Support Liz's Consulting Dreams


 USD $4,000


 USD $885

Campaign created by Elizabeth Burzynski

Campaign funds will be received by Elizabeth Burzynski

Support Liz's Consulting Dreams

Hi Friends,

I am raising funds to help toward the cost of my participation in a mentorship program called Camino de Vida and a new Mastermind program with Justin and Abi Stumvoll (The Connected Life). 

The Camino de Vida is a unique 8-month mentorship program that includes weekly one-on-one life consulting sessions with an incredible life consultant, Desiree Amariei, bi-monthly mastermind sessions with expert Life, Money, and Business Consultants, and a supportive community fostering deep relationships and personal growth, all culminating in a 15-day pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago. When I first learned about this program, something inside my heart came alive. I felt an invitation to pour more intentionally into my dreams this year. Something felt safe about entrusting my heart to the support of a few amazing women and a small community as I bravely step out in making my dreams become reality. And, I felt excited about the possibility of walking the Camino - a dream of mine for a few years now. 

The Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) is a Christian pilgrimage with various routes across Europe that lead to the shrine of the apostle James in Santiago de Compostela Spain. We'll be walking roughly 260 Kilometers from Porto, Portugal to Santiago de Compostela Spain. I've never done anything like this before, and I can already feel that it will be stretching for me, but I feel the invitation and excitement about the adventure of it all. My hope is that through it all I'll discover a deeper connection to God and myself and the gift of learning to be present in each moment. 

The Mastermind with Justin and Abi is a year-long journey building on the concepts and skills we learned in LCMC while focusing more on live modeling and hands-on experience. What excites me about the Mastermind is the intentional focus on hands-on experience. This year will really be about practicing the tools and skills foundational to Life Consulting in a more collaborative environment. My intention in participating in Mastermind is that I'll expand my toolset to better serve my clients. Participating in this program also means I get to continue learning from Justin and Abi and continue growing with the incredible community that I've journeyed with over the last two years. I've been so deeply impacted by the LCMC community, and it's hard to imagine not moving forward with them.

I have already committed to the Camino de Vida Mentorship program because I felt strongly that there was an invitation for me to participate in that next year. I have not yet committed to Mastermind because of the reality of my financial situation, and I've been wrestling with whether or not I can do both programs. My heart would really love to do both.

So, if you feel led, I wanted to invite you to participate in making my dreams become reality. Your support will not only go towards my continued growth in healing and connecting to my own heart, but will also reach the individuals I will work with as a life consultant. I am deeply thankful for the time you have taken to read through some of my visions for this next season of my life. I cherish any amount of support, through thoughts/prayers or a monetary donation.

The cost of Camino de Vida is $7000 (plus flights) and the cost of Mastermind is $6000. I'm hoping to raise $4000 to help toward the cost of both.  Raising as much as possible toward that goal by January 15th, 2025 will help me determine whether or not I decide to continue with the Mastermind program. Any funds received after that will be graciously received and put toward the total cost. 

If you have any questions or curiosities about my journey through either of these programs, please feel free to reach out. I would be so happy to chat about how my life is being shaped for the better through these programs.

Thank you and God Bless!


Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Good luck Liz!

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

So proud of you, Liz, and praying for you on this journey!

Kristin Soukup
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Cheering you on Liz!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Jennifer Thompson
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

We wish you blessings as you move forward in this journey :)

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

So happy for you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 110.00 USD
2 months ago


Thank you!

January 23rd, 2025

How can I convey my deep sense of gratitude for each of you who donated to this campaign? Your donations meant so much more to me than a monetary amount. This has been such a vulnerable process for me to share my vision for this next year and to invite people in to support me. Every ounce of your support has been a reminder that I'm worthy of believing in, and my dreams are worth pursuing -- and that is a gift greater than any dollar amount. So, thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

I also wanted to share an update on where everything stands. With your donations and a few cash donations, I've reached just under $1000 (literally like $995!), which is absolutely incredible. I still feel so humbled by everyone's generosity. 

The deadline for my decision regarding the Mastermind program has come and gone, and it has been a wrestle of a decision to say the least. I've finally come to the point of waving my white flag and I've decided to not participate in the Mastermind program this year. It was not an easy decision to make, and there were many varying factors that went into it. Ultimately, I felt a resistance to saying a full yes to it, and so, after much grieving, I accepted the answer as "no." 

So what does that mean for my dreams? Well, I'm still pursuing them, it'll just look different than I was originally imagining. I am still participating in the Camino de Vida mentorship program, and I am so excited to see what unfolds from participating that. I know that the work I do with my own heart throughout this program will outpour to my family, friends, and clients. I'm still figuring out my business and how to grow that, and I'm excited to see what shape that will take over the next several months. In October, I'll be walking the Camino de Santiago from Porto, Portugal to Compostela de Santiago, Spain with the small group of women from the mentorship program. This will be an incredible culmination of the journey we will have embarked on together for the 8 months prior. And, to top it off, I think I may just go to Rome after the Camino to celebrate. Because, why not? 

I feel so much hope for what this next year will bring, and I'm so grateful for your support as I pursue my dreams.

May God fill you with a deep and abiding hope and bless you with His abundance this year! 


Prayer Requests

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