USD $115
USD $250
Campaign funds will be received by Beth Del Vecchio
Hello FB friends,
As many of you may know I lost my job in May of 2023, due to the owner selling the business. I was house manager for 5 adults with schizophenia for a year. The new owner fired everyone to start her own crew. It was devastating since I had only saved half of what I needed to get my own home. What savings I did have, evaporated from making one bad move after another.
I am in WV now, where I moved for work. I was given my own room in an old motel complex that was suppose to be an organization for minimal cost housing for low income people. So there were about 25 people here besides me. Some of them were working for the same man I was working for but not everyone was.
I worked my first two weeks but after that I was told I had to move again because the person I came out to work for, broke his contract with the property owner, who evicted him, which meant we were all evicted. The deadline given was Dec. 31st. So, I did what I only know to do, and ran another CL AD for live in employment.
My CL Ad. Had been running for a month and a half by Christmas Eve. For that entire month and a half, every single person I talked to (all guys) breadcrumbed me and then ghosted me. The breadcrumbing was the worst. I had never encountered anything like it until my WV ad. I cannot tell you how mind bending it was. If you don't know what breadcrumbing is please read the article in the link I've posted.
Two weeks before the deadline, I was doing searches on how to make homeless encampments. When I would walk the dogs I would look around to see what might serve as shelter. I had never been this close to being on the streets and homeless in my whole life. It has been very scary.
Now, I must make God the focal point...
I was a faithful servant to God for 20 years. I spent that entire time walking in faith. Faith, that no matter what, through God, things would work out and that I would never be forsaken by him. I know what it is to walk in faith. And all things that I did, I did for God.
In 2013 I began to turn away. I lost all faith. I did so, because by then, I was still, not without hardships, and they were getting worse as the years rolled on. Even though I had turned away, there was an existing desire that never fully left me, to return back to my faith in God, but with every horrible situation that came my way, I buried that desire deep so I didn't have to listen to it.
On Dec. 23rd 2024 with only 8 days left before the deadline, I still had nowhere to go, and instead of having that scared feeling about having to live on the streets with my dogs. I managed to feel faith in God, This feeling came over me that said, God will not forsake me. I accepted it. I felt a faith in God that I had not felt in 11 years but that I had felt for 20.
On Christmas Eve, a text message came in from my ad. It is the only message I've received and it has remained the last message I have received, so far, because my ad is still up. In six days I've got nothing. I was always getting at least two creeps a day, every day.
His name is Jimmy, his mother's name is Velvet. I've talked with them both over the phone. It took a few days to fully understand that I had finally received an opportunity to a real live-in employment job where I am needed.
He was running his own ad on CL but expressed how he ended up giving up and quit renewing it, and on Christmas Eve he saw my ad.
He had expressed his frustration to me about all the time he had put into phone calls and texting, only to be dealing with drug addicts and women who were telling him that they would give him sexual favors for the room in his house. right away, I could tell the true frustration in his voice of having to deal with the same deadbeats that I was dealing with.
After a few more phone calls between us and reference checks. He said I could move in.
I will be moving on Jan 4th 2025. Not long after I get there, I will be applying with a company that will be paying me for 25 hours a week $12 an hour. to sit at home with his mother.
She is 76, Jimmy says, dementia is setting in and she is a little wobbly, He works 12 hour days and she has been home alone for the most part. He has someone that comes in once a week for bible study with her and twice a week a nurse, but she is only there for a couple of hours.
One of the things he said to me is that he cannot support me. I told him I don't want his money. I want my own. I am a worker. But I'm still in a very bad place.
I had to get on a food card but that food card is empty and won't have funds on it until the 8th. of Jan. As it is, I haven't eaten for the past two days. I'm going up to the pawn shop tomorrow to see if I can get anything for some of the things I have. But even if I do it's not going to be enough. And If I can't get anything, I'm afraid, the next thing that will become of me is that I have to pan handle because I need food and water to be able to pack up and have the energy for it. I'm also getting to where I will just be running out of dog food by the time I get there.
I am creating a givesendgo Campaign with only a $115 goal. The $15 is for the percentage that they take. I just hate the thought of going out there with no food of my own, no dog food, that's all I need. And I can pay it back. I've already got that ready on his end. His mom has a cell phone that he said I can use 24/7 so I could send who ever helps me back their money. I don't mind. I would want to give it back.
My internet is going to be shut off tomorrow at midnight and as you all know I don't have a cell phone. As soon as I get to Jimmy's with in a couple of days I'll be back online to thank all who helped me.
check out the summitt churc close to you .. ok
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