EUR €10,000
EUR €9,128
Campaign funds will be received by Andreas Shamoon
Bro. Andy has been preaching for our (former) church plant in Germany. Even though he is from Austria, he was always willing to help out and support our soul winning club, not only preaching but also sometimes leading the music and singing. He did not shy away from driving or flying for hours to come to Germany to preach the whole counsel of God, meanwhile having to support his family. Overall, he has preached about 30 sermons that in total got thousands of views. His preaching got him into trouble with German authorities on the grounds of so-called hate speech or 'incitement to hatred'. Germany technically guarantees religious freedom, but in practice, it is non-existent as soon as someone starts preaching every verse of the Bible--which we are commanded by God to do.
For his preaching, bro. Andy was charged with a fine of close to 10,000 Euros. He decided to fight against this with his lawyer which is a decision we support since cases like his have proven that it is possible to significantly lower ridiculous fines like that. But hopefully, his case would just be dismissed. In a similar case it was already determined that a raid that happened at another brother's home was in fact unwarranted. So it seems like some legal mechanisms are still working in Germany. We should be praying that God uses bro. Andy's case (which has garnered media attention all over Germany) for good. Obviously, we wish that things in Germany would actually change and the constitutional religious freedom would be respected. But no matter the outcome, we know that the word of God is not bound.
The first court hearing of bro. Andy's case led to no outcome which means there will be a second hearing. All of this does not come without a cost: Andy still has to pay 5,000 Euros to his lawyer. This is a major burden on him and his family.
I am only asking for what I know is still outstanding of the 5,000 euros; a small amount has already been donated.
Thank you for your support,
Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.
Gottes Segen mein Bruder, bleib stark im Herrn! Bruder A.
As a German Christian, I do not agree with all of your preaching, especially the teaching of the reprobate doctrine and how you were talking about some fellow preachers. However I fully respect your firm Biblical courage and I strongly believe that you should have all the right to teach and preach about your believes. Please take my small donation as a little encouragement. God bless you!
Good job bro, stay strong.
December 6th, 2024
Yesterday, Dec 5, bro. Andy got sentenced to a fine of 6,000 Euros. His lawyer is confident that it makes sense to appeal the decision. Please continue praying for bro. Andy.
I have changed the campaign amount to the approximate amount Andy might still have to pay (we don’t know the exact court fees yet).
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