and Kathleen are now in the throes of a battle for Tony's life and the future of their family.

Tony will turn 64 in February 2025, God willing, but he has no plans to actually retire very soon as he still has 4 children at home to finish raising along with 2 others in college to lend support to. He spent nearly 30 years in a car factory until being pensioned some years back and then working jobs here and there for the added income to cover his large family's needs. Taking care of his wife and family has been his way of life until just recently.

Unfortunately, a few weeks back after becoming constantly, inexplicably tired and going through significant and quick weight loss, followed by a bout of pneumonia and then another one, tests were taken and he was eventually, ultimately diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma along with a 2nd type of Cancer which is presently being identified. This has all been a complete shock as he has always been a vibrant character that is healthy, active and full of life. This has hit like a whirlwind, sent them into a tailspin and put their usual routine family life abruptly on hold.

Tony has always been a hard working, dedicated husband and father and his family's well-being weighs heavy on his mind. Along with the battle against Cancer, Tony has had serious reactions to the treatments which have resulted in regular, repeated trips to hospital Emergency rooms over these past weeks. The extra costs incurred for regular travel to and from the hospital, doctor and specialist consults and appointments, as well as traveling for treatments, parking, medications and other costs all combined with the loss of Tony's ability to continue earning an income from employment is taking a heavy toll on the family's finances and causing added concern for their family's future. Raising such a large family has called for many financial sacrifices over the years including any reasonable hope to be debt free and able to retire at 65. 

I asked Tony's wife, Kathleen, whose been by his side every step of the way, for her permission to create this Give Send Go campaign on their behalf in order to hopefully help them get through this difficult time. Being a self-sufficient family, she refused at first but I persisted and though she was very reluctant, she finally gave in to my pleading to allow me to somehow help them.

My personal hope is that my appeal to all of you will provide this family not only with enough financial help to see them through the extra expenses this trial has presented them with but maybe enough to cover the lost income Tony's employment provided and perhaps, just maybe we can help Tony and his family remain financially stable through this most difficult time and allow this family to be able to remain in their house which for years they have worked so hard to transform into a home.

I wish I could do this on my own but I cannot so I am therefore reaching out to you, my friends, for your help. I am humbly asking you to please consider helping this family. If you are able to help with any sized contribution big or small, it would mean the world to me and to them. I can vouch that your financial help will not be squandered or wasted by this couple. They have always been good and faithful stewards of any monies or goods they've been blessed with. They are not wasteful. They live simple lives concentrated on living out their faith, loving and caring for for each other and their children and providing for the well-being of their family.

God bless you in abundance for any help you may be able to offer them. In return, I promise to include your intentions in my daily prayers and I am positive that Tony and Kathleen will do likewise.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a wonderful, blessed and prosperous New Year. I thank you sincerely for considering this campaign.

Recent Donations
Your Patrie friends
$ 100.00 CAD
23 days ago

God bless and protect you.

Diane Houle
$ 20.00 CAD
23 days ago

God bless you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Sharon Fournier
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

May God continue to bless you and your family with courage and healing as you carry this cross.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

Lady of Victry Parishonrs
$ 500.00 CAD
2 months ago

Absolute trust in God, Tony, Kate and Family. You can give Him no greater Love and Glory.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
2 months ago

Nancy T
$ 65.00 CAD
2 months ago

May God's merciful love bring hope and healing to you and your loved ones.

Jeffrey Jacobs
$ 10.00 CAD
2 months ago

L Fava
$ 100.00 CAD
2 months ago

Mrs Rose Marie Gagne
$ 500.00 CAD
2 months ago

May God keep you in the palm of His hand.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
2 months ago

Jeannine Lebel
$ 100.00 CAD
2 months ago

$ 75.00 CAD
2 months ago

God Bless!!

$ 50.00 CAD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 CAD
2 months ago

Even Jesus didn't carry his cross alone.

J and L Patrie
$ 200.00 CAD
2 months ago

You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Continue to trust Him as you have always in all ways. He's got this.


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