USD $7,000
USD $4,275
Campaign funds will be received by Todd Pearson
Let's come together and help TC of Minnesota Black Robe Regiment on yt.His beautiful wife Mrs TC, had a severe heart attack Wednesday morning 11/14 & is currently still in the hospital. Due to them both being out of work right now because of this they will need help with bills and groceries for a bit. Any little bit will help. Thank you and God bless you
Prayers to you and your wife!
We appreciate what you do to bring corruption to light. Keep up the good fight please.
Would love to give more. I
My prayers are with your family. God bless you
God has promised He would never forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), and we have hope that, by His grace and in His time, darkness will be made light before us (Isaiah 42:16).
Praying for you all.
I know it’s not much but I hope it helps.
November 27th, 2024
I wish I could tell you all that things were miraculously healed and Mrs TC is totally out of the woods and things are perfect.
The medical bills have rolled in and Mrs TC has not been able to return to work as of yet, and we are in no rush. We want her healthy and healing. We could use all the prayers and support you can provide.
Please know we are so incredibly thankful for all the prayers and donations thus far. If you could help by sharing we would be so grateful.
November 19th, 2024
Maggie had both an MRI today and angioplasty. The MRI concerned a shadow in her abdomen and is benign. The angioplasty was to address the SCAD and to check if it was self-healing.
While she didn't need a stint, the procedure took far longer than TC was expecting and was hoping for. The decision was made to keep Maggie for observation overnight and she should come home tomorrow, 11/19/2024.
This is just a start. Recovery will be long and expensive. We have lost her income and have prescriptions to cover and without insurance it won't be easy. This is causing Maggie a certain amount of anxiety.
If you can pray we would be humbled. If you can help we would be eternally grateful.
November 19th, 2024
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.