USD $20,000
USD $2,455
Campaign funds will be received by Martha Stahl
As you know, Barb has been in the process of adoption for the past 5 years. Because of the civil unrest in Haiti, things are at a standstill. Barb has been in the states for the past few months to try to raise funds and find a way to bring Nathalie to the US for a short visit, including meeting with various government officials, etc. She currently has an appointment in Jamaica to obtain a US visitor’s visa for Nathalie. There are still some major hurdles to getting to that appointment, and it will cost close to $20,000 just to get there. Most of all, we are asking you to cover this whole venture in prayer. If you can give, and feel led to do so, we have made this avenue open to you.
God bless n protect you
God bless you.
Love you guys!
May God, bless and multiply this fund
May God grant you favor as you move forward in this endeavor! Love you!
December 12th, 2024
Thank you all so much for your participation in this fund! With all the donations that came in, we were able to cover the cost that was incurred from the recent trip. Here is what Barb says, “Thank you all for your continued prayers! We are safely together in CAP Haitian. Yesterday was quite the adventurous day for both of us, but in the end of it all, we’re together.
My flight to Haiti was delayed and it was apparent that I was not going to be able to get on the helicopter to go pick up Nathalie, and I gave them permission to stay on schedule and fly Nathalie out here alone and I would meet her at the airport here. Nathalie was brave and got on the helicopter without Mom and made it safely about 1/2 hour after I arrived. The helicopter did an emergency medical flight on this flight as well, saving a baby’s life. So all is well that ended well.
Today we need to go retrieve my lost luggage (pray we can get it today) and we are going to go see my boys that I cared for at the children’s home.”
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