USD $100,000
USD $12,405
Campaign funds will be received by Stephen Shales
This campaign is for Erinn (Carlson) Shales, her husband Stephen, and their children, as she receives hospice care for acute myeloid leukemia. Erinn and Stephen have been married for 23 years this December 29th. They have nine beautiful children (ages 4-22), seven of whom are homeschooled. Erinn was first diagnosed 2.5 years ago with AML, went through a round of chemo, and has been in remission. This month the AML came back aggressively. She became severely weak and spent 3 days in the hospital in mid-December receiving care and units of blood. It then became clear that going home to her family and hospice care was the next step in her journey. Your contributions will bless the whole family and help Stephen focus on his family and their many needs at this time.
If you are able and would like to help financially, here are some monthly and specific needs the Shales family has:
Monthly Needs
Specific Needs
If you would prefer to give directly to the Shales family, please contact one of these individuals for Venmo, Zelle, or physical check options.
John Shales
Cheryl Campbell
Chris & Rachel Embler
Pris Landry
See CaringBridge Site for Updates
I'm sorry to have just heard this sad news. May God comfort you and bring joy in your memories.
Love You Big Time! Shales Family!
Sincerest condolences to your family. Praying for God's comfort and provision for every need, in Christ Jesus.
Stephen, please let me know if I can help
Deeply sorry for your loss.
With love
A friend of Brana Wallace from Lexington, SC. I am praying for your family as I drive by Sweetwater tonight to see my parents.
Praying for your family!!
We love you so much. Uncle Brett, Aunt Kiri, Daniel & Sylvie.
Learned of your circumstances through Brana Wallace in our Community Bible Study in Lexington, SC. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.
Ashley and I are praying for God’s healing touch.
Prayers for you and the family.
Praying for you, Errin, Stephen and your beautiful family. As in other situations I've encountered like yours, it's hard to understand what/why our Father is doing. All His ways are good and righteous altogether. He walks every day/moment with/in us, bearing our sorrows and pain. May the sense of His presence, peace, rest and hope be palpable, resting/covernering over your lives. All my love!
Praying mightily for you.
January 30th, 2025
Dear Friends and Family,
Erinn Shales passed away last night, January 29th at 4:30 am. She was surrounded by love, songs (that she had composed), and being held by loved ones.
There will not be a memorial service but she will always be remembered with deep gratitude & praise for her life. Her desire was that each of you would find a mountain side, a beach, a forest or a field of flowers and find comfort in your own way with the God of All Creation.
January 18th, 2025
Dear Friends… Today marks the one month anniversary of Erinn’s coming home from University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital. Erinn is doing very well and very glad to be trusting God for each day as it comes. The kindness and gentleness of God continues towards us as we find peace in this new season. Your prayers and gifts have joined with God’s grace to lighten our load and we are so humblegrateful. (new word) I don’t loosely throw out the idea of healing for Erinn but it seems to us that is what God is moving us towards in our hearts. A kind of slow miracle along a quiet path that is about learning a new way of living, breathing, & being still. Our faith remains in the unchanging attributes of our forever Father and not future outcomes. We stop for a moment and are glad with you all that Erinn lives! -Stephen
December 31st, 2024
If you would like to see more regular updates please visit our CaringBridge site at:
Erinn Shales CaringBridge updates
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