Uplift Alba Lucia Garcia 🙌 💙


 USD $15,000


 USD $330

Campaign created by Maria Khan

Campaign funds will be received by Alba Garcia

Uplift Alba Lucia Garcia 🙌 💙

Hello Dearest Friends & Family,

We met dear Alba last year in Panama 🇵🇦.   We knew from the moment we saw each other that there was something VERY special about this lady.  Her spark and joy of life, and how she shares this with others is wondrous .... and in her own words, here is just a tiny bit of her beautiful story:

" My name is Alba Garcia, I was born in the country side in Colombia 62 years ago. As a child I always felt the connection to all animals, at the farm we had many animals, I loved them so much that if any of them were in distress I felt their pain which affected me a great deal. Moving away to the city after my parents lost everything at the age of 8 I lost that connection with all those amazing beings of unconditional love. At the age of 10 my late Mother took my sister and I to live in New York where my world changed for ever things seemed strange and cold to me. I knew I was missing something very valuable to my life, I always felt the calling to help and love furry babies but my style of life did not allow me to do so. At the age of 16 I married a man who I later found out had no heart for animals and I couldn't do what my heart was calling me to do. I gave birth to three children who took all my time and energy. As years passed I started to acknowledge how people treated animals and I would feel so much pain not being able to help, specially those at the ASPCA. I wanted to volunteer but I was not allowed by my husband. Years after my divorce, I moved down to Florida where I adopted a cat, which was the only pet allowed where I lived, and he gave me 15 amazing years of unconditional love! After his passing, I remarried and moved to Boquete, Panamá, where I discovered a world of pain and animal abuse. I rescued 5 dogs and 12 cats that pretty much use up my social security income .... Yet, I would not have it any other way!

Here in Panamá, I became involved in foundations that help feed and protect cats and dogs, (which by the way is a very sad situation in a 'developing country'). There are hundreds and hundreds of animals abused and starved here. Dealing with this situation, I understood that this was the calling I felt for years and that now I could finally do something to help them! I was lucky to meet like-minded Souls that care and were willing to go above and beyond to help them. It has not been easy, as it's almost like an endless battle where most humans just don't care. We do what we can, and our efforts do not go unnoticed. More and more, people are waking up to the fact that these beings also Need and FEEL love, because that is who they are ... Pure "Love". So, my journey is a long one, yet so beyond rewarding. 🙏 

I also joined a program to feed and help malnourished indigenous children that go hungry daily, most of them don't even have two parents or someone to watch over them daily. I volunteer at a school where we deliver rescued fruits and vegetables from stores that would trash items that are in still in edible conditions, we select what is in the best conditions, we clean, we bag and freeze them in order to prepare daily lunches for the kids in school and other families that cannot feed their children. Our school has become a pilot school which is being used to give other schools an incentive to do the same. There are many donations given to the school not just food but also clothing, diapers, shoes, school supplies and much more. Our school was gifted a 'Biodigester' by the Israeli embassy. It produces cooking gas and fertilizer with the kitchen scraps. Our school also implemented a rain water collecting system with high quality filtration in place since water here is not permanent on a daily basis. During the summer the school offers a program called sustainable summer, where children come for activities and lunch.

In other areas there are many people who need assistance with daily life situations and if we can help, we do that too.

In my personal life, with everything I do, I also try to take care of my own needs. I was able to purchase a small piece of land, where I started to build a "Tiny home" for myself and my furry babies. The only problem is that I had to stop because my budget did not allow me to continue. As time passes, I don't want what I have built, along with some materials to deteriorate with the bad (rainy season) weather we are having in Panama, this time of year.

I am grateful for this opportunity to share with you just a small, yet meaningful and significant part of my life story, and the joy to help those in need. God bless you for your care and support in this journey of our lives."

       " Thank you from my Soul to yours,

          Alba Garcia "

With Abundant Gratitude, Blessings & Prayers for ALL our friends & family,

💙 Maria, Alexander & Abid 💙

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

I owe Jesus a favor, this donation is from Him.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

God Bless you Alba & all your furry family. May the angels of mercy surround you with love & an abundance of support to help you live your dream life as you continue to serve & assist others in need within your community. Lots of Love - Pauline Cullen XOXOXOXO

Maria Minakakis Khan
$ 180.00 USD
2 months ago

Dearest Alba Lucia, We are sending our deepest care, compassion, joy and gratitude 🥹 🙏. Love & Abundant Blessings 🙌 Always, Alexander, Abid & Maria


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