Support Baby Myles Billson and Family


 USD $13,408

Campaign created by Sarah Green

Campaign funds will be received by Pryce Billson

Support Baby Myles Billson and Family

Baby Myles was born Saturday morning December 14th three and a half weeks earlier than expected. He decided it was time to meet his family and made a fast and furious entrance giving Mom and Dad just enough time to get to the hospital. His name means warrior and He has proven he is a great one over the past few days! Saturday evening the doctors found an anomaly with his heart and he was rushed to the Children’s Hospital in AR. Since then Myles has been diagnosed with a rare and serious heart condition called d-Transpositions of the Great Arteries, which essentially means his two main arteries carrying blood away from the heart are reversed. This means his blood is not being oxygenated properly. Myles initially was placed on a ventilator, sedated, and given medication to help some of his oxygenated blood enter into his body by a different means, and has already had a successful catheter procedure that will continue the allowance of the “leaking” of oxygenated blood by a different means than normal to keep him stable. Ultimately Myles needs open heart surgery to correct the two arteries that are switched. This will be done within a few weeks when Myles has built up enough strength to be ready for the surgery. His attending doctors are very hopeful of the success rate of the surgery. Myles will be in the NICU for at least 6 to 8 weeks after surgery and family will be traveling a daily or multiple times a day commute to be with him.

Right now prayers for endurance and strength and ultimate healing of Myles is coveted. Pryce, Megan, and big brother Clay are going to be adjusting to having a child and sibling in NICU and the realities and sacrifices that brings. If you feel lead to encourage them cards can be sent to their address:

3800 Stillman Loop Bryant, AR 72022

or you can leave a note here. If you also want to bless them financially as they encounter added expenses and time off work you can do that here, this is a christian platform that does not take a percentage of any donations. Thank you for lifting the Billson Family up in Prayer. We trust in a God who hears and works all this for His glory and their good even in the hard. 

Please respect Pryce and Megan right now and be sensitive to not reach out by phone too much for updates as you can imagine the family has a lot going on as they adjust to serving their sweet little Warrior Myles and his big brother. Thank you 💙 Updates will be made here and on his caringbridge platform:

Recent Donations
Mrs Fletcher
$ 100.00 USD
18 hours ago

Price, I’m so sad to hear y’all are dealing with such a struggle. Sounds like things are maybe going a little better now? Praying for baby Myles and your family.

Catherine Maria Long
$ 200.00 USD
9 days ago

Praying for baby Myles!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
12 days ago

Praying for a full recovery. May God's blessings sustain you during this time.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
13 days ago

God bless you all! You are loved! Praying for sweet Myles!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
13 days ago

Continued prayers for your family!

New friends in Benton
$ 50.00 USD
19 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
20 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 410.00 USD
23 days ago

Praying for you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
23 days ago

Praying with you and for you! Isaiah 41:10

Jan and Bob
$ 200.00 USD
24 days ago

May God continue to strengthen and heal you

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
25 days ago

Linda Averitt
$ 50.00 USD
26 days ago

So thankful for God's little warriors. All of you have stood and fought. Fighting with you for vocal cord to be healed in the name of Jesus Christ our healer.

Aunt Sandi Uncle Kevin
$ 300.00 USD
26 days ago

Blessed to be on this journey with Myles, his family and extended family, and all his prayer warriors and supporters. Prayers continuing.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
30 days ago

Continuing to pray for your precious family! We love the Billsons!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

May you feel the prayers and the strength of the Lord carrying you each day.

Gina Miller
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Continued prayers for baby Myles.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for your family. God bless you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

Please know we are praying for you and your family. God has you all in His plans and we know He is in control. Stay strong!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Prayers for Miles and family.

Tony Niel
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago


Update #21

February 15th, 2025

 We welcomed little Myles home today to celebrate his 2nd month birthday and Valentine’s Day. Big brother Clay was so excited to have his baby brother home, as was the rest of the family! God has walked with us each step of the way through this very difficult journey. We have been abundantly blessed knowing that so many friends and family have lifted us in prayer these past two months. We truly thank all our prayer warriors who have been praying us to this very special day. ❤️ Our God is good, Thank you all.

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Update #20

February 9th, 2025

Happy Sunday! We are celebrating this morning as Myles finished his first ever full bottle! This is awesome news as it means he continues to get that much closer to going home! There is talk of the feeding tube coming out soon, and he was moved out of the cardiac unit this past weekend. Most meds are almost completely titrated, and he will only be going home with a few regulating medications. Continue to pray for endurance, wellness, and grace for the adjustments as Pryce and Megan begin to prepare and look forward to have this little warrior come home. 

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Update #19

February 5th, 2025

We are continuing to be encouraged at Myles’ progress. Although it seems like time is dragging and the days are long at the hospital ever so slowly this little guy is checking the boxes to come home. His biggest work right now is to take his milk by bottle and it is ALOT of work after being on a feeding tube and sedation for so long. He’s doing so well, but he usually doesn’t finish the feeds and has to have the rest of the milk through the feeding tube. We are praying he can continue to raise his amounts taken by bottle and that soon he can do all his feedings with just bottles. Pray for Megan and Pryce and the nursing staff to figure out the best way to help this happen as a team. He is almost titrated off all the pain meds which is a big praise! The picture is of Myles enjoying a break from his feeding tube after he pulled it out. He loves to be held, and although the word spoiled could never be used, he’s soaking up and very much enjoying all the snuggles from Dad, Mom, and the Grands. Please continue to pray for wellness and endurance for the family,  strength for Myles as he heals and overcomes the setbacks with feeding. Thank you all 

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Update #18

January 30th, 2025

Myles passed his swallow study on the thinnest amount of milk! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 This means he can have breastmilk un thickened, or even start nursing here soon as he can handle it. The OT literally said this is a miracle because most babies with a paralyzed vocal cord generally always have some leakage. We were surprised as well but obviously know our prayers have been answered! God is using this little boy to point to Him and show His healing power. Thank you all for diligently praying for our little guy this was a huge step of progress today. ♥️

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Update #17

January 28th, 2025

We have a date set for Myles’s swallow study! At 11:30 this Thursday Myles will have a few attempts to take a bottle with milk of varied thickness. Radiologists will evaluate Myles while he is taking the bottles to assess his muscle coordination and look for any signs of aspiration. We are optimistic that Myles will do well, as the occupational therapists have been working with Myles daily on his feedings. 

We are still praying for the total healing of Myles left vocal cord and that he continues to handle the slow decrease of his medicines. 

As Myles continues to make great strides towards his recovery we are also asking for prayer as we adjust his care routine. Myles no longer has a nurse in his room since he is not considered a critical patient…Praise God! But with that we are now rotating constant shifts up at the hospital. While we have all loved getting to spend extra time with our little guy and pretty much entirely take over his care, nights have been long. Pryce has covered all of the overnight shifts and as you can imagine after a few nights of sleeping in a hospital while tending to Myles he is pretty exhausted. Please pray for continued good health and stamina for us as we get closer and closer to bringing our Little Warrior home.

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Update #16

January 25th, 2025

 From Megan…

“Myles has been good for me this evening. He did a good practice feed with me at 3pm and slept on me for over 2 hours after. He’s had a couple gagging spells for me but nothing terrible. They stopped the morphine at 4pm today so we will see how tonight goes. He might not be a happy camper.” 

Please be praying as they continue the titration of the meds, he’s doing so well but there are some withdrawal signs. Pray for him to be comfortable and continue his healing so he can continue to work towards going home with his family. OT has been coming in and assessing his feedings and it is going well but slowly, He did get moved down to another room, which is a good sign of progress! Myles continues to be our little warrior! 

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Update #15

January 21st, 2025

Our little Myles has been making wonderful progress over the last couple days. Thank you all for your prayers as we are seeing Myles transition very well off of almost all his sedatives. He is still taking a few by mouth every 8-12 hours but is no longer on IV drips. Myles has also been breathing room air for the last 2 days and his oxygen levels have been exactly where they need to be.

We ask for continued prayers as Myles is still struggling to regain use of his voice since his surgery. The ENT was able to look at Myles’ vocal-box today and he believes there is paralysis to the left side of his vocal cords. This was one of the risks when Myles went in for his surgery. They will do another study in a month or so since regaining function can take an extended amount of time. 

Specific prayers would be for the total healing of Myles vocal cords and that this paralysis would not prevent Myles from being able take a bottle. He will have a swallow study done in the next week to see if he is able to eat without letting any of the milk go into his airway. If he can pass the study Myles will be one step closer to having his feeding tube taken out and going home. We cannot thank y’all enough for your daily prayers and encouragement. We serve an amazing God who is able to do all things!

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Update #14

January 18th, 2025

 Today was an another big day for our Little Warrior! 

Myles, has officially been taken off of the ventilator and his lungs are tolerating it well so far. What a praise this is and a huge step in his recovery process!

Now that Myles is no longer intubated the process of weening him off of several of his sedative medications begins. Please continue to be in prayer for his little body to tolerate this process as it can be very challenging. His body has been relying on some of the medicines now for over a month so it will be a gradual and tedious process that may take several weeks. We are also asking for prayer for Myles’ medical team as they work daily to adjust his care for the best recovery.

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Update #13

January 15th, 2025

Myles’ swelling has been gradually going down over the past few days. His picc line has been moved to the groin and the blood clot in the neck is being reduced in size and is not a concern at this time. His echocardiograms continue to show that his little heart is doing so well and the doctors are very pleased with his progress. Hopefully by the end of this week he will be able to be taken off the ventilator and start titrating his meds as that is the next big progress step. Pray for the swelling to contiue to dissipate and for his lungs to grow strong so they can handle breathing on their own. Today Megan was able to hold him for the first time since surgery. It’s a big day for our little warrior and his family and they are praising God for all He has and continues to do in Myles’ healing. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. 

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Update #12

January 13th, 2025

 The doctors met with Megan and Pryce today over some concerns they had with regulating Myles’ blood pressure and for some increased swelling he was having. Later in the day looking over his CT scans they found a large blood clot where the neck port line is. Blood was still passing through to the brain but it was preventing the fluid from draining. They now have the answer to why he is so swollen in his upper body/head. They are giving him something to break up the clot and then they will remove the pic line in the neck tomorrow and potentially replace a new one his other leg. Please pray for this medication to work effectively and quickly and that they see improvement with the swelling over the next 24-48 hours. Please pray specifically over the team of doctors and nurses making decisions and monitoring him that God would give them wisdom to how they can best help his little body heal and recover. We are thankful they went ahead with the CT even though they were looking at his heart they were still able to find the answers to some of the other issues he’s been having. Thank you for continuing to lift Myles and the family up in prayer.

Update #11

January 11th, 2025

 Myles is making wonderful progress and we know it is thanks to everyones prayers and God‘s healing power. He is starting to open his eyes some and appears to be comfortable. As of today they have already removed both drainage tubes and his catheter. He is also receiving a small amount of food through a feeding tube. All his organs appear to be working well but still not to full capacity. He will remain sedated and on a ventilator as his body continues to heal. The first echocardiogram indicated that his heart is functioning properly, praise God, but needs to strengthen.  God continues to bless us with his presence and daily healing of little Myles💙

Thank you all for lifting Myles and all the family in prayer. 

Update #10

January 9th, 2025

 Myles continues to make good progress! Thank you all for your prayers! He’s still in critical but stable condition. Yesterday morning the doctors were confident in his progress and went ahead and completed the closing procedure. Megan and Pryce are able to sit with him for limited amounts of time and he is already looking so much more like himself. He’s slowly having some of the monitors and tubes removed which is wonderful, and the doctors are happy with how his organs are responding. Continue to pray for his little heart as it is still adjusting in so many ways, pray for it to build strength. Even Paula was able to visit him yesterday evening she says, “Despite all the tubes and wires he is a beautiful little boy. He is still in critical but stable condition and has 2 nurses attending him as well as numerous specialists. His incision is several inches but looks very good. We are praising God for his love and healing of our sweet Myles.” 

Update #9

January 7th, 2025

 Myles had a stable night, and is doing well according to the doctors. He is still in a very critical period of recovery but his little body seems to be responding well to the surgery. He has a long road ahead but the family is giving thanks to God. Thank you for your continued prayers. 

Update #8

January 6th, 2025

 About an hour ago Myles came out of surgery. The doctor met with Pryce and and Megan he said that the surgery went as well as he could hope. Myles’ heart is fixed praise God! The next 24hrs are critical! Thank you for your continued prayers! 

Update #7

January 4th, 2025

 The past few days for Myles have been stable which is a praise. He is slowly gaining some weight and enjoying lots of snuggles with Mom and Dad. His cultures for the infection have come back all negative clearing him for surgery so that is also a praise. Pryce and Megan have spent the last few days in meetings with the teams of doctors, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and post care providers filling them in on the upcoming surgery. It has been a very somber and hard few days discussing all that is to and may come, yet the team is hopeful and highly skilled in this surgery and Myles is in very good and gifted human hands. We also know he is being held and watched over by our great Healer and Physician who is able to do a great thing in the life of this little Warrior. Myles’ little heart is the size of a walnut and this procedure will be a very intense one. It will last between 6-8 hours with the first 12 hours post surgery being critical and the 24-48 hours after being semi critical. Myles will begin heart surgery this Monday January 6th at 9am. We are asking for those who would to please be praying fervently for this little boy during these timeframes. As well as for the family leading up to and during that the Lord would go before them all in miraculous and comforting ways. We know that if God wills Myles will come through surgery with great healing, and we are praying specifically for this to be done. We know all things work for the good of those who love God and Myles family has entrusted him into His hands. The family is so thankful for all of the love and support that has been given and are touched by the continued prayers and outpouring of encouragement. 

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Update #6

December 31st, 2024

 Myles has responded well to the antibiotics and hopefully will be done with the treatment for the infection after one more clear test result. He has mostly been eating his full 20ml of milk every 3 hours and now weighs 6 lbs! Yesterday he was wide awake looking all around for a full hour! Of course today he’s a bit more sleepy but enjoying cuddle time with both Dad and Mom. Prayers for continued growth as his surgery date of January 6th approaches. 

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Update #5

December 30th, 2024

 Update on Myles.

Yesterday was a little tough for him with a little fever, pain (they believe), and heart rate at 215 for awhile. They did some tests for bacterial infection and have identified that he does have one, so they are working to identify it. Hopefully some time this evening or tomorrow they will know what the best antibiotics to use. In the short term, they are administering a broad spectrum antibiotic. His heart rate this afternoon was back in the normal range Praise God! Continued prayers are a blessing for this little warrior! Thank you! 

Update #4

December 28th, 2024

 Myles spent his first Christmas with his Grandparents, Mom, Dad, and even got a surprise visit from Santa and Mrs. Clause.

There have not been any major changes to Myles’ care in the last four days aside from him starting a small amount of blood transfusions. This is being done to help his body replenish the amount of blood they are taking for his labs that he gets done twice a day and to also help regulate his oxygen levels. Myles has slowly grown past his birth weight and continues to take small feedings every 3 hours. We appreciate your prayers for continued stability for Myles for the next 10 days as he awaits his surgery.

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Update #3

December 24th, 2024

Hello everyone, today has been a much better day for Myles. This morning the nurses immediately said we could hold him again and they also lowered his oxygen to 4 L! After the doctors made rounds and reassessed him they were pleased with his numbers and said we could start him back on the bottle. Paula was able to give him 7 mL at noon and he continued to get that amount every three hours. He is getting nutrients from his IV as well. The doctors do not appear to want to rush to do surgery this week. They really want him to gain some more weight. Thank you for your prayers.

Update #2

December 22nd, 2024

 Myles had a set back yesterday evening. His CO2 level was too high so they had to sedate him and place him back on a higher level of oxygen. Please pray he can breathe on his own and be held and fed again so as to regain his strength for his upcoming surgery. God is our mighty physician and can heal Myles’ little body💙

Update #1

December 21st, 2024

 Today Myles is a week old and has already had several procedures and surgery and is proven to be a true warrior, as his name represents! For the most part he has made wonderful progress, his feeding tube has been removed and he is taking bottles like a champ! He’s been taken off all of the medications but is still on a little oxygen.  His heart rate does continue to fluctuate and they are monitoring it continually. Today he opened his eyes longer than he has ever done! They are waiting on surgery until around January 6, closer to his due date, so that he can be as strong as possible for the heart surgery.

Hank (Megan’s Dad) will be arriving in Arkansas early next week and Paula (Her Mom) will most likely both be staying until the end of January at least. Your continued prayers for Myles, Megan, Pryce and big brother Clay is greatly appreciated! We love you!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.