USD $1,000
USD $957
Campaign funds will be received by Eric Graham
My name is Eric-- I am a husband, a father to two young girls, a follower of Christ, and a survivor of addiction. My psychological struggles and the addiction lasted for twenty-four years of my life. This included childhood depression, substance abuse, and inner anguish. At the age of thirty-nine, I experienced turmoil that brought me to my knees in submission. I entered a recovery program and experienced God in a way that I never had before.
I am here to ask for your partnership, sponsorship, support, and investment so that I can complete the Maxwell Leadership program in 2025 and guide others struggling with addiction through coaching and mentorship. So far we have raised enough to start the Maxwell Leadership program. A new deadline of December 31st to reach the $1000 goal and continue the program is approaching.
Please pray and consider contributing any amount you can this holiday to my mission in life. The ultimate goal of $10,000 will fund the coaching certifications and help with one semester of higher education. If you would like to schedule a call or meet face-to-face to hear more about myself and the vision I have been given, I would be happy to speak with you.
For In Matthew 22:36-39, the disciples of Jesus ask Him, “Which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” His response is, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’”. I want to fulfill Christ's requests with all of my being, leading me to the calling in my life-- to guide others struggling with addiction and inner anguish to the other side.
Eric, we are with you my friend!
Wishing you the best! Ryan and Stephanie Stewart
Hey, I know this ain’t a lot now. I’m finishing up school and hope to start working in January. I can give more then! Hope things are well and glad you’re following the Lord.
All the best!
You're a gem of a human!
Your calling to help others who are struggling is inspirational.
Proud of you!!
Go get em bud.
Wishing you the best!
Godspeed Eric. Would love to catch up.
Praying for your success!
Prayers for you Eric.
December 16th, 2024
I’m grateful for all who have supported this journey thus far! I completed the first round of modules and came to a place where I’m restricted from going further! I am just $180 from being able to take the next step and have another month to gain more access. I can’t wait for everyone to see what happens in the next year because of your generosity! If you have the bandwidth to help please do! I will take prayers and good vibes for this next goal to be met as well!
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