Supporting Nathan Carry The Love to Europe


 USD $2,500


 USD $1,107

Campaign created by Nathan Valerio

Campaign funds will be received by Nathan Valerio

Supporting Nathan Carry The Love to Europe

SUP. God has blessed me with the amazing opportunity to join the Carry The Love tour with Circuit Riders across Western Europe. Circuit Riders is a YWAM mission and training community that launches movements to reach the next generation. On tour, we'll be going to several college campuses a week and spreading the gospel, in the form of your traditional church service. My specific role will be to help lead worship and minister to college students so they might experience Jesus and his peace (which does INDEED surpass all understanding) in new and exciting ways. I'll be giving it my best effort to make a joyful noise pleasing to the Lord from behind my drum kit. While I'm out there, I'm expected to cover all my meals, as well as my flight to and from Europe .We’ll be on the road for two months, from January 8th-March 15th. It's a big undertaking financially, but I believe God is going to use me and my talent to make his name known. By donating to my campaign, you're partnering with me and trusting in what God has in store for thousands of college students across Western Europe. 

If you'd like to gather more information about the Carry The Love Tour and Circuit Riders, click here

In my senior year of high school, I found music. I was given a drum kit when I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life or who I was. I instantly fell in love, it was like the first time you ate at Chili's or the first time you heard "Rock with You" by MJ. I was enraptured by how playing the drums made me feel. Ever since I played my first full song on the drums (Back in Black by AC/DC) my entire life has been DRUMS.COM. What made it even better was when I started worshiping God through my instrument in my youth group band. Almost 6 years later and I now have the unique opportunity to help lead worship from behind the kit all over Central Florida multiple times a week. It is the most fulfilling thing I do in my daily life, and it is when I feel closest to the Father. 

I used to think playing the drums and music was my calling, however I no longer believe that. Jesus Christ, what he has for me, and what he wants to use me for is what I get out of bed every day for. Music is the arrow in my quiver, a band-aid, it is a tool that I want to use to point others to Christ. No one thinks of Jesus and thinks first of his carpentry, but how he affected and touched the hearts of those around him is what truly mattered. It is my goal to replicate that model not only on this tour but in my daily life as well.

It is not lost on me that a lot is going on in our world right now, immense struggle and pain is happening everywhere. I do not doubt that your money and resources are better spent elsewhere helping the poor, the hungry, the widowed, the sick, and the hurting. I would implore you to follow your convictions and listen to the Holy Spirit's whisperings in your heart so you might be a good steward of what God has given you. All I ask is that you pray. Pray for the Carry The Love tour and everyone participating in it, that the lost will be reached, and that God takes more ground in his kingdom. Pray that he will use me and my unique gifts to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

I'm trusting God and dreaming big.


Recent Donations
Carlos Alfageme
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

so proud of you

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Marie Beausejour
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

May the Lord use you wherever you go

$ 70.00 USD
1 month ago

Love you bro! Praying that the Holy Spirit has full reign and does beautiful things through you.

Markis Zarate
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Beyond stoked for you. Make Heaven Crowded

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

so proud of you, you’re gonna do great things!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Jake and Gabby Dimas
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Nathan! We are SO proud of you & excited for all that God is doing. We love you & are praying for you.

Cami Young
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

NATHAN!! so incredibly excited for you as you start this season of ministry. praying for you as you start this new journey

Anonymous Giver
$ 137.00 USD
2 months ago

Love you dude! So excited for you!

Cole Toenges
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Love you dude, so proud of you and how you’ve grown! Praying for you the whole way!

Doug and Cindy Shoemaker
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

So excited for you! What an incredible opportunity to share the love of Jesus!


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