USD $15,176
Campaign funds will be received by Robin Adelman
Meet Max. He was born during the 2020 pandemic with multiple Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs) that were confirmed during his mom's Katie's 20 week anatomy scan.
Max’s CHDs include dextrocardia, atrial situs inversus, atrial ventricular septal defect, double-outlet right ventricle, upstairs/downstairs ventricles and heterotaxy syndrome.
We knew from birth Max would have to undergo 3 open heart surgeries
#1 BT Shunt - was performed in December 2020 at 3 months old
#2 Bidirectional Glenn - was performed in May 2021 at 7 months old
#3 Modified Fontan - was performed November 13, 2024 at 4 years old
#4 Modified Fontan (unplanned) - was performed December 5, 2024 at 4 years old
Like most families impacted by CHD, our family was unaware until Katie’s 20 week anatomy scan.
Max was born in September 2020 during the global pandemic at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Within one week the doctors were pleased with how well he was managing on his own. The anticipated pulmonary artery band procedure was put on hold and Max was discharged after 12 days.
On December 23rd 2020 during Max’s weekly cardiology appointment he went into respiratory arrest. Max was admitted into the ICU and had his 1st OHS. He stayed in the hospital for 24 days.
Four months later Max had his 2nd OHS. Amazingly he was home within a week.
For the next 3 years Max continued to thrive and appears from the outside as a normal, active little boy. During this time we knew that another OHS was anticipated when he was 3 years old.
In the spring of 2024, Max started showing signs of distress, turning blue when he became too active. He had a coil embolization during a heart cath procedure which fixed the issue, and he had a very happy and active summer. Max is always on the go - riding his bike, swimming, playing with cars and his big sister.
On November 13, 2024 Max underwent his 3rd OHS - a Modified Fontan and was discharged 9 days later. The following week during his post op checkup, fluid was present around his lungs (pleural effusion) and he was readmitted to the hospital for treatment. Corrections were attempted during a heart catheterization on December 3, but were unsuccessful. Unplanned Open heart surgery #4 occured December 5. It was a very long and complicated 12 hour surgery. Max was intubated and sedated with his chest still open to reduce blood pressure for several days.
Please read the updates below to track Max's progress.
As of today, Max is still in the hospital. Katie has been living in Max's hospital room(s) since November. She has not been able to work since the beginning of November. Your generosity will relieve her financial burdens, lift her spirits, and improve her quality of life so she can be the best mom she can be for not only Max, but for his older sister.
Thank you for all your support.
Please share Max's story with your family and friends.
With our prayers for Max's health. God Bless.
Prayers for Max!
Praying for you Max.
Wishing on every star that you get better soon! Jas
Praying for you all.
Lifting you up!
Praying for your whole family!
Stong man!! You got this Max and family. Mike and Sarah Nothnagel
Max we are praying for you and so moved by your story and incredible strength. You are a warrior for Jesus and we are pulling for you to only continue getting stronger. May God Bless you and your mom and family. You are an inspiration to us.
1562 Boardwalk Place
March 6th, 2025
112 days ... and Max is finally going home. Praise the Lord and all of the wonderful care givers and pray warriors and supporters. The family could not have made through these past 3+ months without you. While Max's CHD journey will never be over, at least he can be home and get back to being a four year old.
March 1st, 2025
Max has been inpatient so long that he's known throughout the hospital. They made him a "Dr. Max" badge and he collects accessories from all the nursing staff. The Seacrest Studios team calls Max in to join them in the studio, equipped with headphones and a microphone. They are all doing their best to keep Max occupied and happy while to continues to get healthy enough to be discharged. When the weather is nice it's time to ride his bike in the outside courtyard.
February 23rd, 2025
Max is still in patient at Monroe Carell Jr Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt. He had another heart catheterization last week to adjust the fenestration in the Fontan. Max is still being fed via NG tube to get his weight up. He continues to be very active - riding his bike around the halls, going to the playrooms and participating in events. There is not a planned discharge date at this time.
February 11th, 2025
Almost 3 months since Max was admitted for his Fontan. This past weekend he moved out of the ICU. His chest X-rays are clear and he's taking daily walks and bike rides in the hospital. Best times are when his big sister comes for a visit. Please keep your prayers and support coming. We are still waiting for a discharge date.
February 4th, 2025
Max is still in the ICU.While he looks so much better on the outside, he's still having challenges with fluid around his lungs. Some days the X-rays look greatly improved and others, not so much. They are manipulating the medicines and fat content of feedings to see what works best to have Max get in the best shape possible to hopefully go home. While the postponed the surgery to reverse the Fontan, the procedure is not off the table. Continued prayers and support needed while Max and Katie continue to be in patient. A beautiful, sunny day last Sunday with Max's first walk to the Children's Hospital outside garden.
January 29th, 2025
The past 2 weeks have been a roller coaster of difficult news and emotions. Time was needed to process and prepare for what was to be Max’s 3rd open heart surgery in the past 3 months to reverse the Fontan yesterday. But for the grace of God and Max’s warrior determination they called off the surgery. Max appears to be healing in his own time. We are cautiously optimistic. His fight is not yet over. Please keep Max and Katie and family in your prayers.
January 22nd, 2025
Max moved back to the ICU a few days ago and had new, bigger chest tubes placed. Today he had two procedures done to alleviate some of the fluid buildup around his lungs, map out his lymphatic system and widen the fenestration in his fontan. He handled everything really well and is in recovery now.
January 17th, 2025
Doctors are concerned that the Fontan isn’t being accepted by Max”s anatomy causing issues with his lungs. A couple of procedures are being planned for the coming weeks then an assessment for next heart surgery. Not the news we were hoping for but Max is a champion.
January 17th, 2025
Max is having another cath today. Our 6th surgery in 56 days. He had another chest tube placed a few days ago but his Pleural Effusions aren't getting any better. Hoping this will give us an answer even if they don't find anything. I'm almost hoping they don't find anything, because that means his body is just taking longer to heal. He's been through so much. 6 surgeries in two months is alot for an adult, let alone a 4 year old. He is taking all of this so well though. He's the strongest person I know.
December 29th, 2024
Max spent Christmas in the hospital (again). He was there in 2020 for his first open heart surgery. At least we are close to the hospital and can visit daily. Max has lots of family stopping by to play, ride his cozy coupe and walk to the playrooms. They are keeping him until his sodium level gets to where it needs to be.
December 20th, 2024
Max is a fighter. He's still in the hospital, but finally out of the ICU. His chest tubes were removed yesterday. Now the focus is on ensuring the fluids around his lungs stay in check so he can come home. Hopefully in time for Christmas. Thank you for your continued prayers and generosity.
December 14th, 2024
Max has had his good days and not so good days. Doctor's say his heart is working fine, but yesterday he was having trouble breathing. Last night he had a procedure done by the ENT team to remove scar tissue and blockage from his airway. Hopefully this resolved his issues and he can start eating again. Continued prayers are needed. This is a longer hospital stay that was anticipated. Your support is essential and greatly appreciated.
December 9th, 2024
Max has been sedated for 4 days now. Yesterday they closed his chest. Today they removed him from the ventilator. Due to the amount of time Max has been under sedation he is experiencing bouts of delirium, which is not uncommon in these situations, but hard for Katie to witness. Hopefully this will subside by tomorrow and better days are ahead. Katie is thankful for all of your generosity and love. Keep holding Max and Katie in your prayers. Blessings.
December 7th, 2024
Words can not express the gratitude and appreciation for the love and support for Max and Katie. We thank you all for your caring and generosity.
Max is recovering after the unexpected 12 hour revision on December 5. The doctors completely reworked his Fontan that they performed on November 11. He is resting, still intubated, and sedated. We are praying and hoping for a positive outcome.
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