Outdoor Living Nativity Animals


 USD $1,500


 USD $425

Campaign created by Richard Schaefer

Campaign funds will be received by Redeemer Lutheran Church

Outdoor Living Nativity Animals

Now in its 61st year, the Living Nativity has been an annual tradition ever since Redeemer Lutheran Church first presented it to the community of Bayside, Queens, NY, in 1964. Performed nightly (7:30 pm) on the church lawn at 36-01 Bell Blvd. for two consecutive nights––this year December 14 & 15—-approximately 30 members and friends of Redeemer, ranging in age from grade school to adult, along with a donkey and sheep, appear in the free 20-minute pageant, as they walk through the narrated story of the birth of Christ Jesus.

As many as 90 different people have participated in a given season, and hundreds from Queens and Long Island gather each year on our sidewalks to watch the pageant unfold; many have even written or called to say how beautiful it was to pause during the busy holiday season and witness this telling of the true meaning of Christmas: the birth of Jesus our Savior.

Although the message is central, the "stars" of the "show" are the donkey and sheep. Unfortunately, over the last years the cost of hiring the animals has increased substantially, from a few hundred dollars to $1,200 in 2022, and, as other costs have gone up and the congregation's means have declined, it has become difficult to keep the pageant going. So, please consider donating toward the Outdoor Living Nativity Animal campaign this year, and if you are unable to give, please keep us in your prayers.

Recent Donations
The Robertson Family
$ 300.00 USD
2 months ago

Ellen Robertson
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

We have been going to the live Nativity for almost 35 years. It’s a wonderful family tradition. We look forward to it each year.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

A Bayside institution. No matter how far my family and I roam we all know, come each December, we will find ourselves back on Bell Blvd to observe this beautiful pageant. Generations of our family have been attending each year for 61 years, and will continue for another 61+ more- GOD WILLING. Don’t let this tradition fade out, folks. It is too important for the community. GOD BLESS BAYSIDE!


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