USD $1,000
USD $350
Campaign funds will be received by Jack Calvey
Hey guys! This summer, I felt like God was leading me into a season of service, and a season of learning how to better serve my family and my church. Growing up, I never thought I was the type of person that would be going on mission trips. I never fit in with youth groups or had many friends, so those opportunities were never presented.
As an adult, I avoided the idea of leaving for any kind of outreach or service because I had small children and didn't want to be away from them. plus I was just caught up in the craziness of life and marriage, and was not really connected with others in my community.
So after going through lots of classes and courses and healing ministry and starting a group with a few other guys, I've finally come to a place where I believe God has told me that it's ok to do this.
My children are all teenagers, I have a loving and supportive wife, and I have men who are are as close to me as brothers walking through life with me. I am very blessed to have all that I do, and God has taught me what real gratitude looks like, and how to worship and praise Him.
It's finally my time to answer and say "Here I am Lord, send me."
All that being said, I have applied and been approved to be a part of the 15 person team that is being sent to Dublin, Ireland for 8 days in February to help Open Arms Church. a church that we are partnered with to open a new building! They have been meeting in a hotel and have been blessed by a real building of their own! We will be helping with assembling furniture, setting up the rooms, building toys for their kids ministry, cleaning, painting, and whatever else they may need us to do. But most important, we will be boots on the ground to show the congregation that they are precious to God, and that He cares enough to send a group of people from across the world to serve them. we will also be spending time with the people of the church, learning about them and their families, ministering to and praying over them.
Even though Ireland was a christian country for centuries, there is a huge secular movement and much animosity towards the church. paganism, druidism and Islam are large influences that pull people away from the true faith in Jesus Christ, and evangelical christians make up a tiny fraction of the population.
That's why we're going.
John 1:4-5 In him was life,[a] and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
I still need to raise some money for the trip, and if you'd like to help, I would be very grateful. I've put this trip in God's hands, and He's been working things out so far and I know He won't stop now!
Even if you don't feel led to give, your prayers are needed and appreciated!!!
Philippians 4:19-20 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 20 To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Here is the link to the trip page
Trip dates are 2/14-2/24
May God bless you and keep you, and may He bless you, your family, and your mission to reach the unreached in Ireland.
So happy that you can go minister to others, you are spiritually equipped bro. ❤️🙏 ❤️
Praying you impact as many souls as you do here with us Brother Jack!!
May God bless you and always keep you in his care! Love ,Mom
I love you bro and I’m praying that God gives you everything you need for this trip spiritually, mentally and physically. So proud to call you my family!
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