Starving Artist Winter Survival Fund


 USD $500


 USD $102

Campaign created by Greg Foster

Campaign funds will be received by Greg Foster

Starving Artist Winter Survival Fund

Hello there, starving artist seeking a path our of poverty here. I have been tricked and sucked dry by a narcissist employer who tempted me with a reward when I didn't realize how much work the job would entail, and now that I've spent my previous food and shoe fund to work for this guy I'm left with less than I started with and he refuses to pay me without working more, reducing my pay to less than 7 bucks an hour which I cannot afford with the grandeur of the commute for one thing, wear and tear on my bike and shoes which already need repairs in the case of bike and winter show replacement as my current pair are almost popping holes in the soles and not winter shoes to begin with, and an atmospheric river is currently soaking the local landscape with only one pair of wool socks which will be destroyed quickly as soon as my shoe soles are holey, one pair of pants, and a decaying tent.

The funds will be used for food primarily, and 150 will go to shoes and probably 50 to new socks and pants. Also if I reach the goal I can probably afford to pay a junk removal service to help me clean up my camping spot and hopefully set up a better tent that's not falling apart with 3 tarps barely able to keep all the rain out.

Recent Donations
viola rose
$ 17.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Much love to you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers and blessings

Mister E
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Good luck, brother.

$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

blessing brother

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago


Update #4

December 6th, 2024

November 18th I started this fundraiser and I have yet to see any funds from it. I wanted to try this one cause of the way Go Fund Me banished good people doing a political thing in Canada awhile back, but I wish I'd used them again cause I need pants and it would be great to get some coffee this morning cause it's cold and then a new tent would rock before it rains again, but nothing anyone has sent to me has yet been made available.


December 5th, 2024

Thank you everyone for your generosity, but this system has yet to make anything available to me. Their support is way better than Go Fund Me which leaves a lot more to badly programmed robots, but the funds were available almost immediately whereas this site has been holding hostage my much needed resources for two weeks and now says they sent the first bit, but my bank has not got the notice which is strange as they've never taken more than one day to process these kinds of things before.

Frustration is my life these days. Thank you for your patience and generosity. Still a long way to go.

Title change, and yay! The influx begins!

November 25th, 2024

So glad this thing is starting to take off! Thank you 3 first donations, you rock!

Synthesizing visions of progress

November 21st, 2024

As yet for any donations to come in I wanted to share some details of what's taking shape. I call the narcissist now more like vampire, and a sort of story of my life especially in the years Pluto was in Capricorn is taking shape where vampires, werewolves and zombies are the mobs of the bad guys. These are real world demons and I think there's some clarification that comes with chucking the disconnected theories of mere descriptions of symptoms usually with streams of greco-roman names to hide what could be described in plain English from the common people. The zombie is basically a robot for external signals, and the worst of them are the aging punks who did scads of horrible drugs in past decades and still smoke and drink a lot and never really did any research into nutrition and exercise and they may have a bit of humanity left but it varies how much a fully human person can take of them, and their stink got on me bad from my slumming mission where I settled a bunch of unquiet ghosts in my inheritance, Capricorn midnight Sun stuff.

Then there's the werewolf, the person who is kind enough, even fun to be around until they start drinking, and then a demon comes forth that respects nobody and loudly expresses that fact.

A vampire is simply any relationship that is usually considered narcissistic these days, but this isn't a person who just sits by a mirror and trips out; you never see those people out and about. This is more like a vampire that exists like a fear of death that never ends, but since the human is so stretched thin from never going through the phoenix fire of Scorpio to cleanse the dirt of the past and rise freshly renewed they may have just enough charm to suck someone in long enough for them to turn and run, but not before being deprived of more than they were given, as with the guy I met years ago, in my slumming days who tempted me with a 100 dollar reward and then did not clearly describe what I would have to do to get it until I had already worked 8 hard hours that didn't break my back, but did activate my ancient lower back pain that is a sign a vampire is afoot. I internet message argued with him for a week trying to get more than 30 bucks from him as I blasted through my Go Fund Me shoe fund on the resources to work for him not realizing how hard the commute and the work would be nor how little reward I would ultimately receive. When he finally revealed just this last Monday, the day before Pluto left my Sun sign and angular 4th house that he actually wanted me to live on the land for a week and work every day...for only a Franklin? That comes out to only 2.50 per hour, where I got exactly 3.75 per hour when he paid me a couple of tips adding up to 30 bucks and never paid me the fair wage of my minimum for schlepping labor, 15 per hour which would be 120 for 8 hours, not 30. I realized then that he would never pay me without jumping through more and more hoops for his benefit and at my expense.

Thus I'm wanting more than just this 500 buck thing, I want to get out of this pit of camping that I was pushed into by scams and demonic influences in my university and city of origin where the university damaged me badly and filled me with ideas I only came to understand as totally wrong in the last 4 years. I want to write books, starting with a vampire, werewolf, zombie tale that mirrors my strange trip through Portland, Oregon subcultures and low income zones where these monsters are the vibe of actual people, or are they NPCs? I envision getting into some local shops with public access and get some lessons on cymbal lathing where the hammering I really just need to have access to the anvil and the set of hammers and I'm off and running, to apply cosmic geometry designs to refurbishing cheap or damaged relics from used shops, or to finish blanks from the big cymbal companies like Zildjian, Sabian, and Meinl.

In the short term this level of fundraising will be enough to improve my winter wardrobe so I don't have holes in the bottoms of my shoes soon, and so I can look respectable out and about to make the business connections I need for a better life where most of the people I got to know while I was slumming in Portland are not fit for staying in close relation to me, or in the case of the ones who turned out to be monsters after all cutting them off utterly. Also key is to hire a junk removal service to help me clean up my camp spot where I will only do so if I can pay their fair and balanced rate. Then to find a good new tent that maybe is tall enough to stand up inside, and some things to help organize my books, instruments and clothes so it's not just piles on the floor.

These things will help me to set up a good looking studio even though I only have an extension cord in a camp spot currently. Then I can feel better about starting to do my astrology update videos on a regular basis which will help bring in even more income so I can get to where I can do the cymbal smith thing to help me afford the house with a studio and a wood and metal shop, or close by access to those things where I can play all my instruments including drum kit, my greatest passion, and voice which are the main ones that I cannot practice quietly for the dynamic range of the kind of music I really love to play and sing which is powerful sometimes prog, sometimes classic rock, jazz, and melodic metal. I even dig bands like The Hu cause I can sing like that, but in my tent I can't practice very often the loud stuff in my vocal range, like Dio songs which I can sing really well if I have the space to practice every day. Neil Peart kind of things on drums when I can practice every day on a kit.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.