It's time to give back to the Drew Crew


Β CAD $5,000


Β CAD $3,425

Campaign created byΒ Kara Spinney

Campaign funds will be received by Kara Spinney

It's time to give back to the Drew Crew

Small town mentality.... Living in a tiny village nestled between two mountains in an insignificant part of the world.... We hear it all the time.

Growing up in the same area, with the same people, hearing the same stories with a quiet calm that some people call 'boring', probably does contribute to us having a different mindset than other places. But I don't believe that's a bad thing. I believe that we're lucky that we're still one of the few places left that still have a sense of community. The Drew Crew is a perfect example of what it means to value your community.

Deanna and Jeff have given so much to this community. Deanna hasn't missed a ticket auction in twenty years and she volunteers quietly behind the scenes for the Village of Aylesford and Jeff is a hard worker providing for his family and would help anybody that asked, as would their daughters Amanda, Amber and Taylor. Their boys Jayde, Colin and Parker would save up bottles every year since they were small boys and donate the money to the Aylesford Christmas Mommies and Daddies. The Drew Crew have given a lot to our community, and now it's our turn to give a little back.

Last month Jeff was diagnosed with a stage/grade 4 Glioblastoma cancerous, aggressive brain tumor. Jeff is starting treatment soon and the cost that comes along with a diagnosis like this can be overwhelming if not impossible at times. There is not much we can do to ease the pain that comes with living with and supporting your loved one through this terrible disease, but we can do what our little community does best. We can support this amazing family and help ease some of the financial burden. That's what small town mentality means to me.

I'm Deanna's sister Kara. I had a help from Deanna's best friends writing this. We know times are tough for everybody now a days, so even if you can't donate, please share. All money will go directly to Jeff and Deanna.

Much Love The Drew's/Spinney's

Recent Donations
Melody Erickson
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

Sabih Abbasi
$ 27.00 CAD
1 month ago

Robbie Hiltz
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

Nicola Smith
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

Taylor, thinking of you and your family at this time. YITB, Nicola

Jonah Deanna and River
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

We hope you have an amazing Christmas and New Year. Love yas!

Marlene Connell
$ 20.00 CAD
1 month ago

Charlotte Keddy
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Sending you lots of love. All my best to all of you. Get well soon, Jeff

Debbie Terry England
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

The Phantom
$ 200.00 CAD
1 month ago

Love and Prayers to you all.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

Trinity Potter
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Sending love 🫢🏻

Steve Clouthier
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

Jaimie Peerless
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

You’re all in our thoughts and prayers.

G Howell
$ 25.00 CAD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
2 months ago

Maxine Buckler
$ 25.00 CAD
2 months ago

Matt G
$ 25.00 CAD
2 months ago

Burton Connie Coleman
$ 25.00 CAD
2 months ago

$ 200.00 CAD
2 months ago

Marg Rafuse
$ 50.00 CAD
2 months ago

Wishing you many blessings at this time . I understand what you're going through . My heart goes out to you and family many times over .πŸ’™


Update #7

January 24th, 2025

Jeff is all done his 30 radiation treatments and chemo meds, for now. He gets a month break. 

In about 3 weeks he will have an MRI done to see how well the radiation and chemo meds work at slowly down the growth of the brain tumor. Unfortunately the tumor can not be stopped but it can be slowed. 

Once the MRI is done, he will see the Oncologist for the results, and likely be on a 6 month 🀞, 5 days a month chemo medication regimen.

Jeff is doing great, mostly tired. He is being weaned off the steroids he is taking to reduce the swelling. Hopefully this will cause minimal issues.

Once again, thank you all so very much for all your positive thoughts, monetary donations, kind words and gestures. It is truly a beautiful thing to see and means so very much to us.

Take care and be kind.

Update Update #7 Image
Update #6

January 12th, 2025

Jeff is down to single digits! 8 more radiation sessions to go.

Update #5

January 2nd, 2025

Jeff is officially half way through his radiation and chemo medication. 3 more weeks of hotel room living and driving back and forth to Halifax.

Christmas.was busy with lots of traveling due to holidays and no radiation treatments.

We were also very fortunate to have all 6 of our children with us at Christmas time! This isn't always possible,  especially lives Japan!

Again we are so very grateful for all the support we have received and are still receiving.

Thank you all so very much. Take care πŸ’œ

Update #3

December 16th, 2024

Here is a little update for everyone in Jeff.

He is starting week 2 of radiation and chemo medication. So far so good 🀞Overall he is feeling ok. Mostly tired and he gets worn out easily. 

And once again, we are completely and utterly overwhelmed and humbled by all of the support that we have been given. 

Not only from family and friends, our work families, our communities, strangers, friends of friends, the doctors, nurses and all the medical staff have been so wonderful and helpful, it is truly beautiful to see.

We are so very grateful for everyone and everything. Thank you all so very much. Take care.

The Drew Crew

Update Update #3 Image
Update #3

December 16th, 2024

Here is a little update for everyone in Jeff.

He is starting week 2 of radiation and chemo medication. So far so good 🀞Overall he is feeling ok. Mostly tired and he gets worn out easily. 

And once again, we are completely and utterly overwhelmed and humbled by all of the support that we have been given. 

Not only from family and friends, our work families, our communities, strangers, friends of friends, the doctors, nurses and all the medical staff have been so wonderful and helpful, it is truly beautiful to see.

We are so very grateful for everyone and everything. Thank you all so very much. Take care.

The Drew Crew

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2

December 8th, 2024

Jeff is preparing for his first session of radiation and the start of the chemo pill tomorrow.  

We would like to take this time to say how grateful and thankful we are to everyone who has reached out, dropped by with treats and who have made a donation to help with expenses.

It is a truly beautiful thing to see and feel all the love and support from our families, friends and the community. 

Thank you all so much πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Jeff & Deanna 

Update #1 from Deanna

December 2nd, 2024

My husband Jeff, my love at first sight, my always and forever, was diagnosed with a stage 4 glioblastoma brain tumor. It is aggressive, inoperable and cancerous. He is unable to work, I am off work to care for and support him. 

He will be starting radiation and chemo Dec 9th. We will be spending a lot of the time in the next 2 months traveling back and forth to the city for treatment. The treatment will help 🀞 slow down the progression of the tumor but the prognosis is not a good one. This is a rare brain tumor. 

We have 6 children between the ages of 38 and 16. Two are still at home full time. Our youngest daughter lives in Japan and will be coming home for Christmas this year.

Thank you in advance to you all for taking the time to read this, share the GiveSendGo page or make a donation. It is all truly appreciated. 

Take care.

Prayer Requests

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