Provide a Roof for Christians in Africa


 USD $290

Campaign created by Amanda Alexander

Provide a Roof for Christians in Africa


Recently we (David & Amanda) took a Mission Trip to Gambia in West Africa in November. While there, we formed a close personal relationship with a man named Fadil. Fadil was once a Muslim and gave his life to Christ and is now one of the top Missionaries in Africa with IMWA (Indigenous Mission of West Africa). In the Muslim culture, when someone converts to Christianity they are often abandoned by their family with no where to turn. Fadil has built his own compound where he helps to support and teach newly converted Christians how to have an intimate relationship with the Lord. These Christians will live in the compound for a length of time and will learn Biblical knowledge, how to share their Faith with others by evangelizing and spreading the Gospel, as well as fellowshipping and worshipping. They also learn self sustaining organic farming, laboring and building construction. Fadil has been working on constructing a building that will provide a place to worship, a place to share meals, and a place that could also function as temporary housing for new converts and missionaries. Currently, they have completed the structure of the building. Unfortunately, construction has come to a standstill and cannot be finished because a roof is needed that they are unable to afford. God has put it on our hearts to raise the funds needed to complete construction and provide the roof. If you feel moved to help, your support in any capacity would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for making a difference and helping us to do the true work of God’s Kingdom.

Materials needed for roof: 

  • 440m of rebar trusses (175,000D=$2,465US)
  • 358m x 40mm x 1.2mm square tube (55,000D=$774.65US)
  • 387m of Aluzinc profile sheets (155,000D=$2,183US)
  • 13 ridge caps (6,500D=$91.55US)
  • 10 boxes screws (18,000D=$253.52US)
  • transport of the trusses from (10,000D=$140.85)
  • assembly and mounting of the trusses and screwing the roof sheets (30,000D=$422.54US)

TOTALING 449,500D=$6,331.00US.

“And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 

Thank you for your time and may God bless you,

David & Amanda

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
5 days ago

$ 10.00 USD
27 days ago

Dana G
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Ernie F
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Continued prayers, for the project going on to be completed and everyone else willing to contribute.

Derek W
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Just a little goes a long way!

The Barber Haus NY
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Continued blessings


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