Help The Hicks


 USD $75,000


 USD $6,947

Campaign created by The Texas Boys

Campaign funds will be received by Paula Hicks

Help The Hicks

Paula Hicks just got diagnosed with Stage 3 Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Stage 2 Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  Paula is a loving wife to John Hicks and they just celebrated their 29th year of marriage! They have two adult biological children and six grandchildren(one baby due in January!) and six adopted children ages 8-18 years old still in the nest!  Life is full and busy everyday and doesn't slow down even when Mom gets sick. 

The first part of the plan, is to move the children's homeschool/play room to a 14X20 portable building!  The Hicks family has always homeschooled their children and strive to give their children a wonderful blessed home environment! To be expected in a large- busy family, the home can be quite loud!Haha The Hick's family's home is designed so that the great room and the homeschool/play room surround the master bedroom which is THE ONLY  PLACE for Mom to rest and heal!  This will give the children plenty of space to focus on their schoolwork and to just get out and play as Mom gets all the therapy and treatments that she needs in the house. It's also important for the children to have some space as well during these trying times.  Many wonderful people from the community and church have volunteered their time already to convert these two spaces!

The old playroom/homeschool room will be turned into a "WELLNESS ROOM" used to house all of Paula's therapeutic treatments that she needs to heal.  This "WELLNESS ROOM" is also essential for Paula to have as it will give her some peace and quiet while she rests in her bedroom.  It will give the children peace of mind knowing that they are not disturbing their Mom while she is resting or in treatments. Again, many people have reached out to the Hick's family and have offered to donate or lend various healing treatment pieces of equipment!  Praise the Lord! The family only needs to make room for these treatments!

The second part of this plan, is to hire a single lady from church to come along as the family's assistant for the next six months or possibly longer.  This lady assistant would serve a much needed role in the home to assist Paula with any housework, homeschooling, errands, appointments and just to be an overall support to the family during this time.  In order to bring this special assistant on, the family needs to build or purchase a small cabin/tiny house.  The tiny house/cabin would just be a basic little efficiency so that this lady could live on the property and have her own space and yet be accessible. Praise the Lord, yet again! A very special single lady has already agreed to this new position in the family!

The third part of this plan, is Paula's greatest desire is to do integrative/functional medicine instead of conventional.  The Hick's family has been abundantly blessed to be recently connected with a wonderful Integrative Dr. locally who is working directly with Paula throughout this whole process!  Praise God for this answer to prayer! The Integrative/Functional Medical Services are unfortunately NOT covered under the family's Christian Health Sharing Program. 

The monthly expected total for Integrative/Functional Medical Services: the next 6 Months will be about $600/month.

This special lady/Family Assistant has agreed to be paid $250/ week.

The TinyHouse is expected to cost $50,000

The Wellness Room is expected to cost $20,000

(The precious Hick's Family is already making plans to offer this room to other in the community when they are sick or going through major illness!) The goal of setting up the Wellness Room is to pass the blessing onto others in their time of need!

Paula will be blogging her healing journey shortly at:

The Hick's Family is crying out for anyone to help if at all possible! If it's financially(big or small)

And/Or MOST IMPORTANTLY if you can PRAY for this sweet precious family! 


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Recent Donations
Kristi Kelley
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Love you my sweet friend! Praying for the Lord to meet ALL of your needs!

$ 40.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you and your family, take care

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

With love and prayers

Wilson Family
$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

I'm a fellow crunchy, homeschooling natural health mama, also carnivore. My heart was touched and I want to give to help you with your needs. I pray the mighty name of Jesus over you and His mighty healing powers and that it be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. I speak love and peace and Jesus's mighty anointing power. Amen

Anonymous Giver
$ 17.00 USD
2 months ago

May God multiply my gift to meet all of your needs even as He heals you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5000.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you

$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago


Royse Family
$ 300.00 USD
2 months ago

We are praying for you! We send you our love.

Kristi Kelley
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Lynch Family
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Abercrombie family
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying with you and believing in divine healing and guidance. Love your sweet family and stand with you in faith!

Randy and Debi
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

We love you, Paula. We’re praying for you and your family!

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Love and prayers!


Update #6-January 18, 2025

January 18th, 2025

Hi friends! We wanted to share an update on Paula.  Since January 6th, Paula has been denied care to drain her abdomen from the continued Acities fluid.  She is in desperate pain and extremely swollen.  Left uncared for, it could permanently damage her organs or cause them to implode.  PLEASE PLEASE pray for the Lord to guide Paula to a doctor that will be able to drain her again soon and relieve this horrible pain.  Praise the Lord for the  lady that is living on their property and helping so much with the family's needs.  We will continue to keep you updated. 

Update #5

January 8th, 2025

We wanted to give an update on Paula over the past month.  Paula has been diligently continuing with all of her therapies and treatments and is under two different Dr.'s supervision.  Unfortunately, Paula has been admitted to the hospital three times now to have very large amounts of fluid removed from her abdomen!(Ascites build up) Paula has suffered so much in this past month or so now!!! Yet, through all of the pain and discomfort she continues to Praise God and seek His will even through these circumstances.  The tiny house is nearing completion for the Family's Assisant/church friend to move into and this is a TRUE blessing!  This precious "family/friend" has been willing to move into the tiny house and take on a full "Support Role" for the family!  This precious lady is helping with anything and everything when it comes to the "day to day" needs of Paula and the family.  Paula is in great spirits and finds herself rejoicing through this extremely difficult trial.  Paula is continuing to use a very strict Ketogenic Diet and nutrition as her main stay to combat this sickness along with all of the other protocols under Dr.'s supervision.  She has been enjoying time with her children and grandchildren and is eagerly awaiting her newest grandbaby to be born!  The Lord is continuing to guide Paula personally through this trial, and has recently this month given her some new things to try and even allowed her to meet a lady that had the same cancer and same issues with retaining fluid.(Ascites) God is SO GOOD & SO FAITHFUL!  The children's "Homeschool Room and Play Area" is finished and its a blessing for them to have a space to get away to when "Mama" is needing to rest.  Update of the "Wellness Room", as you know the intention of this theraputic room is to have many different treatments available to Paula throughout her healing journey.  The family's deepest desire is to be able to offer this room to others in the community in their time of need as well! We ask for continued prayers for all the children during this time, that the Lord will be their comfort.  We ask for prayers for Paula and her husband to financially be able to navigate all these new expenses.  We ask for prayers for the Dr.'s that the Lord would direct and give His wisdom in the correct paths of treatment.  The family has so many needs during this time and is just asking for everyone to pray for God's mercy and direction!  If you are able to contribute to the Hick's families' needs please know that it will be used and greatly appreciated!

They are still needing to complete the tiny house(extremely basic accomidations) for the live in lady, They still need to get Paula's therapy room set up with her treatments and they REALLY need a permanent bathtub.  There are ongoing recommendations from the Dr.'s for treatments such as vitamin c infusions which are very expensive and currently the family is not able to financially do all that is recommended.  Above all this, PLEASE PRAY that the Lord Jesus would continue to keep Paula encouraged in her spirit and completely restore her body again back to 100% health!

Update Update #5 Image
Update #4

December 15th, 2024

Update #3 Precious New Grandbaby Expected In January! Please Pray!

December 15th, 2024

The Hick's family is expecting their newest GRANDBABY to arrive this January!  Please pray for Paula's health and strength to enjoy this new little one! Below are their adult daughter and her husband and the precious GRANDS!!!

Update Update #3 Precious New Grandbaby Expected In January! Please Pray! Image
Update #2 Church Family & Volunteers coming to help family set up Homeschool/PlayRoom for kids!

December 15th, 2024

Such a HUGE blessing!  Many hands make light work!  The Church Family and a few other are coming out tomorrow to help move all of the homeschool things and playroom things OUT of the old room and into the NEW outdoor portable building!  Many hours of hard work has gone into converting this outdoor building into a nice usable new space for the kiddos!  Praise the Lord for His helpers!

Update Update #2 Church Family & Volunteers coming to help family set up Homeschool/PlayRoom for kids! Image
Update #1 Getting A Prescription For Oxygen/Friends Loaning Hyperbaric Chamber !!!

December 15th, 2024

Praise the Lord! Family Friends have offered to loan the Paula a Hyperbaric Chamber for her new "WELLNESS ROOM"! They family is going to be able to get a prescription for Oxygen to be able to use the machine! Many answered prayers!!! 

Family Email is:  

Update Update #1 Getting A Prescription For Oxygen/Friends Loaning Hyperbaric Chamber !!! Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.