Supporting the Paulus family


 USD $3,500


 USD $150

Campaign created by Pamela Gohil

Campaign funds will be received by Pamela Gohil

Supporting the Paulus family

I have known Rohama Paulus in Pakistan and her family and orphans they took in for over ten years.  About 3 to 4 years ago they took in a mom and four children who were abandoned by their father/husband.  They started with 9 orphans, but one girl ended up staying with grandparents.  Later a younger brother of an orphan joined the group, so the number again was 9 orphans.  Earlier this year 2 teen orphans, brother and sister, started a fire to keep warm and it became an electrical fire and they died.  Very sad.  Three years ago the mom and her two young boys were burned in a fire from a blanket that caught fire.  (Rohama's mom was also burned in that fire, as well as later a kitchen fire.)  One of the two young boys still needs surgery.  He does not have the use of his hands and needs help eating and using bathroom.  Now Abraham, age 11 and the youngest orphan, needs bandages of $4 each day to cover his dog bite from a rabid dog.  He was in the hospital until he received all 5 injections due to the bite.  They need $120 for bandages for 30 days at home.  Noori is the 10 year old daughter of the mom with 4 children.  She has been in the hospital over a month for anemia, blood transfusions, continued vomiting, and skin condition with many pimples or sores on her body.  She is supposed to be released Dec. 16 and they need $700 at the time of release.  Also in the house are Rohama's mom, brother and his wife and daughter.  Her brother and family were away in Karachi for a few years while he studied to be a pastor.  He is hunting for employment now.  He had been a math teacher in a school, the only Christian teacher there.  The four oldest orphans are in nursing school.  The other orphans and Noori and her sister are registered in a private school.  All of this takes monthly tuition.  I have been sending $300 a month.  Rohama's sister in USA sends me some at times to send to Rohama.  Another Christian lady has helped quite a bit but she has her own medical bills to pay now.  Also Rohama's house has been damaged from fires, floods, and hard rains.  The lady who helped before helped buy doors and windows, but Rohama does not have funds for labor costs for them to be installed.  They also need wall and roof repairs, and electrical fixing and inspection.  Besides that they need rat extermination.  A modest amount needed is $120 for bandages, $300 for tuitions, $700 for hospital bill, and $2,380 for house repairs, for a total of $3,500.  There are 17 total people in the house:   Rohama, her mom, her brother Asher and his wife and daughter, the mom and 4 children, and the remaining 7 orphans.  They really need urgent help.  My $300 and what Rohama's sister can give, will just cover basic foods.   When I have sent money in the past I have used the Western Union app on my phone.  Lately Moneygram phone app has worked better to send to Pakistan.   I have pictures on my phone but I am now using a laptop as I could not write this on my phone.  

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
2 months ago


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