USD $10,000
USD $750
Campaign funds will be received by Jamie Brown
I would like to support Kelly Vandeman in her remission. Thank you Jamie
My daughter, Kelly, is a fighter. You would be amazed at her determination and courage if you knew her. But she is up against a formidable enemy this time. Her salt level dropped dangerously low, resulting in a car accident. When the ER did a body scan, they discovered a tumor in her lung. Further tests revealed that she has small cell lung cancer, and it has metastasized. Since then, she has undergone a lot of chemo and radiation.
She is just 55 years old and has a daughter, a son, and a grandchild whom she adores. She’s always been the one to take care of everyone and do everything around the home: cooking, cleaning, yard work, etc. When I had open heart surgery, she came and lived with us to take care of me for a month. Now, she cares for both her dad and I, providing a place to live, and also constant attention and assistance as we grow older. We don’t know how any of us will survive without her.
She is determined to beat this and is taking the best healthcare products she can find, following her doctors’ advice, and sustaining her faith in God and family. She also has many friends praying for her. Presently, she is almost finished with chemo and radiation, and we are all praying as hard as we can that this killer is gone from her body. Building her immune system up again is the goal now, but the expenses are piling up, and the healthcare products, though essential, are not cheap. However, they may make a difference in her fight, along with her determination to win this battle and live for as many years as she is allotted.. As a devoted daughter, mother, sister and grandmother she deserves to live!
If you can spare a little to help in this war, please consider it. Whoever you are, may God bless you for your compassion!
You are a fighter and we are praying you come out on top in this one! You are loved more than you know.
You've got this girl. You are the strongest person I have ever known. Prayers and love
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