Covering unexpected medical & auto expenses
We have hesitated about posting this for a while, but . . . we have continued to seek our Loving LORD's Direction.
A little over 20 years ago the U.S. experienced an economic recession. As a result of that recession, in a series of multiple layoffs from the company Rick worked for, he lost his job as a computer programmer. About six months later, the 9/11 attacks occurred. After that it became extremely difficult for extended periods of time for Rick to re-enter the programming field with his programming skill sets. Years of un- and under-employment followed. Through it all, our LORD has provided for our needs, sometimes in miraculous manners!
Even so, within the past two months we have gone through unplanned vehicle expenses, and especially Tina's unexpected broken elbow & subsequent surgery. Tina's healing is progressing well (and prayers continue to be greatly appreciated, as well as are texts & calls for Tina from our friends & family for those lonely times), but there have been various expenses which we've needed to take care of (which insurance will not cover).
That leads us to humbly beseech you to assist us in our endeavors to get over these recent bumps in our road of life. We believe that the LORD has directed us to use the "Give, Send, Go" crowd-funding site because they also encourage people to fervently pray to the LORD for those who use their site.
We truly understand that money is tight for all of us, especially during this Christmas season but any amount is most definitely, prayerfully appreciated! THANK YOU!! 🥰🥰