Supporting the Derzanski family


 USD $10,000


 USD $1,200

Campaign created by Corey cantrell

Campaign funds will be received by Steven Heise

Supporting the Derzanski family

      As I was about to re-enter the house, after walking my 4-year-old toddler, multiple sheriff’s cars screeched to a stop in my driveway. I herded my 4-year-old into the house where my 2-year-old was taking a nap: not knowing my day and life were about to turn into a nightmare. Officers got out of their cars, and one yells something I can’t hear. Not knowing what is going on I quickly move inside and lock the door.
      I moved to the front room and saw two other sheriff cars stopped at the next-door neighbor’s house. I hear some banging on the side glass door and go to close the curtain for privacy. As I move to the door one of the officers says, “Come here quick!”
    “What can I do for you?” I say as I close the curtain.
    “I’m Sgt from the Sheriffs office. Come Out! Come Out!”
     I know from having watched multiple legal YouTube Video's that I do not have to come out of the house and do not have to let them inside the house. So, I ask him, “What do you need?”
     Officer shouts, “I’ve got a protective order, come out of your house!”
     Now I am really confused. Do they have the right house? I have cops next door. Why are they asking me? So, I ask, “Who is the protective order against?
     Officer yells, “I’ll tell you once you get out of the house. Get out now!”
     I still know I don’t have to leave my house. They haven’t said who they are looking for. I hear the officers say something to each other.
      I then hear the officer faintly say, “Come out now!” But he still never said who they are looking for or why. I hear more faint voices talking. Suddenly I see and hear my glass door shatter, and the officer is loudly screaming, “Come Out now!”
      This causes my 4-year daughter to scream and run to me for protection. I pick her up and placed her on my left hip. As multiple officers run at me with guns drawn the lead officer screams, “Let me see your hands NOW! Don’t you @!@@!!! move! Do you understand me!”
      As he is doing this, I turned sideways so my daughter is away from the gun totting charging officers. The officers tell me to ‘drop the girl’ but she is crying and has a death grip on me.
      The first officer grabs my arm and twists it behind my back while the second one grabs my daughter from me. When the officers are putting handcuffs on me, I say, “Stop, stop gentlemen I am cooperating. What is the problem? I don’t know what is going on. You didn’t tell me anything. Gentlemen, Gentlemen, can I adjust to help you a little bit.”
      After the handcuffs are on, they place me in a squad car and take me to jail. I find out that my wife of 7 years decided out of the blue to put a protective order against me. It appears she told them that I was a dangerous person who had multiple guns in the home.
     Which is very strange as I have had no arrests for violence and no history of abusing her in any way. I have been in the past an EMT as well as a Security Professional doing VIP protections services. My wife is a nurse at the local hospital and has had many cases of abused wives and would know the signs of that abuse. She had none because there was none. And because she works at the hospital she talks with many officers and she might have given them distorted ideas about me. She filed a false protective order but because the police are told to ‘believe every woman’ they never came to me first to get my side of the story before breaking into my home.
      I know that almost all protective orders are done with at most two officers who calmly come to the home and ask questions. They certainly didn’t do that in my case.
      I have been a stay-at-home dad for three years - supporting my wife as she worked at her high salary nursing job - and was home schooling our two toddlers at a home school co-op. I am a new Christian (recently baptized) and had been taking our kids to church on Sundays. I thought my wife and I had a great relationship and I trusted her: I always used credit cards tied to her bank account to buy things. Because of this I have no money as she cut off my access as soon as this happened.
      My name is Derek and I have been in Martinsburg WV jail for 7 months on a felony charge because I picked up my terrorized child to comfort her when they broke into my home. My wife decided to sell our home out from under me while I was in jail (Maybe that was the plan all along). I have no money to hire an outside attorney. My court appointed attorney doesn’t seem to be on the same page as me, but I can’t fire him as I don't have an attorney to replace him.
     I am hoping people will donate enough money for me to hire an outside attorney, become free of this charge, and then work with the family court so I can get my family back. And yes, I still love my wife and hope that we can be reconciled even after these events. Any extra monies will be paid forward to others in like circumstances. Thanks for any amount you can give.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
20 days ago

From Just a Guy…. God bless you and your family for a positive outcome!

Living Waters Ministry Tr
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

I pray for reconciliation and forgiveness between you and your family. Shalom.

Anonymous Giver
$ 140.00 USD
1 month ago

I pray that God's will prevails for you and your family, that evil will be be dispelled with that those that would go against Him be held fully accountable for their trespasses against the Truth. May God Bless.

$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Freedom requires the actions of good men to do what they know is right. Keep fighting!

a guy
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you all, praying for a positive outcome!

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
1 month ago

Steve Williams
$ 300.00 USD
1 month ago

Stay strong Brother.

Paul Taylor
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Good Luck. Praying for you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

It is amazing how little the police respect your rights when in your own house. Keep up the fight!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless and hope you overcome the trials you are facing.


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