USD $15,000
USD $3,752
Campaign funds will be received by Shawn Richberger
Please consider helping support me during this incredibly difficult season of my life. I was injured for multiple years as I slowly came off a prescribed medication that induced a traumatic brain injury. An injury that lead into a medication induced suicide attempt. I'm making the total goal for a years rent and some fees for grocery delivery and toiletries, basic needs. My rent is 700 which is rather expensive for what I received but I'm thankful I have a place to stay. The reason I'm making the goal for a year is I've been at this for the better part of 3 years and realize it's taking a lot longer than I thought it would for not only total healing but also to get back on SSDI. Here's a link to my YouTube account where you can learn more.
List of all the nervous system dysfunction symptoms ive experienced over 3+ years. Nearly everday during this tapering period i experienced something . There was never a day in over 3 years i didnt feel okay in my body. There were many more symptoms ive experienced, ones I cant even put into words. I never had these prior to being prescribed benzodiazpines. I finished my taper 3 years ago and most have healed praise God.
Phsycial symptoms-
Severe weakneess
Muscular rigidity
Burning in my nerves
Electric currents shooting down nerve pathways
Hypersensitive skin, shower droplets felt like jagged glass
Felt like i was breathing artic frigid air
Blurred and double vision
Stroke like symptoms (my pelfic floor, inner thighs, abdominal wall would go into a flaccid muscle tone state)
Biggest injury was flaccid paralysis to my entire left side of my body, which i still have 3 years later, though its better. My entire left side went limp, burned deeply as if i had a stroke
Electric currents all over my skin. Numbness all over my skin
Waves of acid like pain radiating out of my spine
Burning spine
Seizure like jerking
Went 3.5 months only sleeping 1 to 2 hours a night, every night
Horrific insomnia
Nerve pain just about everywhere
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Head wobble, balance issues
Severe bodily agitation/ akathisia
Dry eyes and sinuses
Autoimmune issues that came out of nowhere like lupus
Thyroid issues
Blood pressure swings
Heart rate swings
Breathing issues
Mental and psychological-
Panic attacks
Severe sustained long lasting anxiety levels
Deep chemcial like depression
Deep fear for no reason
Phobias like fearful of being alone and leaving the house
Strange intrusive thoughts
Memory loss
Cognition issues (hard to do even of the easiest tasks)
Crying hysterically for no reason
Not able to feel any emotion at all
Depresonalization (feelings like i was detached from my body)
Derealization (feelings like everything was in 2d)
Feelings of being behind a wall of thick glass
Suicidal thoughts
Unfortunately all of this took a huge toll on me as it went on and on for over 3 plus years. At the end of my taper from prescribed Valium, I i became incredibly suicidal for months. Without proper support I caved one day and nearly killed myself as much as i hate to say it. I walked and walked all day long in the heat of Arizona in peak summer. Almost died and I should have. All of my muslce tissues is severly damaged from dehydration. My internal organs were damaged as well, mostly my GI tract. I was upset at God for letting me butcher myself, mad at myself for giving up, mad at others for treating me so poorly when i needed love and encouragement the most. God kept me alive however. Its been 3.5 years since the incident and ive been recovering since then, laying in bed everyday waiting on the Lord to complete this healing. In that time ive lost all of my possesions, the ability to see my daughter often and my income. Ive made progess, my balance is much better and im able to stand for longer periods of time without giving out in exhaustion.
Ive ran into some issues however, my ssdi was not renewed last July and ive been living off the generosity of others. Which im incredibly thankful for. I reapplied for ssdi income and im going through the process. Im asking, if you are able to help support me until a decsion is made, I'd be very grateful. I linked my fundraiser down below. Please consider helping a brother in Christ recover, one who has been through a living hell. Thank you all. Other ways to help are paypal and venmo, which actually are easier and faster for me.
Paypal: @ShawnRichberger803
Venmo: Woodster2k
Shawn Richberger
Dear Shawn Wish I could be there to be a practical help. Keep trusting the Lord. Will be praying for you. God bless
Praying for you dear brother Shawn! Blessings to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Maranatha!! Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!
Almost HOME!!!
Praying for you, brother.
God bless you and I pray that you are headed quickly. Come Lord Jesus 🙏 Maranatha 🙏
May God be with you.
Brother Shawn, thank you for sharing your story. Jesus is coming and we pray this helps you. Please look into DMSO for your pain and healing, I will link an article here and there are no side effects except for smelling like garlic Dimethyl sulphoxide (“DMSO”) https://expose-news.com/2024/10/30/dmso-for-strokes-and-neurological-damage/#dmso-in-traumatic-brain-injuries-and. Prayers
You will be in my prayers daily. God bless you
Saw you on Brother Williams page. Sending prayers and love. Hang in there. I am disabled too and I have had some of those thoughts but Jesus is near the brokenhearted. He is there for you.
God Bless! Prayers.
Keeping you in my prayers.
January 29th, 2025
Hi y'all, just a short update. Im thankful for everyone who has helped me financially and prayed for me. I managed to raise enough funds for rent until the end of February. My rent is 700 a month which includes utilities. As far as my healing goes , I do feel a little better. After 3 years I thought more progress would of been present but after all it's a serious injury to my entire body. My balance has improved, blood pooling in my hands and feet seem to be better. I can tolerate heat a bit more.
The Lord did tell me to be patient , even though it's so difficult. I miss just about everything in life when one has their health, my daughter most of all. I had to reapply to SSDI, as I was denied the first go around. It's been difficult to say the least to find some sort of local or government financial aide.
If you'd like to continue supporting me I'd be incredibly grateful and I know the Lord will repay you. I'm mostly just trying to raise enough for rent and fees for grocery delivery service. If I have any extra I usually put it towards next months rent and fees but sometimes I need to buy toiletries and maybe some new basic clothing.
Love you all and thank you all for getting me this far in my healing journey.
Shawn R
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